
Beast Of The Night (Book 1: Love and Betrayal)

Rebekah Miklaus, an omega warrior, is tasked with hunting down the most dangerous rogue wolves. When her alpha commands her to kill the night beast terrorizing their pack or witness her family offered as food, she faces a daunting choice. Forced into the most challenging task of her life—killing the unseen night beast—she accepts the challenge. Unfortunately, her plan goes awry as she is ambushed, ending up knocked out and awakening in dungeons the next day. Chained and slated for execution by an unknown pack, she faces an uncertain fate. To her surprise, the pack's leader is revealed to be a lycan king, a figure only existing in the stories of her childhood. As their eyes meet, an unexpected circumstance unfolds, and she hears words she never anticipated in her entire life: "Mate."

joy_chigo · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 4 - Coercion and Desperation

I sat at the worn wooden table in our modest home, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on the worried faces of my parents.

The air was heavy with the scent of uncertainty as I prepared myself to defy the alpha's demand, knowing the outcomes it held for us.

"Rebekah," my father's voice trembled with concern, "you know the risks of refusing the alpha. It's dangerous out there for someone of your rank."

I looked into my mother's eyes, searching for reassurance. "I can't stand by and watch our family suffer," I replied, my decision seeping through every word. "I have to try, for all of you."

My mother reached across the table, her calloused hand finding mine. "Rebekah, you're the strongest person we know, but this journey is risky. If you fail, the consequences..."

I interrupted her, "I understand, Mom. But if I don't try, what kind of daughter would I be?"

My father sighed deeply, his gaze fixed on the map spread before us. "We'll support you, Rebekah, but we need to plan this carefully. It's not just your life at stake."

Together, we bunched over the map, tracing potential routes and marking danger zones.

My father's experience as a former tracker provided invaluable insights, and my mother's keen intuition added a layer of understanding only a parent possesses.

As we planned, my parents shared stories of the old world, tales of survival and resilience that fueled the fire within me.

We gathered supplies – dried provisions, a sturdy cloak, a small vial of water purification tablets. Each item held a weight of importance, an emblem of the daunting task ahead.

In the dim glow of the hearth, my parents expressed their unwavering trust. "Rebekah," my father said, his gaze locked with mine, "you are our hope. Whatever happens, remember that we believe in you."

Tears welled in my mother's eyes, reflecting both fear and pride. "You're our daughter, and your courage will guide you through. But promise me, promise us, you'll be cautious."

I nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of their request. "I'll be careful, Mom. I promise."

The night wore on as we finalized our plans, my parents imparting wisdom passed down through generations.

My father handed me a worn leather pouch containing herbs for healing and a small, intricately carved talisman. "For protection," he said, his weathered hands emphasizing the significance of the gesture.

As dawn approached, the implication of duty settled on my shoulders. My parents embraced me tightly, the warmth of their love offering solace in the face of an uncertain future.

"Make us proud, Rebekah," my father whispered, his voice barely audible.

With a heavy heart, I stepped into the pre-dawn stillness, the door closing behind me.

The journey ahead hung over me like a dreadful shadow, but the love and trust of my family echoed in my ears, propelling me forward into the unknown.

And so, with the dawn breaking on the horizon, I embarked on the difficult trip, carrying the hopes and dreams of my family as my guiding light.

The first rays of the morning sun cast a warm glow on the landscape as I ventured into the unknown.

The crunch of leaves beneath my worn boots echoed in the quiet woods, and a cool breeze whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of pine and damp earth.

The weight of my family's hopes pressed against my chest, both a burden and a source of strength.

I walked through the dense forest, following the path laid out on the map. The air grew tense with every step, a noticeable reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of our home.

My senses heightened, attuned to the slightest rustle or distant howl. The quietude of the woods masked the potential threats that could emerge from the shadows.

As the day progressed, my journey led me deeper into the heart of the wilderness. The rustling leaves above seemed to murmur secrets, and the ancient trees stood as silent witnesses to my quest. The path narrowed, and the scent of danger lingered in the air.

A sudden chill ran down my spine as a low growl resonated through the woods. I froze, my heart pounding in my ears.

The map trembled in my hands as I strained to identify the source of the ominous sound.

The underbrush rustled, and before I could react, a pair of gleaming eyes locked onto mine.

A beast, fierce and formidable, emerged from the shadows.

Its fur bristled with aggression, and its sharp claws scraped against the rocky ground.

Fear clawed at my throat, but I steadied myself, recalling the tales of survival my parents had shared.

With swift determination, I unsheathed the dagger strapped to my side. The beast lunged a blur of fur and fury. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I dodged its ferocious attacks, every movement calculated to evade its razor-sharp claws.

The forest seemed to close in around us, the struggle between predator and prey echoing through the trees.

Yet, as I fought valiantly, more threats emerged. Shadows darted from every direction, and soon, I found myself surrounded by a relentless onslaught of opponents.

The air crackled with hostility, and my senses were overwhelmed. I parried one attack after another, my movements fueled by desperation and an unshaken determination to protect my family.

The fighting raged on, each moment stretching into an eternity.

The beasts attacked with coordinated precision, a relentless force closing in on all sides.

My limbs ached, and fatigue settled in, threatening to betray my resolve. In a moment of vulnerability, a heavy blow struck me, and the world spun into darkness.

I awoke to a throbbing pain, disoriented and surrounded by an eerie silence. The once vibrant sunlight filtered through the canopy in muted hues. I struggled to rise, my body protesting every movement.

As my vision cleared, the reality of my situation unfolded. I was alone, battered and bruised, the forest standing as a silent witness to the trials I had faced.

With each labored breath, I mustered the will to open my eyes again but I was met with the dark void. Tried to move my arms but I was chained to the fence.

Will this be my end?