
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

Overvoid · Fantasía
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23 Chs


What are fairy tails, really?

If you ask a kid this question or anyone in general, the answer is fairly obvious isn't it.

It's where mythical creatures exists and loam the earth, their's a princess and a hero. The princess in danger, the creatures dares to destroy her and the land, the hero swoops in at the nick of time, destroy the creatures, saves her and the land, happy ever after. And so the story goes.

Well, this time the hero didn't show up.


Sitting on the rubbles of a collapsed building, was a young boy, about 11 years old, with short messy curly black hair that seemed to have been trimmed by an inexperienced barber, and a fairly old and lusty sword that resembled a broad sword in hand.

He was dressed in a blue shirt that had faded due to frequent washing and tattered black shorts that appeared to have been worn on a daily basis for more than a year.

Staring blankly at the sky, that had a blinding red line that seemed to have extended endlessly through the cloudless blue sky, the young man looked to have been lost deep in thought.

Come on, toughen up Vic, you're no longer a child, come next shadow you'll be a man he stood up from the rubbles, patted the dust off of his tattered black shorts, picked up his fairly old sword, pointed it to the ground before heading north.

As he walked he would occasionally steal glances at the remains of what used to be a great city_atleast that what his father had told him, now only abandoned collapsed houses, towers and bridges with grass and other weeds growing on them.

Cars which were one of humanities greatest achievements, at present laid on the streets having long since stopped working, now corroded leaving only scraps.

According to the records Vic had read, this nightmare had fallen upon earth on the year 2080, in which the world was turned upside down. Following the apocalypse that wiped out 82% of Humanities population, assuring in a new age the 'dark age'

On that fateful day, apparently out of nowhere, it appeared 'void of myths' as Humanity came to name it.

Being twice the size of earth, Shaped like a pupiless red eye, it cast it's massive shadow upon earth

Subsequent to inciting a mass panic in the entire world, leaders came together to try and quall the fear that had settled in peoples hearts, after the appearance of the unknown.

Astrologers, leaders of space expropriation, their teams and everyone who was an expert in the field, were all in the meeting, to try and learn of the existence that had suddenly cast a shadow on the entirety of earth, and the reason for it's appearance.

Yet nothing bore any fruit, all the research that was conducted was becoming useless and people were becoming restress.

After three weeks of no sun and no government reports, crime rates increased, while religions started preaching about the end of the world.


After a month of darkness, the object, for the first time reacted, it's first and only action in an entire month.

What it did or rather, what came out of it spelled doom for earth.

Mythical creatures, from the smallest of Yeti, Tokoloshe, Oni, Popobawa, Skin walker, Bigfoot to the biggest of Dragons, Sea serpents, Armageddon, evil spirits and every other creature that was once a myth.

All of them seemed to have one goal in mind, annilate earth, kill every human.

The government couldn't react in time_even if they did what could they have done, none of the modern weapons were working on the bigger myths, which were as strong as in the story books. A dragons single breath was enough to almost wipe an entire city, one tentacle from an armageddon was enough for a whole port. The only reason humanity held on was only because there was only one of each.

Thirty minutes into the fall of earth and over 30% percent of humans were already dead, despite that it seemed like the universe was smiling upon them _ha smiling, but the big creatures somehow disappeared and only the smaller ones remained, to which most of them were no stronger than an average male.

Even so, this didn't really mean that they were safe, despite being weaker they could still do a lot of damage, then again the universe looked to have been smiling brighter and brighter, and now modern weapons were enough to push back the onslaught of the myths.

The military _or what's remained of it , managed to kill most of them, prior to the rest of them turning to specks of light and disappearing like the bigger ones had previously done.

But what really depleted the population the most, weren't the creatures, rather what followed.

Shortly after everything calmed and the creatures vanished, the giant eye in the sky closed leaving only a red line.

The sun shining once again didn't really bring much happiness to the survivors, they had lost so many people in a day, but that wasn't really the cause, in fact that was far from it.

The cause was a live tattoo that managed to appear on every human above the age of 12, and started a countdown.

Status: alive

Count down:29d. 29h. 29m. 29s

No one really knew what it meant, but most speculations revolved around how much time they had left to live, but why on a full moon, the void of myths appeared on a full moon, myths ravaged the earth on a full moon, now this.

In the cause of the month, religious people tried repenting, while most regular people just waited to join the rest of the their kind in the afterlife.

The government_ well what remained of it atleast, tried up and down to figure the cause, but come out empty handed.

Bilionaires who were alive and their families, decided to go underground and wait for what was to come, pass.

And so after 29 days, the day finally came, and the red line that had remained in the sky, once again turned to a red pupiless eye, only this time it didn't take a month for it to release the chaos.