
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

Overvoid · Fantasía
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28 Chs



Standing atop a half collapsed three storey building, his short curly black hair wavered as the wind blushed against him, in his right hand rested half a meter long silver katana.

Observing the three green bear like creatures which instead of paws had two human palms that held makeshift weapons, as they aimlessly circled about the building he was on.

Let's do this Whispering, he supposedly jumped off of the three storey building, letting gravity take hold of him as he accelerated towards the tarmac road. His blue shirt, not able to withstand the wind that brushed against him, lifted, revealing a tattoo engraved at his lower back.

29d 6h 10m 25s

Landing on the tarmac road like a boulder, he turned around, gazing at the three bear like creatures that were now running towards him after the sudden noise.

One of them which appeared faster than the rest, launched forward with inhuman speed as it held an old and rusty machete high.


Too slow Vic dodged the attack aimed at his neck with zero difficulty.

Missing the puny human before, it's red eyes burned with fury as it launched it's second attack.


At this moment the rest of them had caught up and were now preparing for attacks, one of them had a rusty one meter pipe while the other held two wide branches.

Let's see how mindless you are Vic curled his lips onto a smirk as he begun acting like he was struggling to dodge their combined attacks.

The myths that were about two meters tall, seemed to gain an upper hand against the little human who was barely 5'7.

Their eyes growing in fury, they unleashed a torrent of attacks that barely missed the human who appeared scared to even fight back.


Slashes and swings of amateur swordsmen rained down on Vic as he casually dodged them, still acting like he was having a hard time.



The myths were now running impatient, they had relentlessly attacked the little human for over five minutes and since then none of their attacks seemed to be getting to him. As if reading eachothers minds they all growled in fury as they sorrounded Vic.


Better with a grin, Vic raised his silver katana to a steady state and faced the myth with the machete, completely ignoring the one behind and on his left.



With a growl they all launched forward their weapons aimed to crush the human.

Though it ended in them crushing empty space.


Vic, watching them dash forward, did a back flip. Landing behind the one with the steel pipe, he instanly swung his katana, beheading it.

Green liquid spurted out, forcing him to take a sudden step back.



Furious gazes and growls directed at the puny human who had beheaded one of their own, resounded,.as they both charged forward.

Stepping on their brethrens lifeless body, they launched simultaneous attacks, to which Vic dodged with a bored expression.

I gotta get back, before she goes crazy he signed, scratching his head as he yawned lazily, before looking at the furious myths that were still relentlessly attacking him.

He winked at them and before they could even process what was happening, beheaded them.

Green liquid gashed out, but Vic didn't see any of it as he was already dashing forward leaving them to process what had happened.


The sky was illuminated by the red pupiless eye, that seemed to be looking down on everything on earth.

When it suddenly appeared it's massive shadow engulfed earth in total darkness. According to Anna the eye was more of a dark red back then, but now as the years go by its redness appear to blighten.

Gazing closer, the red eye seemed to be contracting, the twelfth hour after dawn broke was approaching, and judging by its size it would be about an hour before all the myths disappeared.


Approaching a run down building that used to be a store, Vic pinched his nose bridge changing his entire diminor, before walking in.

"It's almost midnight, I told you not to stay out too long"

"You're not my dad, and my only role here is to help you, nothing more nothing less "

"I don't think I'll get much help from a corpse "

Vic didn't say anything at that, instead he walked towards one of the corners in the store, sat down and begun sharpening his katana with a stone he previously picked up.

"You're still angry, even after five months?" Raising up from one of the corner, her black katana still sheathed in her waist she looked at Vic before continuing "we're compromised we have to move out "

"When?" Vic asked without batting an eye.

After everything that transpired five months ago, Vic still trusted her, but forgiving her after what she did was a different story, after all he was a teenager and their emotions could run wild at times.