
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

Overvoid · Fantasía
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23 Chs


Seeing the power of a Manipulator and hearing her explain about it, Vic couldn't visualise the power of a Rezer, he just stared at her blankly not being able to form a single word in his mind.

After about a minute of silence, Vic was able to pull himself out of the daze and ask.

"How strong is a Rezer?"

Anna didn't answer him immediately, instead she stared at the roofing of the warehouse for over a minute as if remembering something, before finally answering.

"No one really knows, but 50 years ago we got to see a potion of it" she paused scratched her blaids before continuing "we had banded ten of the strongest Manipulators in our country to put an end to their tyrannical ways, but what we saw that day, or rather what we encountered was something we couldn't have ever imagined possible.

Covered in black priest lobes and a black skull mask that covered his whole face, after encountering him, we attacked" pinching her nose bridge as if holding her emotions in check she continued "it wasn't a fight, you would think that no one would be capable of fighting 10 Manipulators and live to tell a tale"

Vic couldn't really form the scene in his mind, it was really impossible, one person fighting 10 monsters that are on per with her.

"The fight ended as fast as it had started, one minute was all it took for him to kill the whole squad, leaving only one survivor with a spear in her guts as a show of power and for anyone delusional enough to challenge his faction"

Vic didn't say anything after everything he heard from her, he kinda knew who the sole survivor was, and not wanting to pry or forcing her to relive her past, he just signed, it was already great having to know atleast a little about the new world.

After she finished speaking, Vic went back to his orthodox stance, indicating that he was ready for her to continue the training.

"Punch me" she said with her indifferent expression.

When he heard this, flashbacks from his previous experience crossed his mind, but this time he knew she wouldn't ruthlessly toss him around like before, after all she was really teaching him to fight_for real this time.

Without hesitating even for a moment, he threw his right fist.

This time she didn't toss him, instead using her left hand, after dodging the fist with ease, she grabbed his wrist.

"Why are you using your whole body to throw one punch?"

"What?" Vic was rather confused, what was she talking about? How else is a person supposed to punch, but before he could ask any of those questions she continued.

"Unless you are planning to end the person or the myth Infront of you instantly" she let go of Vic's wrist making him loose balance and fall face first.

"You used all your strength and concentrated it on one aspect, attack, for skilled fighters focusing on one aspect is easy but you're not even a beginner yet, you're just an amateur" she paused for a moment and looked at Vic who only showed confusion, so she decided to explain it in simple terms.

"When you throw your punch you're more like this blade" she drew her katana and placed it on her index finger in a balanced position, then using her left hand she pushed the tip, making it loose it's balance and fall. " This is similar to your body, if you throw your punch like it's the last you'll ever throw, you'll loose your balance, a mistake like that will cost you your life in this world."

Vic seemed to somehow understand, when he threw the punch he even used his right leg to push himself to add more weight to the punch. Lifting it up in the process only to stand on one, if she had just dodged and let nature take its course, maybe he would have even broken his teeth.

Sheathing her katana, she took a step back from Vic.

"Try again"

Getting up, he once again took on an orthodox stance, he readied himself and threw the punch, this time he didn't apply too much force, so even after dodging him, he didn't fall.

But this time she didn't catch his wrist, instead after dodging she used her right hand to chop on the back of his neck lightly.

" That's better, but you'd be dead by now, you're not planning on your next course of action after the punch, you're still acting as if you're gonna end it with one attack"

Vic was now angry at himself, missing something so trivial, even after being tossed around for more than 20 times, he didn't even once think of a next move.

Looking at him, he looked to have understood, taking a step back


Once again taking his orthodox stance, he swung his fist at the woman before him.

This time after she dodged his fist, he didn't stop there, instead he turned to his left where she stood after dodging his first attack, and threw his left fist, aiming it at the chocolate face Infront of him, where she caught it with her right hand. Seeing this Vic used his right fist which was also caught as easily as his left.

" What's with the face? My whole body is literally open to attacks, most fighters and almost everyone instincts are to protect their faces, It won't work out well for you if the only place you feel like hitting is the face "

Why was he even aiming for the face in the first place? He too didn't know.


This time after missing his first attack, he didn't go for her face instead he bent down slightly and aimed his fist at her left libs.

She dodged him by stepping back, this time Vic didn't let up, taking a step towards her, he swung his right aiming it at her cheek, in return she didn't dodge, instead using her right hand, she caught his swinging fist, and in the process used her left hand to flick his forehead.

"You're dead, you can't really fight without defending"

Vic already knew that, he was just waiting for her to come to that part, after all he was a student, she was his teacher.

Taking a step back from him.


It's my first time writing a fight scene_well not exactly a real fight. Either way I did my best and I'm sure I'll improve the more I write.

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