
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

Overvoid · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Another side

"Come and die like the roaches you are" Anna screamed.

This has always been her habit, she's always cold, calm and collected but as soon as she sees or meets a Believers of Time her entire deminor takes a huge turn, so much so that if anyone were to tell you she was the same woman, you would think of them as crazy.

"Bang, bang, bang"

"Come on is that really all you've got?" Anna asked, as she redirected the three bullets that aimed for her head.

"What? A Manipulator?"

"I think it's the 'Slayer of the night' everyone's been talking about", her partner said through gritted teeth, having used his ability to freeze the wound, he glared at the enemy that stood before them through the skull mask that only showed his dark brown eyes.

Full military garb and a black katana in hand, her cold eye's emitting blood lust capable of suffocating any ordinary human.

"Hahaha, she got you first, didn't you say you were gonna kill her" reverting back to her playerful tone,"looks like I'll have to play with her Instead" she once again aimed her fingers at Anna "Bang, bang"

Without moving from her original position, Anna sliced both bullets of condensed white matter that were no faster than an ordinary bullet.

"What kind of ability is that, she didn't even move" she asked her partner who was readying himself for an attack.

After completely freezing his wound, he raised his right hand and a blizzard started forming around his blue gloved hand, he gazed at her partner before answering in a horse voice mixed with anger.

"She's just faster than you "

"What? No way" a mixture of disbelief and cheerfulness escaped her lips "this is more fun than killing a bunch of weaklings."

"Don't attack alone, and follow my lead" he cautioned.

"Why should I listen to.." before she could finish, her mask was instantly sliced in half, revealing her face.

Even if one couldn't tell the actual age of a person in the new world, judging by her personality and adding her face, it was easy to guess her age.

She had light brown eyes and her face that now had a horizontal slash across her cheeks looked to have been not a day over twenty five years.

Anna had launched an attack, she didn't plan on using her abilities as she wanted to savour every moment of their pain. Instead she dashed forward aiming to skin her face. When she shot forward, the man Infront of her seemed to be capable of keeping up with her speed.


Before she had the chance to skin her face, he had used his ability freeze her legs in place, which resulted in a slight cut across her cheeks.

"Ahhhhh! My face, you're gonna pay for this" she screamed glaring at Anna who stood two meters away from her, using both hands she tried to cover the wound on her face that dripped an unbelievable amount of blood.

Anna just stared at her, her killing intent sending chills down Vic's spine.


Laying on the cathedral's roof, he watched everything transpire_ well most of it, he too couldn't keep up with her speed.

He had wondered why Anna hadn't decapitated the girl, but now looking closely the man had used his ability to hinder Anna's movements. Ice huh! That's a cool ability to have, and she shots some kind of white bullets from her index fingers, but other than that she seems very weak, atleast compared to Anna, she couldn't react to any of her attacks. If Anna wanted to kill her she could've done it a while back, well if she wanted both of them dead they'd already be dead, hmm! I think she's just toying with them, having them think they have a chance. So this is the difference between experienced and inexperienced Manipulators huh? But it still doesn't explain why Anna is so much stronger than them, she's not using her abilities and I still think she's holding back. Was this what she wanted me to see? looking at her she doesn't need my help and I don't think she'll need it, Why did she even ask me to help her in the first place? What does she need from a newly evolved trancender? Judging by her strength, atleast the one she has displayed, she doesn't need me, so,Why? Vic continued watching as he tried to analyze and understand her and the situation, inspite that, the more he tried the more questions that arose.


He was pulled back to reality by the cracking sound of ice breaking.

Anna after seeing the girl aim her makeshift guns at her, she forcefully pulled out of the ice that had frozen her legs in place. Doing a whip back, she avoided the bullets that aimed to disfigure her face, landing four meters away from them.

"Bang, bang, bang,bang, bang, bang "

She shouted in fury as she shot countless projectiles which Anna avoided with little to no difficulty.

"Don't be impulsive, you can't take her alone" the man beside her suggested, with a voice that was somewhat calm.

When she heard him, she seemed to calm down.


He was momentarily at a loss for words before adding

"Let's do this"

"Better " Anna said with a maniacal smile.