
Battle of Ascension

Check my other work: Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life [ https://www.webnovel.com/book/14283830905864805/Unfortunate-Hero's-Retirement-Life ] Humanity is trying to overcome a crisis that has occurred on Earth, but all effort has become futile. In the face of a dead end, waiting only for the destruction of the Earth, a voice suddenly rang out broadcast to the whole planet. Ding !!! "Battle of Ascension Phase 1: Preparation, begin!" Ding !!! "Battle System will active after Phase 1 starts" === Special thanks for Butterz --------------------------------------------------

HotIce · Fantasía
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These five called by the border army Five Devils was not without reason. In the last three days, the five didn't join the Vanguard Battalion but the Border Army. They knew the Border Army suffered great casualties, because of that, the Crimson Princess asked them to join the Border Army with her.

It didn't matter where they joined, as long as they could harvest EXP, they would join. With that, Randy and his fellow earthlings joined the Border Army.

Joining the Border Army, they created a squad for themselves with the self-proclaimed captain, Crimson Princess Audrey. Even though they were a squad, they did no teamwork as other squads did, instead, they only charged forward to the beast horde.

Thanks to the charged squad, the beast focused to the five because these five were the first ones clashed against the beast.