
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

Chapter 53: Bang

What they referred to as "goods" turned out to be people, both women and children. Their expressions were dull and lifeless, their bright eyes devoid of any radiance.

Zang Fei felt terrified and instinctively took two steps back.

He turned his head to look at his companion standing beside him.

His companion's name was Sean, one of the few good friends Zang Fei had in the gang. He was wearing a shiny black vest with a silver skull pendant hanging around his neck. With his tall and sturdy build, he was the kind of guy who seemed to have "troublemaker" written all over his face.

"Are those... our goods?" Zang Fei couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah," Sean blew out a smoke ring and grinned, revealing his darkened teeth. "They'll fetch a good price, won't they?"

His tone was so casual and carefree, as if the contents of the container were lifeless objects, mere chips to be traded for money.

Zang Fei felt his breath quicken. There was a voice deep inside him that seemed to be screaming something, but he forced himself to ignore it.

"Don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble," he repeated to himself.

He was just a small-time thug, an insignificant pawn. There was nothing he could do. He just wanted to complete his first task honestly and leave a good impression on Knife Brother .

He avoided the vacant gazes inside the container as if each gaze was burning and causing him pain.

"Well, Sean," he tried to find a topic to divert his attention, "how many times have you done this kind of task? I mean... with this kind of goods?"

But there was no response.

Zang Fei turned his head and realized that the bulky figure that had been standing beside him just a minute ago had vanished into thin air.

He stood there in a daze for a few seconds, followed by a wave of immense fear that swept over him, as if he instinctively sensed that something was terribly wrong.

Then the walkie-talkie crackled.

"Has anyone seen Wei? Where did he go?"

"This is Beihao. Boss Qiang is also missing."

Zang Fei quickly raised the walkie-talkie and spoke into it, "This is Zang Fei. I can't see Sean."

It was only then that everyone realized that they had unknowingly lost five or six people.

"We're being watched," Knife Brother, who was leading the group, made a decisive decision. "Gather, everyone gather around me!"

Immediately, everyone stopped what they were doing and hurriedly gathered in the direction of their leader.

Zang Fei also started moving. He took a couple of steps, and in the corner of his eye, he glanced to the side, inadvertently catching sight of the people inside the container once again.

Their helpless and rigid expressions, the moment their gazes met, it felt as if his heart had been painfully pricked.

The voice inside his heart grew louder, more difficult to ignore. But he still made an effort to ignore it, following orders and walking towards their leader.

Everyone began to move. The thugs stopped their tasks and gathered towards the center.

However, no one noticed that on top of a certain container, a red silhouette crouched silently, "observing" their every move.

They believed that as long as they stuck together and avoided being isolated or captured individually, they would be safe.

After all, that's how it goes in horror movies. Those who like to wander off on their own always end up in trouble first. Splitting up is an absolute taboo in any suspenseful movie scene.

But Chu Cheng, watching this scene from behind the screen, chuckled.

If they were spread out, Chu Cheng would have to consider that attacking one of them would expose DareDevil to the gunfire of the others. So he had to carefully plan his attack route and the order of his targets.

But now that everyone was moving in the same direction, it presented an excellent opportunity.

The crimson devil dashed forward a couple of steps, somersaulted off the top of the container, and gracefully kicked one of the thugs in the head, knocking him out instantly.

The person leading the group quickly turned back and unleashed a barrage of bullets without even looking, but when he turned his head, DareDevil had already evaded the line of fire in advance. The bullets only sparked countless sparks on the metal surface of the container.

The man hurriedly approached his companion to check on him, keeping his gun pointed towards the direction where DareDevil had retreated, his finger resting on the trigger, ready to fire at any moment.

However, he never expected that the crimson devil would soar out from the opposite shadows. He was shocked and hurriedly tried to redirect his gun, but the alloy baton had already struck him on the side of his face. It sent him reeling, his head buzzing, and he collapsed to the ground.

Upon hearing the gunfire, nearby thugs frantically called out their comrades' names and changed direction to rush over. But before three of them could take more than a few steps towards the scene, the silent red shadow had silently descended upon them from behind. With a swift strike, the last person was knocked unconscious.

Because the DareDevil's method of operation was similar to Batman's, Chu Cheng, although operating as DareDevil for the first time, quickly got the hang of it. The game sense and operational thinking of this assassin-type hero were essentially the same. In simple terms, it involved avoiding head-on confrontations, focusing on flanking the backline, and prioritizing ganking the marksmen.

Utilizing the advantage of full-map perspective with radar senses, DareDevil consistently avoided direct confrontations and maintained concealment in the shadows. Retreating when the enemy advanced and advancing when the enemy retreated, as long as the opponent hesitated, DareDevil would sneak into the backline. If the opponent tried to catch him, he would continue to flank and circle behind. It was all about playing sneakily.

Of course, today was just a test of the new hero with a relatively simple daily mission. DareDevil's power couldn't compare to that of the Batman, and his equipment was far inferior. Batman specialized in skills making him suitable as a scout, but Batman was still more useful when it came to actual combat.

Of course, when dealing with these lackeys, there wasn't much of a difference.

The number of people continued to decrease, and at this point, only a few individuals, including Zang Fei, managed to successfully gather around the boss.

Boss Knife had a gloomy expression, his face constantly changing. With a face full of stubble and an earring, his fierce appearance usually made most people avoid crossing his path.

But now he was at a loss.

He could see that the little brothers most likely wouldn't make it through, and worse still, they hadn't even seen who their opponents were yet. He guessed it might be that Batman or those other weirdly dressed guys who had recently emerged. But whoever they were, they were not to be messed with.

After all, they were just thugs on the street, and they always picked on the weak. It was one thing to bully innocent civilians, but these freaks were on a completely different level.

He glanced at the nearby shipping container and gritted his teeth. Although he felt reluctant about leaving behind this batch of goods, it was said that as long as there were green mountains, there would be firewood to burn. Money could be earned again if it was lost, but if the people were gone, there would be nothing left.

So he casually said to Zang Fei, who was beside him, "You, come over here and drive for me. The rest of you stay here and cover our retreat."


No one was prepared for what happened next.

Zang Fei, who was called out by Knife Brother, calmly walked up to him and picked up a brick.

Knife Brother remained oblivious to what was happening until the end. The brick came crashing down on his forehead, causing his vision to go black. Soon after, he saw stars and fell to the ground.

The onlookers were all stunned.

They vaguely remembered that this young man seemed to be a newcomer recently taken under Knife Brother's wing, but no one remembered his name.

Everyone was frozen in place, and for a moment, no one stepped forward to intervene. Zang Fei mounted the fallen Knife Brother and raised the brick in his hand, bringing it down on the other man's head—once, twice, three times.

The brick soaked in blood and Knife Brother's head turned into a pulp. With each strike, the brick splattered with horrifying contents, like stones sinking into a muddy pool.

And then they heard laughter.

Zang Fei mounted the headless corpse and slowly began to laugh. At first, his voice was low, but it quickly grew louder until his entire body convulsed with laughter, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

Chu Cheng swiftly dealt with the majority of the thugs in a specific area of the dock. Soon, only the leader and a few others remained by his side.

However, when DareDevil jumped down from the shipping container to the edge of the dock, Chu Cheng witnessed a scene he had not anticipated:

Several thugs lay in pools of blood, with one of them having their head completely mangled.

A young man smeared the thick blood on his lips like lipstick. He held a blood-red brick in his hand and turned his head, revealing a twisted smile as his eerie gaze fell upon DareDevil.

He burst into maniacal laughter and charged towards DareDevil.

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