
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · Video Games
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56 Chs

Chapter 52: The Crimson Devil

The dark red devil crouched atop a high-rise, overseeing the entire city from above. In the depths of the night, Jiangdu lay slumbering, nestled within a vast tapestry of various shades of black. Interwoven within were the distinctive red and green lights of the city, like blemishes upon a painting.

However, in truth, he could not "see" any of it.

Because this dark red superhero was blind.

As soon as the new hero was delivered, Chu Cheng eagerly set out to deploy DareDevil, testing the new hero's abilities. Unlike the street heroes who preceded him, with their roles resembling Batman but lacking in versatility, DareDevil was not only a street hero skilled in combat but also a superhuman.

However, his abilities did not involve physical combat, but rather perception.

DareDevil, whose real name was Matt Murdock, was known in the underworld as "Lawyer Matt" due to his profession as a lawyer.

When Matt was a child, he was involved in an accident with a truck carrying chemical reagents. The radioactive substances spilled onto him, blinding his eyes. He lost his vision but, at the same time, gained a blessing in disguise. His other four senses were heightened to superhuman levels, and he developed a superpower called "radar sense."

In simple terms, this ability is akin to someone pretending to be an ordinary video game player on the surface but secretly using cheats behind the scenes.

Matt, who acquired the radar sense, uses a different method to perceive the world compared to regular individuals, primarily relying on his superhuman hearing.

However, Matt's hearing is different from the kind of hearing possessed by Superman, who can hear everything happening on Earth, down to the smallest detail. Instead, Matt's hearing is more akin to sonar mapping. Although he doesn't possess Superman's range of auditory perception that spans every corner of the Earth, what he hears can help him construct a 3D model of objects and scenes in his mind.

In other words, Matt "sees" with his ears rather than "hears" like an ordinary person would.

Due to this uncanny ability, walls and cover are virtually non-existent to Matt's senses. In his "vision," the entire world appears transparent.

His hearing can create detailed mental models of several blocks within his range, and if necessary, he can even vividly hear the positions and activities of the inhabitants of an apartment upstairs tonight.

And this ability is manifested on Chu Cheng's monitor. When he switches to DareDevil appearing within the city, the entire screen turns gray.

The visual effect looks somewhat similar to activating Eagle Vision in the Assassin's Creed game series.

At this moment, Chu Cheng's visual perception is highly reminiscent of Batman's detective vision, but with more detailed visual information and enhanced sensory effects.

Firstly, the detection range is immense. The radar sense's range appears to be roughly twice as far as Batman's detective mode. Within this range, no one can escape Matt's sensory detection of their every move.

Additionally, there is auditory enhancement. As Matt perches on the rooftop, Chu Cheng can even hear the voices of gossiping old ladies on the street corner through his earpiece.

Furthermore, this is with DareDevil's auditory abilities automatically suppressed. Opening up his Super hearing to full capacity would result in an overwhelming amount of information and excessive noise, easily causing neural disorders. Therefore, Matt has received training since childhood to help him suppress his hearing and filter information.

However, Chu Cheng discovers that he can manipulate DareDevil's enhanced hearing, specifying specific directions or rooms for monitoring. In these cases, he can hear from even further distances and with greater acuity.

After just experiencing it briefly, Chu Cheng finds this sensation incredibly fascinating. It feels as if he has immersed himself in DareDevil's perspective through external devices. As he manipulates the character's movements, the earphones continuously deliver surround sound effects in a 360-degree manner. He can even hear clearly as Aunt Li from the hair salon boasts about how handsome he is to someone else.

However, the contents within the game's visuals are limited to what Matt can hear.

Previously, when controlling other hero characters, Chu Cheng could stand at a high vantage point and gaze into the distance, observing the horizon where the city meets the sky. But now, when controlling Matt, anything beyond his detection range is a complete blur, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Moreover, Matt's monitoring ability for extraordinary events is even more sensitive than that of the Batman character. It didn't take long for Chu Cheng to manipulate Matt on the rooftop before an exclamation mark popped up at the edge of the screen.

Based on Chu Cheng's experience, if he were controlling any other hero, it would be impossible to detect this event from such a distance.

Immediately, Chu Cheng directs DareDevil in that direction. The crimson devil draws a short stick attached to his leg, gives it a flick, and a rope shoots out.

The short stick is a specially designed weapon exclusive to DareDevil, serving a similar purpose as Batman's grappling hook gun. It helps him navigate rooftops and walls.

Readers familiar with DareDevil know that, aside from lacking the wealth, equipment arsenal, extensive skill tree, and numerous gadgets like his counterpart Batman from the neighboring DC universe, they share many similarities.

In the early days, DareDevil wasn't quite like that. When DareDevil was initially introduced, despite having a background of seeking revenge for his father's death, even in those days when there were already plenty of superheroes on the scene, no one felt comfortable claiming to be a superhero. Additionally, this aspect of the character wasn't explored deeply by the writers, so the early version of DareDevil was just a minor Marvel character.

At that time, Matt's story and personal life were straightforward. His superhero missions consisted of fighting street-level villains in flashy costumes, straight out of comic books. His personal life revolved around discussions on the stability of the "love triangle" structure with his best friend and a beautiful secretary, striving to prove that it was the most stable configuration. It was far from the later stages where the character evolved into engaging in larger-scale events.

What truly brought a change to this character was none other than Frank Miller, the author who penned the legendary works "Batman: Year One" and "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns."

From these two representative works, it's not difficult to see the essence of this author. When he took the pen to write the DareDevil's story, he brought his favorite and most skilled style from Batman's stories to the character of Matt Murdock. That's why we can see many similarities between Matt Murdock in later years and the Batman.

For example, darkness, seriousness, deep-seated resentment, unwavering determination, and being a walking arsenal.

Indeed, Matt Murdock even inherited this aspect from the Batman, although he was dirt poor, he had the luck of a playboy. Matt Murdock's past girlfriends have included, but are not limited to, the beautiful secretary Karen Page, the severely disturbed supervillain Mary Walker, and the deadly assassin Elektra Natchios from the Hand.

He even had a fling with the famous Marvel shared girlfriend, the Black Widow.

Well, this isn't surprising. After all, the Black Widow's ex-boyfriends could form two football teams with substitutes to spare.

When these two come together, it's hard to say who is seducing whom.


Zang Fei stood at the pier, hands tucked into his sleeves, shivering as the cold wind brushed against his skin.

Yesterday was his eighteenth birthday, but it seemed like no one remembered. His divorced parents had long started their new lives, and no one remembered his existence.

He dropped out of high school two years ago and spent a period of time in a daze, only to realize later that he had already embarked on this path.

Recently, his luck has been relatively good. Knife Brother, a prominent figure in the gang, took notice of him and gave him a boost. Knife Brother is known for his ruthlessness in the nearby area, and even the little brothers are afraid of him.

Zang Fei is no exception.

This is his first task since joining Knife Brother. He just wants to follow the routine, do the job, speak less, act more, not ask questions, and avoid any unexpected situations.

But when the goods they were waiting for arrived and the container's door was pulled open with the sound of heavy metal chains, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Were there people inside those boxes?