
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

Chapter 51: New Heroes..

Luo Yajun lay back on the black bench press, pushing a 400-kilogram barbell up towards the ceiling, sweat trickling down his tense muscles.

Pressing over 300 kilograms was already considered extraordinary among regular people, and it was estimated that even Captain America from the neighboring Marvel universe could only manage around 550 kilograms.

Even though Luo Yajun was considered a metahuman, handling over 400 kilograms, close to 900 pounds, was still an exaggeration, and it was no easy task for him.

But he relished in this feeling. He summoned his strength to its utmost limit, squeezing out every ounce of potential hidden within his cells. His entire body, both physically and mentally, teetered on the edge of its limits, as if each time he pushed himself a little closer to the extreme end.

This allowed him to stay in his prime state at all times, ensuring that every pesky enemy he encountered received a VIP experience from orthopedics to the crematorium, all in one go.

Throughout his entire workout, his eyes remained fixated on the photo he had stuck to the ceiling.


The pixels were not very clear, but it was the best image he could find at this stage, after undergoing image processing to improve the quality.

In fact, Detective Luo's collection goes far beyond just one photo. The walls of his small room are covered with various Batman pictures—some showing him in combat, others displaying his acrobatic skills. A large portion of them even depict ambiguous silhouettes, making it unclear whether they are human or not.

If you were to replace the fetish for Batman costumes with that of JK-style teenage girls, just these photos alone could be used as evidence to convict and take someone away.

However, considering that beneath the peculiar Batman attire in the photos lies a muscular man weighing around 200 to 300 pounds, and taking into account the Laws one can't help but wonder what exactly this stalker is made of.


That was the crisp sound of the barbell landing on the bench press.

Luo Yajun stood up and casually grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the nearby table, unscrewing the cap and taking a big gulp. The exceptional physical abilities of a metahuman allowed his muscles to quickly recover from a state of exhaustion.

In the meantime, he caught a glimpse of a news program playing on the television nearby. He reached for the remote control on the table and turned up the volume.

The screen showed a female reporter standing in front of an apartment building, holding a microphone and facing the camera to report the situation.

"Witnesses have stated that they saw a laughing man falling from a high-rise building, followed by a masked man wielding a shield, who landed on the man's head with great force.

Authorities have confirmed that the laughing man was heavily infected, but they have not disclosed the identity of the masked man with the shield.

Furthermore, reliable sources indicate that Batman is also involved in this dispute."

Luo Yajun squinted his eyes. His gaze shifted to the photo hanging on the wall next to him, intensely focused on the blurry figure of Batman frozen in the frame.


Chu Cheng caught a ride home with Senior Felix. As soon as he got out of the car, he sneezed heavily. He rubbed his nose, thinking about the saying from ancient times that sneezing meant "someone is thinking about you, someone is cursing you, or someone is talking about you." He wondered if maybe a neighborhood aunt had seen a pretty girl and started thinking about his handsome face.

Chu Cheng opened the door and grabbed his phone. He saw a series of unread messages from his good friend Wei Futong, seemingly saying that he forgot to do tomorrow's homework and asked for his help.

Chu Cheng quickly replied, saying that he would take a photo of it for him as soon as he got home from the car.

Unexpectedly, Wei Futong seemed to immediately sense the scent of gossip. "Feeling drained again?"

Chu Cheng was taken aback. Although he had been dealing with a remote-controlled shield stand and a cross-dressing zombie, followed by being called to the meeting room without having much of his meal, making him a bit tired, how did Wei Futong know about it?

But the next second, when he received a mischievous "I understand" expression from Wei Futong with a smirk on his face, he immediately understood that this guy was thinking in a naughty way again.

Some people are quick to assume the worst intentions in others.

It's just like back when the two of them saw a joke online asking what can fly when read forward and be eaten when read backward. After some pondering, they quickly came up with their respective answers. Chu Cheng confidently said, "That's easy, the answer is a bee, right?" But Wei Futong had a bewildered look on his face and said, "Wait, I thought it was a Level 8 hurricane."

Ignoring his friend's peculiar response, Chu Cheng went back and took a photo of the homework he had completed during class and sent it to Wei Futong. He received a wave of gratitude from his good friend. Soon after, Chu Cheng sat back down in front of his computer.

He had been called to headquarters in such a hurry that he hadn't even finished his meal, so now that he was back, his top priority was, of course, to indulge in some online shopping and gacha.

Tonight, he managed to encounter two bosses during his battles, or at least elite monsters if we don't count them as bosses. In addition to the regular minions he had been patrolling and fighting every night, Chu Cheng now had ten consecutive draws, four single draws, and three C-grade hero vouchers.

That adds up to seventeen draws.

Can i get something with seventeen draws?

If seventeen consecutive draws got wasted , then wouldn't it be amazing to smash the computer screen right then and there?

In one breath, he nearly sent himself away with a ten-consecutive "thank you for participating."

With only four single draws and three vouchers left, Chu Cheng's hand holding the mouse started to tremble. He began to feel that the frustrating card pool was truly going too far by not even providing a guaranteed drop.

The four single draws gave him a bit of hope. A burst of dazzling and flashy light effects appeared, followed by a golden-haired beauty with a well-endowed figure and legs that seemed to go on forever.

It was a Marvel superhero, codenamed Black Widow.

But it wasn't the well-known frontline hero Natasha Romanoff. It was Yelena Belova, Natasha's sister, who made her appearance in the standalone movie "Black Widow," representing the new generation of Black Widows after Natasha.

The character description mentioned that Yelena also came from the specialized Black Widow production facility known as the "Red Room," just like Natasha. Therefore, her physical abilities were similar to Natasha's. She couldn't be called an ordinary human, but she couldn't be considered superhuman either. She fell somewhere in the range between the limits of a human and a super soldier, constantly pushing the boundaries.

However, similar to most C-tier card pool heroes, her overall abilities couldn't compare to Batman. If he had to point out an advantage, it would probably be her blonde hair, blue eyes, and good physique.

Chu Cheng found it quite peculiar. What was wrong with this lousy card pool? It first gave him Huntress, then immediately followed with characters like Erica Black Cat and a frugal version of Black Widow, all lacking special abilities. Were they relying on their looks to pass off as heroes?

He now realized how naive he was to think that Marvel and DC were different from those seductive and cheap characters who relied on exquisite art to make money. These two giants had been dominating the color industry since the last century, and in terms of seniority, even the later generations of the anime and manga industry had to call them ancestors.

Chu Cheng redeemed his final three vouchers and took a deep breath.

Can I get a muscular man, please?!

To his surprise, as if answering his call, the second-to-last single draw burst into a dazzling display of lights, revealing a red-horned vigilante with a helmet on the screen.

Matt Murdock, the Avenger, the Man Without Fear, the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, codename...
