
Sixis Island

On one particular island, surrounded by a turbulent sea, stood a man in the middle of the jungle known as the Lion Ant of the Seas. This man had short brown hair cut on the sides, with dark eyes. He wore a red jacket with a skull on his back that looked faded, a plain black t-shirt with three buttons, black driving gloves, and white bandages for his wrists. He had a black belt with golden details, black leather pants, and brown boots. This man was Katahara.

Katahara: "I seem to be in a jungle. I am a weak person from another world."

At that moment, a mechanical voice sounded in Katahara's mind.

[Congratulations on your successful host rebirth. Now you can see your status and features.]

Katahara: "System, show me my status."


[Status window]

Name: Katahara Uchiha

Race: Human

Bloodline: Uchiha

CP: 0

Skills: Sharingan (1 tomoe)

[The host has received a boot packet. Would the host like to open this boot packet?]

Katahara: "System, open the boot packet."

[Affirmative. Opening the starter package containing the following:]

Sword Shodai Kitetsu, one of the twelve swords of supreme grade

5000 CP

5 million Berries

Member of the tribe: D

A storage ring with a space of 125,000 cubic meters (50 meters wide, 50 meters high, 50 meters long).

Encyclopedia of Devil's Fruits (complete)

Katahara, seeing the contents of the starter pack, was immediately excited and curious about the Shodai Kitetsu sword of the twelve supreme-grade swords, known to be cursed like the three swords of Kitetsu. "Hell, I have one of the best swords in the world. If this is not a divine gift, I don't know what it is."

Katahara: "Close status window."

He grabbed his new sword, which was a moderately curved katana with a light violet edge and a distinctive golden hamon that had the appearance of flames. Its tsuba was made of gold and had the shape of a rounded cross. The hilt was wrapped in black.

The sheath of the sword had a black and pale black stripe and continued the design of the grip, with two gold clasps in short succession around its centre. The sheath was white, and the cap of the end of the kojiri was also gold.

Katahara: I have no idea how to use a sword... wait, there is a sword handling manual that I can acquire, and some chakra handling.

[The host can find everything you need in the store, as long as you have the necessary CP.]

Katahara: Open the store and look for sword manuals, chakra handling, and Haki manuals.

[Open shop.]

Weapons and Armor


Healing Elements



Miscellaneous Articles

[*Skills] [Sword Handbook, Beginner: 1,000]

[Chakra (Naruto) Operating Manual: 1,000]

[Observation Haki (One Piece): 12,000]

[Haki (One Piece): 12,000]

[Conqueror's Haki (One Piece): 18,000]

Katahara: Shit, everything is extremely expensive. I can't even buy a type of Haki. Just buy sword handling and chakra handling.

[Affirmative, host.]

After that, two manuals appeared in front of him.

Katahara: How do I get more CP?

[Host, in order to get more CP, you can kill monsters, pirates, or marines.]

Katahara: It seems that to get more CP, I'm going to have to get stronger.

Five months later... Katahara began to read about sword handling, and time passed quickly. During that time, Katahara explored the island and found a giant bird next to a nearly wrecked boat impaled by cliffs inside a giant cave on the island. He became familiar with that scene, but he ignored it and continued to practice as the days went by.

During those months, Katahara was able to manipulate chakra almost perfectly. He decided to buy the Raven Clone manual and practiced until he could use it at any time he wanted.

He also stumbled upon a giant bird's nest during the time he spent training, so he decided to get as far away from that place as possible.

He also got used to using his new katana so that he could use it in battle. All he needed was a sword style.

Katahara was practicing while making horizontal cuts in the direction of a tree when he heard some screams. He decided to go and observe what was happening, so he went to the top of a tree to observe. When his Sharingan became active to have a better view of what was happening, he noticed that this man was wearing a mask that he wore over his eyes to hide his identity. He is muscular with long, pointed hair of light blue color and wears a very long open coat that stretches to his knees and exposes his chest.

Katahara: Hell, I know what island I'm on, I'm right where Ace finds the Mera. . . I knew that bird was becoming familiar to me; it's the one Ace defeated to save Deuce. I should let him get it just like in the canon, or I should keep it. . . mmm, I think Ace will have to try harder from now on since he won't get the Mera Mera.

After saying that, Katahara decided to get far enough away so that Deuce couldn't find him, but close enough to keep monitoring him while he continued training. A week passed, and while he was practicing crow cloning, he realized that another person had come to the island. That person was Ace, so he decided to get a little closer while keeping an eye on them.

Pov Ace

Ace: Oh, I think over there. . . I'll be able to sail to the sea.

Ace: Ah, well, it looks like there was someone else here. I really thought I was alone.

Deuce: A human! Did you come to help me?

Ace: Nice to meet you. My name is Ace. While I was sailing, I was swallowed by a wave, and when I woke up, I was here.

Deuce: It's not possible! You too?

While the two were talking, they decided to repair Ace's boat and leave the island. But the next day, a tree had fallen on top of the boat, so the two argued, and Deuce decided to go to the cave inside the island.

Pov Katahara

Katahara: So it happened exactly as in the manga. Well, then I'll take advantage of their fight with the bird to take the Mera Mera.

Shortly after Deuce entered the cave, he was attacked by the bird. Before it could devour him, Ace managed to save him by kicking the bird in the head and then killing it with a blow to the bird's belly.

While this was happening, Katahara used his crow clone to approach the ship, where he saw a chest. He got as close as he could but didn't have time to check if the Devil Fruit was inside, so he put the entire chest inside his ring and then dispersed into several crows.

As all the crows dispersed, they began to say "Crowl!" as they flew away, which puzzled Ace and Deuce.

Inside the jungle, the crows gathered to give the appearance of Katahara.

Katahara: I hope Ace doesn't hate me for doing this. Now let's see what's in the chest.

At that point, he pulled the chest out of his storage ring. When he opened it, he could see a round, orange fruit composed of many flame-shaped components with swirling patterns on each one. The fruit had a swirling stem at the top.

Katahara: If this is the famous Mera Mera, I guess I can give it to some subordinate in the future. Now, I think it's time to clean this island of those birds and win some CP in the process.

After inspecting the fruit, Katahara put it back in the chest and then absorbed it into his ring. He placed his katana on his waist inside his girdle and headed towards the giant bird's nest.

Katahara: System, status.

[Status window]

Name: Katahara D. Uchiha

Race: Human

Bloodline: Uchiha

Weapon: Sword Shodai Kitetsu

CP: 1000

Skills: Sharingan (3 tomoe), Crow Clone, Chidori, Chidori Spear (Chidori Eisō), Chidori Explosion (Chidori Nagashi), Katon: Great Fireball.

Katahara: Well, it's all I could do in a month with the manuals. This system doesn't transmit techniques to my mind like the fanfics I read. At least I was able to recreate the Chidori and its variations, as well as the Great Fireball, without needing manuals. Although it was a bit difficult, I was able to do it. Now, to kill some birds and close the State window.

Soon, he reached the nest where there were more than 20 giant birds with some giant chicks. Before the birds detected him, Katahara made seals with his hands.

Katahara: Katon: Great Fireball!

He began to breathe air, and suddenly, he felt a heat wave growing down his throat. He spat out a small fireball that continued to grow in size into the air and eventually hit the bird's nest, setting all the creatures on fire.

Katahara: Shit, five giant birds survived.

He started making hand seals.

Katahara: Chidori.

Suddenly, there were sparks of electricity that sharpened his left hand as he started running towards the giant birds that were approaching as they were burned by the flames. Katahara went through one bird, through its chest, and quickly retreated before another bird approached to try to bite him. Then, he rushed back to the bird that tried to bite him, and cut through its head with the Chidori. He then pulled out his Shodai Kitetsu sword and chopped off another bird's leg. The bird that was about to grab him with its paw at that moment jumped, avoiding the last two standing birds trying to catch him with their paws. He sheathed his sword quickly and started to seal with his hands as fast as he could.

Katahara: Chidori Explosion.

The rays came out of his body and spread over an area of 2 meters round, numbing the remaining two birds. The birds tried to move but were unable to move because of the Chidori explosion.

Katahara pulled out her Katana Kitetsu to decapitate the two immobile birds, then turned to the one whose leg she had cut off and pierced its head with the sword.

Katahara: Well, that was easier than I thought, but hell, adrenaline is addictive.

[Congratulations to the host for killing 20 adult air monsters and 10 baby monsters]

[A total of 10,000 CP was won by the monsters]

Katahara: Well, that's more than I expected. Now it's time to leave this island. I'll get Ace off the island for having taken the fruit that was supposed to be for him, Deuce... Well, I can't leave him here, I guess.

After leaving the nest scene, Katahara headed into the jungle to look for Ace and Deuce, soon finding them trying to make a raft out of the mascaron of the destroyed ship. He then went to a shore not far from them.

Katahara: System, buy the boat that can get me out of here. I don't want it to be too expensive and enough to carry three people.

[Searching, boat found, price 350 CP, confirm]

Katahara: Confirm, buy the boat.

Soon, a small motorboat appeared in front of him.

Katahara: "What the heck, I asked you for a boat, but it doesn't matter anyway if it works. Now, let's go pick up the unfortunate guy who lost his devil fruit."

Katahara got on the boat and headed towards Deuce and Ace.


Deuce: "It would suck to go to sea on an unnamed boat, wouldn't it?"

Ace: "I guess so, but we're not done yet. What about Striker?"

Deuce: "Heee. . . I think something's coming Ace, look."

Ace: "You're right, and he's on top of a very strange small boat."

Deuce: "Heyyyy!"

As the two were shouting, Katahara got closer and closer to the shore where they were. They soon saw who was inside that strange boat.

Katahara: "Good afternoon, folks. Do you need a ride?"

Deuce: "Are you here to help us?"

Ace: "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ace, and this one here is called Deuce. We were stranded on this island for several days. Can you please take us with you?"

Katahara: "A pleasure to meet you. I am Katahara D. Uchiha, and of course, I can take you with me. But from what I see, you have a nice boat there, although it doesn't look very safe."

Ace: "Of course, it's because we haven't finished yet."

Deuce: "You're right, friend. You don't see anything safe."

Katahara: "Then come aboard, and we will go to the nearest island."

Soon the two boarded Katahara's boat, and they began to move away from the island.

Katahara POV

Ace: "So Katahara, I guess you're a navigator since you're alone in this dangerous sea."

Katahara: "No, I was with a merchant crew, and there was a storm. I was able to take this boat to save myself, but the storm dragged me to this island."

"I'm obviously not going to tell you where I come from. I'm not stupid enough to reveal that sort of thing," Katahara thought.

Deuce: "That's exactly what happened to me. I spent weeks on that island, and I was about to die."

Ace: "Katahara, would you like to join my crew? Right now, it's just me and Deuce, and with you, we'll be three."

Katahara: "I'm not one of those people who likes to be below anyone, so I decline your offer, my friend."

Deuce: "Woooo, that sword you have there is special. I've never seen one with that shape. Are you a swordsman?"

Katahara: "It's a family heirloom that was passed down to me. To answer your question, I try to follow the path of a swordsman as best I can."

Ace: "Katahara, do you have any brothers?"

Katahara: "No, I don't really have any. I was always an only child. I guess you have brothers, Ace."

Ace: "Hahahaha, if I have a brother, his name is Luffy. He'll soon go out to sea and become a big name all over the world."

Katahara: "I don't doubt that, friend... Deuce, what about you? Do you have any brothers?"

Deuce: Actually, I'm like you, Katahara. I'm an only child who decided to venture out to sea for adventure, but I was stranded on that damn island for days. If it wasn't for you, maybe I would have already died.

Ace: Don't say that, Deuce. Now you're with us, and together we'll do great things. Deuce, never hesitate.

And so, a few days passed while the three of them got to know each other better and grew closer. They sailed through the vast sea, and in the distance, they saw a spot that gradually grew larger and larger until it was an island.

Katahara: It looks like we've reached land, my friends. Let's hope we can find some food there.

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