
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Cómic
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171 Chs

Pirates Dark Crows

Katahara: Laffitte, take us in the direction of the reverse mountain we will enter.

To which Laffitte only nodded, taking the helm of the boat.

It took them 1 month to reach the slopes of the Reverse Mountain thanks to the new navigator Laffitte, during that month both Katahara and Augur became familiar with the same Laffitte, it goes without saying that Katahara also subjected him to the same training as Augur.

Naval Headquarters

In the Fleet Admiral's office, at the Navy headquarters, there was a man with a long braided beard and a mustache, wearing glasses and a full naval admiral uniform adorned with medals, the most distinctive feature of this uniform is a life-size seagull on the top of its cap, next to its mascot. Goat, this man was Sengoku.



Sengoku: This is Sengoku.

Soldier: This is the Headquarters of West Blue N°10, Commodore Daigin's death is reported.

Sengoku: What? Explains the soldier situation.

Soldier: Commodore Daigin has died in the line of duty, report sent shortly.

Sengoku: Quick.

After saying that, Sengoku hung up the den den mushi.

Immediately a man in uniform with a report came in and handed it to Sengoku.

Sengoku: Katahara D. Uchiha former bounty hunter, expert with the sword, killer of the pirates cats a few months ago, now becomes a pirate, Van Augur former bounty hunter expert with the rifle turned into a pirate, the two murdered a brigade that was in charge of the dismissal and expulsion of Sheriff Laffitte It looks like it's going to give me a headache, especially that Katahara, he's a consumer of the devil, it looks like he can turn into crows to dodge attacks, I also imbue his sword with electricity.

A woman was on the armchair was Tsuru, is a thin and elderly woman with grey hair collected in a bun. Their dress is less formal than that of other high-ranking officers.

Tsuru: It's a skill equal to the 4th commander of the Karasu revolutionaries, you don't believe Sengoku and about that electric skill it looks like something from the Germa realm.

Sengoku: It seems that your skills are related could have been a good Marine, there is nothing to do chose the pirate path.

Pov Katahara

Katahara: Hell, Laffitte you're an excellent navigator, it took us 2 months to find you, making almost no stops.

Laffitte: Thank you for the compliments, Captain.

Katahara: Once you enter the stream you don't have to do anything, let the stream take us to Grand Line.

When they reached the reverse mountain they began to rise, moments later they reached the top, the boat began to rise in the air until for a few moments it seemed like it was flying. Everyone was clinginging to something to keep them from falling, except Katahara who was standing at the front of the boat.

The boat fell into the river and started speeding towards the big line.

Katahara: This is where our journey really begins, in a few years we will be the most feared in the whole sea.

Van Augur: I have no doubt about that, captain.

Laffitte: Of course, Captain.

Now that the first step is done, the next step is to get everything I need from this world, along with all the people I need.

Katahara: Now that we officially enter the big line, it is time to raise our pirate flag.

Laffitte: I can take care of the design Captain just tell me what you have in mind.

Katahara opted for a simple design of a skull with two bones in the background.

Katahara: Laffitte, you've outdone yourself. . it's perfect, now raise the flag.

After the flag was made Katahara headed to his crew.

Katahara: I now officially declare that we are pirates!!

[The host just received 3 gifts for deciding their fate in this world]

[The gifts are as follows

1. Manual of the six Rokushiki powers

2. Wood of Adam

3. 5 lottery tickets]

Shit if. . . this saves me a lot of work, hell this system knows what one needs, the Rokushiki can start training right now just like Laffitte and Augur, while Adam's wood will serve me to build the Shadow of Agatha the perfect boat with which to navigate all worlds", Katahara thought.

Katahara: System keeps everything in my ring.

[The host can also devise the command for the system, to prevent other people from listening]

"And why didn't you tell me that before, it doesn't matter just keep it all in my ring", thought Katahara.

Van Augur: Captain something approaches the boat, looks like a whale

Katahara: Shit that thing is Laboon

A black whale, along with short fins and a sharp tail besides that much of its head is scarred, was the great Laboon whale.

Immediately when Katahara saw Laboon, she started making stamps with her hands.

Katahara: Suiton: Water Dragon.

At that moment a giant Dragon was molding from the sea water, it was the largest water dragon Katahara had ever made.

After the giant dragon is fully formed, he collides with Laboon stopping him on the spot.

Katahara: Laffitte get us out of here now.

At which Laffitte began to change course, reaching a small island, on which there was only one house.

So here's Crocus.

Elder: You didn't have to attack him.

The moment an old man heard you, Augur instinctively pointed his rifle at him.

Katahara: It seemed like I was going to shoot down my boat, I wasn't going to keep the crusader bases, right Crocus, put down the gun Augur he won't hurt us.

Crocus: I'm the headlight supervisor at Twin Capes, guiding boats to the big line.

Katahara: Crocus, do you mind if we dock at your lighthouse? I want to rest well before I enter Grand Line

There was silence for a few moments before they answered.

Crocus: No, go on, you deserve that for hurting Laboon.

Katahara: We'll all dock, we're pirates we don't follow rules, you should know that better than anyone, right?

Crocus was stunned by what Katahara just said after a few minutes he turned around and entered his house.

Katahara: Now that they are a little better physically it's time to train more efficiently these are manuals for us to study, it's called Six powers Rokushiki, these are: 1 Geppo that allows you to "fly" by jumping out of the air, 2 Tekkai that allows you to superhuman defense, 3 Rankyaku that allows you to kick at very high speeds and forces, send With a sharp compressed wind, 4 Soru allows users to move at extremely high speeds, 5 Shigan is a hand-to-hand combat technique, in which the user pushes his finger towards a target at a very high speed, 6 Kami-e makes the users' body extraordinarily flexible to prevent any attack.

Katahara: From now on we will start practicing them, while we continue with the established exercises, Augur, although you are a long-distance shooter it is never too bad to be prepared for a hand-to-hand battle.

Van Augur: These techniques are very strong Captain, once we master them we will be more effective in battle.

Laffitte: Captain, thank you for caring about us.

Katahara: Obviously I care about you, I don't want a weak crew.

Van Augur: Captain, I think we need more crew, right?

Katahara: If we need them, but I don't want weak people, I have some in mind, but I'm not sure yet.

Van Augur: I know someone, when I was in the East Sea I met a carpenter in one of my jobs, he was an excellent carpenter, I saved his life from pirates who were about to kill him, after that he decided to go to the big line, he sent me a letter days before I met you, there is the city Robelle which is located on the island Drum, I'm sure if I tell him to join us he will, after all save his life, his name is Thomas Tew

Katahara: It's someone you would trust with your life Augur, I don't want people here just to do a favor.

Van Augur: Completely sir, he's someone you can trust, although he's a bit cold and doesn't talk much, he's excellent at his job.

Katahara: Well then we don't head to Drum Island in a week, meanwhile we will start practicing Geppo.

As they were training a bird with newspapers landed in the middle of our training, Laffitte came over and picked up a newspaper and showed a smile as he read.

Katahara: What happened, Laffitte?, because you are so happy.

Laffitte: It seems I made the right choice in following him, otherwise I might be standing next to an inept captain.

While I was giving 1 poster of is looking for

Katahara: Augur, look at this is your wanted poster, Van Augur "The Supersonic" 30 million dead or alive.

Laffitte: It's a fitting nickname for you, I must say.

Van Augur: Laffitte "Demon Sheriff" $25 million, dead or alive, that's not the nickname those marines were looking for you.

Laffitte: Here's Captain Katahara D. Uchiha "Bloody Crow", 62 million dead or alive.

Katahara: Looks like we pissed off the marines by killing that Commodore

Laffitte: Look what the paper says, Captain.

"Captain of the Black Crows Katahara, brutally murdered Commodore Daigin of the West Blue Naval Base #10.

Along with his crew Van Augur (Super Sonic) and Laffitte (Demon Sheriff) killed a whole brigade of Navy soldiers, leaving none alive.

Katahara: We are now officially Pirates.

The next day Katahara approached Crocus to talk.

Katahara: Crocus, Good morning

Crocus: Tell me what you want?

Katahara: Looks like you didn't sleep well. . . I just want you to sell me a log pose, I'll give you 1 million, whatever you say.

Crocus: Well, wait for me I'll go get the log pose.

After a few minutes Crocus came out with a wrist compass with a glass sphere in the middle of which there is a needle in the middle suspended from the top by a thin wire.

Katahara: Well that would be all Crocus was a pleasure doing business. . . we'll stay a week, before sailing if you were wondering how long we'd stay.

After he came back and gave Laffitte the log pose, and explained how to use them, they went on with their training.

A week later

Katahara and her crew were sailing in the ocean.

Suddenly an abnormality of the site appeared, as they experienced firsthand the changing weather, changing winds and tides that keep the crew constantly on alert.

Laffitte: The weather is a bit crazy, if I must describe it, Captain.

Katahara: If this weather can change from one moment to the next, with all this fog you can see absolutely nothing.

Van Augur: Captain, an island ahead.

Eventually, the weather stabilizes and the crew sees an island on the horizon and on it a town that was Whiskey Peak.


If you have any suggestions, you are free to say so in the comments.