
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Ciudad
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70 Chs

Chapter 18: Dice

Inside the private room, the group had finished taking selfies and gradually calmed down. Brandon rubbed his chin and a calculating glint flashed in his eyes. The shame Diana had brought him today made him feel more and more aggrieved. He looked at Maddie and asked, "Maddie, how's Diana's tolerance for alcohol?"

"Diana's tolerance... isn't great. She can't drink much before getting drunk," Maddie recalled that Diana had gotten drunk with Luke before, after just a few bottles of beer. She looked at Brandon and sensed his intentions, but still pretended not to know, blinking innocently and asking, "Brandon, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing much, just want to play a game with her!" Brandon's face revealed a sly smile.

"Are you going to tease Diana?" Ava leaned in, her eyes showing a hint of schadenfreude.

"I'm in on this too!" Lily chimed in.

Noah frowned from the side, "Isn't it a bit mean to gang up on her like this?"

"You forgot how she treated me today?" Brandon looked at him discontentedly. "If you're really my bro, you'll stand with me!" Noah frowned but didn't say anything.

"What should we do then?" Ava asked. Brandon lowered his head and explained the plan to everyone. Just as he finished, the door to the room swung open and Diana walked in.

"Hey Diana, why did you take so long? We've been waiting for you!" Brandon immediately greeted her.

"What are you waiting me for?" Diana asked.

"For playing games!" Brandon grabbed the dice and the drinks from the side, "Let's play dice together. Whoever rolls the smallest number has to drink a shot!"

Upon hearing this, Maddie covered her mouth and blushed, "Oh no, I can't drink much before getting drunk..."

Diana already had a hunch about what they were going to do, but she calmly said, "Me too, I can't handle much alcohol."

Upon hearing that Diana couldn't handle much alcohol, Brandon got even more excited. "If you can't handle a lot of alcohol, it's okay. If you lose, you can have a guy drink for you, how about that?"

Brandon looked at Diana expectantly, thinking that she would hesitate. But to his surprise, Diana walked straight over and sat on the edge of the couch, "Sure, sounds fun."

Brandon was overjoyed. Wow, she just jumped right into the trap. He loved how she had no brain sometimes and he could easily fool her.

"Let's begin!" exclaimed Brandon as he threw three sixes on the dice. 

"Wow, Brandon, you're so good!" Ava clapped her hands with admiration. Brandon felt a surge of vanity within himself. He had played with many dice before and mastered the skill of throwing them. He always won against ordinary people who didn't know how to throw dice. Today, he was determined to beat Diana!

After the first round, Maddie lost. She covered her face, feeling embarrassed. "Oh no, I can't drink. Can someone help me?" 

Luke immediately reached out his hand to take the cup, but suddenly caught Maddie's gaze. He quickly came to his senses. He couldn't show any signs of affection towards Diana. He awkwardly withdrew his hand. 

Diana noticed everything and her eye twitched. What were they doing? It was like a secret affair and it was disgusting!

Brandon noticed that nobody was drinking for Maddie and saw her looking hesitant. Without hesitation, he took the drink and said, "Let me drink this one for Maddie!" before downing it in one gulp.

Ava watched his actions and frowned with disapproval. Diana, on the other hand, clapped her hands twice and said, "Maddie, Brandon is so good to you. Your relationship must be really close, right?"

Upon hearing this, Ava's gaze immediately fell on Maddie. Maddie was taken aback. Diana was such a fool; she shouldn't speak if she couldn't say anything good!

Quickly, Maddie said, "There's nothing special about our relationship. Brandon is Ava's boyfriend, it's a good thing that Brandon treats women like a gentleman. He will surely treat Ava even better. I feel happy for Ava and I'm just lucky to be around her!"

She was indeed a cunning woman, and her words quickly dissolved the awkwardness. Diana sneered to herself.

"Oh my, I don't know how to play, you guys go ahead." Maddie quickly backed out. She knew that the fewer people there were, the higher the probability of Diana losing.

As soon as Maddie left, Lily and Ava followed the plan and immediately stopped playing. Before Diana could say anything, Brandon said, "Diana, you don't want to play either? Then the three of us guys will have no fun!"

Today, no matter what, he had to get her drunk, take some indecent photos of her, and make her look bad! Diana rubbed her chin, "But I think playing like this is boring."

"Oh? How do you want to play?"

Diana tilted her head and suggested: "How about this? We pair up, and whichever team rolls the lowest total on their dice is the loser. The loser has to drink. What do you think?"

Noah immediately volunteered, "I'll be on your team!" He couldn't stand seeing Brandon targeting Diana alone and wanted to help her out.

But Diana hesitated, looking at Luke with a hint of suggestion. Luke stood aside, frowning with impatience. However, at the same time, that long-lost sense of superiority returned. He knew it, Diana still couldn't forget about him! Maddie was thrilled and quickly messaged Luke to take the initiative. After all, Diana was currently dissatisfied with him and thought he was too cold. This was a great opportunity.

At the same time, Maddie hinted again that Luke accept the proposal. Under his goddess's instruction, Luke nodded and said, "I'll be on Diana's team."

Diana picked up the dice and beamed at Luke, "We're definitely going to win!"

Brandon couldn't help but chuckle. Win against him? Dream on! As the first round ended, it was clear that Diana had lost badly. Even though Noah had thrown the dice carelessly, trying to let her win, Diana somehow ended up with consistently low scores.

Sighing, Diana pushed a pile of drinks towards Luke, "I'm having terrible luck. Luke, could you finish these for me?"

Luke's face stiffened. He grimaced as he downed the entire row of drinks. As soon as he finished, he began to feel nauseous. Although he had a decent tolerance for alcohol, Diana had already beaten him up earlier, and now he was feeling uncomfortable.

Diana seemed oblivious to his discomfort and continued to play enthusiastically. But every time she threw the dice, her scores were still consistently low, and she kept losing.

"Diana, it's up to you now," Luke said as Diana batted her big innocent eyes at him.

"I can't drink it all by myself, you should have a few too," he added, unable to resist.

"But Luke, I've already told you my tolerance isn't good, and besides, with just this little bit of alcohol, you're already feeling it. Do you even want to help me drink it?" Diana protested.

Luke turned around and caught Maddie's gaze. With a determined heart, he picked up the bottle and drank it all. By the end of it, his face was flushed. Damn it, if Diana went for another round, he definitely wouldn't be able to handle it. But to his surprise, Diana rolled the dice again and got a small number. 

Luke couldn't take it anymore. "Diana, if you don't know how to play, then don't play at all, okay?"

Diana widened her round beautiful eyes. "Wow, you really do think less of me! If that's the case, then let's just not play at all! I'm leaving!" she declared before turning to leave.

Brandon refused to let her leave just like that. He looked at Luke and said, "Luke, with just a little bit of alcohol, you can't handle it. You're too weak, aren't you?"

Weak? Who's weak! Luke held the alcohol and a hint of anger flashed in his eyes. 

Brandon continued, "Diana, it's no good just playing and not drinking. Next time you lose, it'll be your turn to drink!"

Luke patiently looked at Diana and said, "If I lose again after drinking this round, I won't be able to handle it. What do you think?" He gave her a suggestive look.

It was the first time he had been so forward with her. In the past, if Diana had received this kind of attention from him, she would have been so happy that she couldn't sleep. But now...ugh, Diana elegantly vomited in her mind. Damn, has he lost his mind? Gross!

Faced with his attentiveness, Diana pretended to think for a moment and then nodded. "Don't worry, if I lose again after this round, I'll drink myself." 

"Okay, then I'll help you drink this round." Luke picked up his glass and forced himself to drink

As he finished the last drink, Luke's stomach was already in turmoil. "Wow, Luke, you're amazing!" Diana clapped her hands, her eyes curved in a smile. Luke wasn't sure if he was drunk or not, but he felt like Diana's smile had a hint of cunningness in it.