
B o u n d l e s s

I was running, running away from the place that I loathe so much. how can they treat me like this? I am an Evans, I will soon rule this kingdom that I dont want to rule... So why don't they just accept me? Now that my grandpa is dead, I don't know what to do anymore.. I don't know how to react anymore I just want some comfort... some love... why don't they give me that? why can't they give me that? I wish my parents were here, I wish they are still alive to be with me... I cried and whine while i ran, letting my vampire speed get work up. I don't know where I'm going, I don't even know where I am, but I don't care, I just want to get away, I want to get away really bad. I came to a stop at a man suddenly appearing in front of me, he's golden eyes locking in to mine. Shock run down my spine as an odf sensation and different emotions that I couldn't identify flooded in my mind. I could also smell him, he smell like a forest with a crisp of flowers, lilac and roses maybe? His smell is really addicting. The feelings were different with chester but also similar, I think I'm going crazy.  My eyes look at his beautiful red hair, they look so smooth that I wanted to touch it. Then realization hit me Mate! The words made my mind jump in delight. I finally found my mate, I had finally found him! I tried to put away my burden and face the only one that could be with me.. He's the only one left.. I eyed him curiously as I wipe my tears, simply tucking my hair behind my ears while never leaving my eyes on him. I blush nervously "I.... I'm..." Dammit! I couldn't even say my name! I look at him, swallowing the lump on my throat before I tried again "I'm.... Shey---!" I stared at his running image in disbelief What the hell? why is he running away from me? what did I do wrong this time?

Hanna_Tolentino · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

1st Bound

The forest

I wipe my sweat quickly then I proceeded on climbing the tree, I  groan as I tried to reach a thick branch above me. At first, I failed miserably but eventually I manage to get a firm hold into it as I pulled myself up. After that, I sit on the tree and look in front of me. i smiled at the beautiful sight.

I always love the sight of the forest, I don't know why but it just calmed me in a way that I want to go there and start an adventure.

The forest has always calmed my mind, it is the only place that i know i will be free, free from responsibilities and free from the people that never cared about me. But I can't go there..

Not yet I mean.. My grandpa, he's the only one left that truly loves me and cares for me, I can't just leave him here..

I suddenly remembered about my parents, if they were here.. I knew they'll help my grandpa and me.. I know they will..

The incident soon flashes to my mind, the chaos, people running everywhere, how my parents look at me in horror, how they tell me to hide, how I found their bodies soon after, lying on the ground, soak in their own blood.

Because of the memory, tears soon flooded my eyes. Even if it happened a long time ago, I just couldn't forget about the incident, incident that ruined my life, incident that haunted me in my sleep over and over again.

I look over the forest again. I wish I could go there and be free, I wish I could just decide on my own without anyone supervising me, I wish I could have a normal life.

I wish I could have my freedom.

I know I can't have it, especially because of that damn throne that my grandfather will pass to me, but I can't just leave him alone in this mess. I can't..

"Lady Shey! Gosh! What are you doing up there!? You could get hurt my lady!" A female voice below me shouted

Sniffing, I look down at one of the servants in the kingdom. it's Mrs. Helga, the only other vampire that I want to talk to. She knows everything about my parents, she's the one taking care of me since I was a child. My parents and my grandparents trusted Mrs. Helga, so I trusted her too.

I smiled at Mrs. Helga

"You know that I'm very good at this, Helga. Besides, I'm a vampire, I don't die easily"

She laugh but eventually called to me again so I went down. To my surprise, I landed beside her smoothly. I'm getting good at climbing trees, or maybe its just my vampire ability doing all the work. I shrugged, its fun so I should do this more often.

"Yes you are a vampire Lady Shey! Thats why you should not be climbing any trees, you are a vampire, not a monkey"

I laugh, maybe I'm close on being a monkey. I like climbing things, so why not?

"It has its perks Mrs. Helga"

"Now now we should be going back to the castle Lady Shey, King Nolan is waiting for you" She started leading the way back to the castle with a normal walking pace. I followed her swiftly.

Mrs. Helga's statement changes my mood really quick, my smile faded. My grandpa is currently teaching me how to rule this kingdom, which I very don't like. I mean I like spending time with my grandpa, I just don't want the rules, I don't want to change myself just because of the rules, I just simply want to be free. I sighed

"Mrs. Helga?"

"Yes dear?" She ask, while still walking

"Is there any chance that my grandpa would pass the throne to anyone besides me?"

She stop walking but eventually continued

"You know Lady Shey, there is a chance that King Nolan will pass it to someone else, but I'm not sure if you could handle it"

"There is?" I ask with hope

"If there are ways then I would do it Mrs. Helga, you know that I always want to be free"

When she didnt talk, I walk faster to her side

"Well Mrs. Helga? What is it?"

Mrs. Helga look at me worriedly, I look at her back with my hopeful expression. She sighed

"In order for King Nolan to pass the throne to someone else, you have to find someone who's also an Evans, someone who's related in you somewhat. If you found one, you have to convince him or her to challenge you, then if he or she wins, then he or she will rule this kingdom instead"

I smirk to myself

"Thats it Mrs. Helga? Then it should be easy enough"

Finding any relatives to challenge me is very easy on my part, most of my relatives are greedy enough that they want to rule this kingdom. I just had to find someone who wants to rule this kingdom, thats the only problem here. Fighting him or her to death is not my problem, I'm good at any combat fights and besides, I'm willing to lose anyway


My head turned to Mrs. Helga quickly

"But what?"

"If King Nolan approved the challenger then you're lucky, if he didnt then..." Mrs. Helga look at me pitiful

"Then you are going to still be the next ruler"

Thats another problem.. My grandfather, he chose me for a reason.. I don't know his reasons, but I know he won't let me back down lightly..

I let out a huge sigh. I just want to be free, why is it so hard to accomplish?

We silently walk back to the castle. Mr. Stephan suddenly appearing in front of us. He bowed lightly, earning a cringe from me

He didn't need to bow to me... I made that clear a thousand times already.

"Lady Shey get yourself ready, King Nolan wants to talk to you" Mr. Stephan, the protector of this family, reminded me again about the one that I've been wishing to ignore, but I need to see my grandpa

I nodded to him

"I will be right there Mr. Stephan, I will just go change"

He bowed before I ran, using my vampire speed, up to my room. I close the door as I look outside of the window, I sighed.

"I don't want to go.."

But if I didnt, then I bet my grandpa will come here himself. I sighed once more as I get myself ready. I look at myself in a full length mirror. My dress was covered in dirt while my hair were messy, worse is that a leaf was also got stuck in my already wild hair.

I blew the hair that kept getting in my face.

So this is why Mr. Stephan wants me to change, because I look like a beggar. I tsk as I get into my shower. while scrubbing my back, I look down at my shoulder looking at the familiar crown mark. The crown were covered with black horns and there's a two rose in it. I gently traced it with my hands, tantalize by the mark. I don't know if this is inherited, but my grandpa said that this is my birth mark.

Weird birth mark isn't it?

After that, I pick an outfit that I am comfortable with. Its a simple dirty white camise and a brown trouser. I tied my hair into a messy bun. After a one last glimpse of my reflection, I opened the door and went into my grandpa's office.

I hope I will have a challenger soon, I want to escape this place really bad, I'll escape with my grandpa, well go in the woods and never come back.