
B o u n d l e s s

I was running, running away from the place that I loathe so much. how can they treat me like this? I am an Evans, I will soon rule this kingdom that I dont want to rule... So why don't they just accept me? Now that my grandpa is dead, I don't know what to do anymore.. I don't know how to react anymore I just want some comfort... some love... why don't they give me that? why can't they give me that? I wish my parents were here, I wish they are still alive to be with me... I cried and whine while i ran, letting my vampire speed get work up. I don't know where I'm going, I don't even know where I am, but I don't care, I just want to get away, I want to get away really bad. I came to a stop at a man suddenly appearing in front of me, he's golden eyes locking in to mine. Shock run down my spine as an odf sensation and different emotions that I couldn't identify flooded in my mind. I could also smell him, he smell like a forest with a crisp of flowers, lilac and roses maybe? His smell is really addicting. The feelings were different with chester but also similar, I think I'm going crazy.  My eyes look at his beautiful red hair, they look so smooth that I wanted to touch it. Then realization hit me Mate! The words made my mind jump in delight. I finally found my mate, I had finally found him! I tried to put away my burden and face the only one that could be with me.. He's the only one left.. I eyed him curiously as I wipe my tears, simply tucking my hair behind my ears while never leaving my eyes on him. I blush nervously "I.... I'm..." Dammit! I couldn't even say my name! I look at him, swallowing the lump on my throat before I tried again "I'm.... Shey---!" I stared at his running image in disbelief What the hell? why is he running away from me? what did I do wrong this time?

Hanna_Tolentino · Fantasy
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5 Chs

2nd Bound

Future Queen

I knock on the kings door and after some more seconds I decided to open it and take a peek. Inside, I found my grandpa looking at some papers at his desk. He started talking without looking at me

"Shey, I told you several times to just go inside my office, you know that I can sense you"

I nodded to my grandpa before going beside him and kissing his cheeks, he seems to be getting paler and older for the past couple of days, I know that its because of grandma. She died 6 years ago, no one knows how or why, and now it seems that my grandpa is still affected by it, well I'm still affected by it, but not much of how grandpa misses her. Without grandma, I know that he needs her blood to live, I know that every vampire that has a mate needs their mates blood, and now without grandma, grandpa is slowly dying.

Well grandpa has a potential bond, but he declined to be with the woman, much to my amusement and shock. He really loves my grandma... I'm very happy he does, but at the same time angry at how he doesn't seem to care about his health.

I should not be worrying, but he's still my grandpa and I don't want him to be sick. I shook that out of my head

"Mr. Stephan said that you were looking for me grandpa"

He motioned me to sit down. He put down his paperwork and face me

"I need to talk to you about the ceremony"

I groaned as I slumped down on my chair

"Grandpa! That again"

He didnt seem to care about my childishness, he just continued looking at me seriously

"Shey, I'm getting older and older each day. You know I'm dying because of loosing my mate, your grandma, so I need you to listen to me. I know you're not ready yet to take the throne, but shey.. You're just the only one that I trusted enough to pass the throne, please understand me my sweet one"

Its the first time he said that to me, and for ones I know that he cares. He cares not only for me, but also for the safety of the people of kalopsia

And for the first time, I understand him. Its his duty, and it will soon be also my duty to protect kalopsia and its people.

But the the mere thought of my grandpa leaving overpowers my other emotions. I look at my grandpa worriedly

"Grandpa don't say things like that, I know you're a strong vampire"

He sigh and smiled at me weakly

"My granddaughter, I know you want to leave this place so bad. But what about the people in this kingdom if we left? Don't be selfish shey"

That hit me again. I look down at my hands resting on my lap before sighing

"I know I'm being selfish grandpa, I know I am. I'm so sorry"

"Don't be my shey, I know you're suffering too.. now come and hug your grandpa"

I sniff like a baby before using my vampire speed to get to my grandpa's side quickly gave him a big hug

"Will you be okay after you pass the throne to me grandpa?"

He patted my shoulder gently

"I will shey, I will be seeing your grandma again, why wouldn't I?"

Because of what he said, I cried in his arms again like a baby

Thank god I still have my grandpa with me, he is my strength. I don't know what I'll do if he's not here with me.. I'll probably loose my sanity..


Yawning, I flip the last pages of the book I'm reading before closing it. How did grandpa survive this kind of torture? After reading two books today, I think I'm going crazy. Even if I can read the book fast, I think I still prefer climbing trees instead of reading.

3 more days before the ceremony.. I'm trying my best to learn, but I'm going nowhere.

I yawn again, so I put the book aside and I flip the light switch off before cuddling into my bed. Before I even knew it, I'm already snoring in my sleep


"Shey Evans, wake up"

"My sweet one wake up"

I groaned and flip myself over the bed without opening my eyes

A flash of two people smiling in my mind startled me, I open my eyes in surprise as I shriek

I tried to calm down before the image of my grandpa showed up in my head


I sit in my bed before groaning

"Grandpa what the hell is that?!"

"Watch your mouth young lady"

I rolled my eyes

"Grandpa come on! Just tell me, who are they exactly?"

I felt his amusement on the mind link before he slowly answered

"Its your parents silly"

My irritation quickly subsided, I stared at my window in shock

"They--- they are?"

"Yes dear"

I blink, coping at the new information my grandpa told me

I can't even remember their faces because of how young I were that day. I felt my longing and sadness grew over me.

"Grandpa... Can you sent it again?"

A picture of two people smiling flash in my mind again, now I clearly saw a woman and a man in the picture. My father's eyes look exactly like me, while I got my whole feature to my mother.

They are both so happy in the picture.

My grandpa's voice grow soft when he talk to me again trough via mind link

"I remembered their faces last night in my dream, so I thought you would love to see them"

I smiled to myself as tears falls from my eyes

"Thank you for sharing it to me grandpa, thank you. You don't know how much I appreciate it"

"You're welcome my sweet one, now get out of bed already, Im still waiting for you here in my office"

A lot of books flash in my mind and I groaned. Im starting to hate books right now.

My mind soon got full of murderous plans on how to end the whole books life.


(2 days later)

I closed the book and huff in annoyance

"I give up grandpa! This is hopeless" I groaned as I leaned back on grandpas couch before letting myself slide down the couch slowly

When I finally got myself on the cold floor, I close my eyes as I hummed slowly

I felt my grandpas stare on me

"Get back on the couch shey"

"Shey is not here, I am just a floor"

"Then let me get chester for you, he'll help you---

"Grandpa no!" I quickly sat and crawl back into the chair. I pouted as I saw how my grandpa snickered

"I hate chester"

Just the thought of him going near gave me nuts, we have this little bond but he's not really my mate, its called a potential bond, I hate how I feel about him, I hate how he smelled so good.. he's not really my mate so I distance myself to him for the better good.

"Of course you don't shey, its a potential bond, you don't hate chester, you like him"

I groaned


"Okay okay, I'll stop" grandpa laugh in amusement before pointing at the book in his table

"Just read this and I'll keep my mouth shut"

Could I sneak that book outside and burn it into pieces? I'll really do it

But the thought of my ceremony tomorrow changes my mood


"Yes dear?"

"Could I really do it?" He look up at me, I stared at him nervously

"Could I really rule this kingdom? What if I fail? I wouldn't want this kingdom to fall apart"

He's eyes softened as he motioned me to come to him. In just a second, I am already in my grandpas side, hugging him like the last time

I sighs softly. I need this hug.

"Just believe in yourself my sweet one, I know you could do it"

I smiled at my grandpa before I continued reading.

You could do this shey, you'll be a future queen, this should be just a piece of cake to you.

Speaking about cake... I think I will ask someone later to bring me one.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hanna_Tolentinocreators' thoughts