
Awakening of Infinite Dimensional Power

By Destiny is a story of connections connecting as two main characters try to thwart the ambitions of the undefined. Both main characters seek power because of their past experiences. Both sides work smoothly, they experience challenging events that are more motivating, and as they become stronger with these events, things become much more complicated. Riko reincarnates from her vanished universe in the spatial plane to the universe where Asami is. Asami, on the other hand, has a grudge against those who have disappeared for her lost childhood. The destruction of Riko's universe and Asami's town are the cause and effect of each other. This spiral day that started it all will begin to destroy dimensions. Are you ready for this story?

beyond_reality0 · Fantasía
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Causality Where Everything Begins and Ends

At that moment he realized that God's plan was absolute, that his own power would be the beginning of everything. No matter how eager he was, this request was the beginning of their meaningless story and could not be stopped. He could try it every time, the course was different, but the result was the same, even if he tried infinite times. I can explain this incident to you like this:

Think of an event from above, a large sledgehammer with 50 tons of nails, and there is poison in the nails that can kill you in 10 seconds, and you are paralyzed from the waist down, but every time you die, you rewind time to the same event, of course, you can struggle differently each time, but you can never change dying as a result, your chance of changing it is absolute zero. ...

One spring morning, he got ready to go to school, when his cousin Kurumi told him that she couldn't accompany him last night because she caught a cold. That's why he went out, a little sad and happy at the same time, on the gloomy narrow road of the school, right in front of the sun, with the chirping of the birds, slowly watching the sky, with the sakura leaves floating (!). The only thing he thought about in this beautiful landscape was the Sakura trees, because they were the ones who gave the beauty of the landscape and destroyed the beauty. Sakura flowers symbolize the arrival of spring, at the same time, their slow bloom and sudden fall symbolize death, as life may end suddenly and we must live with this in mind.

''Where am I? '' ''What's going on'' ''My senses, I don't understand'' ''I have to go home. Kurumi, mother, Lena(Sister), my friends"

He was currently floating in the void, where everything was and at the same time there was nothing, in short, nothingness. He remained unconscious for about Planck Time, then slowly his last memories began to come back.

In this space after a sudden headache and a flare. There was another flash as his memories came, and in an untimely manner his senses returned, hot, cold, lukewarm, sweet, sour, light, dark, loud, quiet. He opened his eyes and what did he see, two breasts in front of him, he lifted his head a little, a dark-skinned chick with green eyes, red hair, maximum 22, singing a lullaby with a sleep-inducing voice!

"What is that?"

"Should I be surprised that she's in front of me, or should I be surprised that two seconds ago there was another..."

"Wait a minute, why am I

I'm talking about"

"As far as I understand, the person in front of me is my mother, but my feelings are pushing me very hard, sadness comes for no reason. I want to cry, but my feelings also tell me that crying will not go away."

And he cried...

His mother is surprised for a moment, then starts caressing his belly while singing a lullaby, thinking that he is probably crying because he has gas.

After a while, when Riko turned 12, he entered with a beautiful and lavish birthday party. It took 12 years to learn to understand and learn about this world from the inside out. Growing up in this world, surrounded by monarchy, Friedrich Nietzsche's will to power, dark religious and religious oppression, there is a beautiful and, for some, difficult life.

During this period, his mother wanted each teenager to enroll in the Necronomicon magic academy and join the elite when they turned 12. Of course, he accepted this request for his desire for power and to see the interesting things of the world. When he learned his first spell, he had received a little and long training from his father and Hikari, the lady who constantly visited the house, so he was confident.

He showed up with all his strength and intelligence in the auditions to be held a few days later, but there were rivals who were strong and intelligent enough to make him go back and forth between whether he would be selected or not, so he was a little discouraged. There were 20 people who really stood out in the audition;

Asami (Noted for her fighting style such as extremely fast thinking, fast movement, fast magic casting, and dancing that amazed Riko.)

Rei (An extremely powerful candidate who can definitely be the first in the rankings, his spells can easily destroy a big candidate.)

Etsuko (As a man, he fascinated many people, especially the opposite sex. There seems to be no rival in terms of magic functionality and meaning.)

Just counting these three opponents is enough to eliminate Riko. As he sadly walks towards the exit of the exam hall without looking ahead (the exam result will be announced in a few days), he falls to the ground and slowly raises his head up after a slight pain. The girl in front of her covers it with her hand in a tenth of a second so that her underwear is not visible. The girl angrily slaps Riko and then

"Pervert, pervert, why are you still staring! Go away or you'll end up badly."

Stunned, Riko remembers the girl from the competition.

"Are you from the Necronomicon audition? I saw you, you were pretty good, how can you be so strong and beautiful... Anyway, do you have any secrets? I want to be at least as strong as you."

Asami was blushing from all the repeated praise. If her heart was still in the right place, she would have answered, but she couldn't hide her excitement, especially when such a sweet and handsome man was standing in front of her. She thought for a while about what she should do, while she was thinking, Riko put his hand on Asami's forehead and

"Are you okay? You don't have a fever, but your face is red. Is it a new type of disease? You need to be careful in these periods. If you want, I can take you to my house. I have a private pharmacist who will give you medicine and make you feel better."

Asami blushed even more, after realizing the words, she hit a left hook, with the impact of the blow, Riko flew into the wall.

"There is really no one better than you, a pervert, a dishonorable, a mock human being!" she walked away after shouting.

Asami is a 12-year-old girl who cannot trust anyone because of the events she experienced in her childhood and is burning with the fire of revenge.

Riko, you're off to a really bad start.

Normally a novel that already has 19 chapters in another language, I thought of publishing it in English. (There may be errors in translation)

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