
Awakened Zombie's Die-Hard Levelling

In a monster infested world where the worst of monsters are humans, a long dead zombies awakens a system. The battle-thirsty, power craving zombie begins its journey to rule the world... with only two goals in sight! First, to gain as much power as possible and second, to kill all of mankind and exact his revenge!

RedDeadNight · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Mutated High Orc & The System

Felix, in his crude voice that had honed somewhat after his evolution into a Somatic Zombie, beckoned to the cub while crouching down.

"Lishle one!" He extended his hand, making him yelp and kick at the ground.

His back pressed against the wall, endorsing him with the reality that there was nowhere to escape.

Felix smiled, his hand passed his trembling face and gently patted his head.

The High Orc, feeling the eerie coldness of Felix's hand and the rotting scent of his flesh, froze. As if in a trance, he rigidly lifted his face and stared into Felix's eyes.

"Wh-What are you..."

Felix hurriedly pressed his finger against his lip and silenced him, "Shhh! Yur faeter... daed!"

The cub, despite not clearing understanding what Felix meant, understood the gist.

And the realization... forced his bead sized pupils to well up.

Felix's smile widened, he didn't know why, but the sensation of anything living being toyed with... and watching them suffer and perish in their futile attempts of survival... enraptured him!

[You are an undead! A zombie! A being who has died and is still wresting control of your body. How can you– yearning and clinging to life from the dead– ever accept somebody savouring the warmth of his body with so much ease?]

Felix accepting the System's explanation and throwing it in the back of his mind, caressed the cub's face lovingly.

"De yu... wnt tu lib?"

Goosebumps drilled down the cub's body, his small eyes shuffled to the massacre occuring behind.

Seeing him gazing, one of the Orcuses raised her hand and reached out for him, "Prince... sav–" her words failed to complete and Seth casually pulled out his dagger and stepped aside.

His heart grew cold as he failed to avert his gaze from her eyes which slowing lost their gleaming luster. His head hurriedly moved up and down.

Felix nodded in understanding, "Thn... yu mast... stugle fer it!"

A smile bloomed on his face and his hand tore off a chunk of his flesh.

As he gazed at it, a strange glint flashed in his eyes, and he slowly placed it in the cub's small hands.

"Eh? Wh-Wha–" He stuttered, unable to understand what the undead implied.

But, what he did understand was simple, this creature in front of him was horrifyingly strong. He had seen how he butchered those three humans and left them to rot... in the worst of forms imaginable.

Now, he was seeing for himself just how easily his pawns were disposing of his father's greatest treasures– the Orcuses.

And, true to the beliefs his father had branded him with, he was, from his heart, worshipping this being!! Worshipping his power!

Felix, seeing his pitiful, clueless expression, felt a rush inside him. His lips pleaded to pull apart, but he resisted and leaned his face closer, "Shuw... haw mach yu dasire laif."

His eyes widened, his sight hovered atop the piece of rotten flesh in his palm. He... understood.

What the Awakened wanted him to do was simple... commit suicide! How dare he seek life? When the Awakened wasn't blessed the opportunity himself!

Undead flesh– flesh that couldn't be eaten by undeads themselves– how could the living eat such flesh?

A mouthful of saliva pushed down his throat, his hands began to tremble, his vision shook. Just as the cold piece of flesh was about to fall off his palm, a cold hand supported his hands from below.

And gently, it started to alleviate his palm, until it started to brush his lips.

Merely getting grazed by it, his lips started to itch terribly, he felt as if thousands of worms were crawling atop his face.

Before he could even realise what was happening, another hand pushed down on him from above and the flesh invaded his mouth.

"Hu–" Something chocked his throat for a second, muffling his voice, and then, then it was over.

His eyes widened, his face lifted to stare at the Awakened.

The Awakened who was eyeing him in morbid intrigue, like a scientist about to see the result of his experiment.

Suddenly, the High Orc's stomach flipped upside down and everything came gushing out of his throat in a fit of immense coughing.

His body, losing strength, collapsed forward. And his hands splattered over his own vomit, as his darkening vision fell atop his vomit, he realized a strange thing... despite him having vomited... that piece of flesh hadn't left!

"GUIII!!!" A shrill, piercing, guttural scream that ruptured his throat boomed out.

His yellow bead eyes welled up with tears and blood.

He felt as if thousands of needles were pricking his pores and untying the threads holding him together.

His skin, in front of Felix's eyes, flipped upside out!

His whole body convulsed, blood and dark foam escaped from his pores.

'So... painful!' His body turned colder and colder, he could feel his heart losing vigor.

But suddenly, a holographic screen appeared in front of him, 'Am I... hallucinating from the pain?'

[Detected that host is about to die.]

As he stared at the words, his fingers rounded into a fist, a black veil covered his yellow eyes, and his quietened heart struggled to throb again, 'I-I don't want to die! Save me! Save me!! I don't want to die... death is frightening... save me please!!'

[Cowardice Chaos has kick-started, host's desire to life is increasing.]

Felix's eyes flickered, as he peered deeper into those veiled eyes and at the face twisted from fear, his excitement suddenly exploded, 'What a repulsive desire to life... just like your father's.'

His lips morphed into a sneer and he shook his head dejectedly, 'How sad... your fate is inevitable.'

He chuckled and got up, and just as he did, his shrivelled face froze.

The High Orc pushed down and lifted his face, in a swift motion, his skin– that had flipped– reverted to its original position. Albeit in an odd, pinkish-black tone.

His eyes popped wide as he stared straight into Felix's face, his fangs gnashed as he roared aloud, "I... WON'T DIE!!!"

Instantly, the claws of death looming over him seemed to recede and he collapsed to the floor, wide eyed, and filled with relief, as a tab opened in front of Felix's and his eyes.


● Name: None

● Race: (Mutated) Young High Orc

● State: Alive

● Level: 1

● Experience: 0/10

● Stats: Strength-15 | Speed-15 | Defense-15 | Intelligence-8 | Mana-50

● Skills: Cowardice Chaos | Dexterity (Level:2) | High Skin Resistance (Level:1) | Strength Worshipping (Level:3) | Relentless ]

Felix's eyes fluttered, so did the High Orc's as he gazed at his status in a daze.

The System's jubilant voice rang in Felix's head.

[Congratulations! We have extended the System to the first ever living being! Let's hope for more of such miracles in the future.]

In the same time, a notification introducing the System chimmed in the High Orc's ears. Making him stammer and shake his head violently, "That's not possible! My father told me the System perished centuries ago!!"

[But it is how it is...]

The High Orc's lips spasmed and his eyes.... just found way to Felix! His pupils– dull and cold– as he gazed down at him from above... awed him!

A thought sprouted in his head, a thought he willingly accepted, 'No matter how it happened... he's behind it! He has brought the miraculous System... back into reality!'