
Awakened Destiny

In a world where the impossible became possible, where the line between reality and fantasy blurred, a new era was dawning. In 2002, when a mysterious meteor struck the Earth, it unleashed the potential hidden within the hearts of young people aged 16 and older. They awakened extraordinary abilities, ones that defied the laws of nature and science. Among those who were blessed with these newfound powers was Ethan, a young man full of dreams and aspirations. However, as he approached his 16th birthday, little did he know that his journey into the world of awakened abilities would be far from ordinary. As he delves deeper into the world of awakened individuals, Ethan discovers that not all who possess these powers have good intentions. A sinister group lurks in the shadows, seeking to steal abilities from others and make them their own. This revelation unveils a dangerous underbelly of the awakened world, one filled with secrets, conspiracies, and power struggles. Ethan's journey is not just one of self-discovery but of facing the challenges and moral dilemmas that arise in a world where abilities have consequences. As he walks the fine line between being a hero and facing the allure of power, Ethan will come to understand that true strength lies not only in the abilities one possesses but in the choices one makes. This is the beginning of Ethan's extraordinary adventure in a world where shadows conceal both danger and the potential for greatness. It's a tale of mystery, intrigue, and the enduring human spirit that yearns for the extraordinary.

WhonderWhy · Fantasía
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3 Chs

CHAPTER 2: My Awakened Ability

It all started when a Mysteries meteor hit the earth in 2002 Young people like 16 or older started getting awakened abilities, but not all can awaken their abilities. When random people got awakened abilities, the Government couldn't keep up, that's when a new organization named "PATCH" came. 

Ethan: (I got my Awakened Ability, but to use it should I apply for PATCH training?)

After thinking for a while Ethan applies for PATCH training to learn his abilities.

3 months later Ethan's first day in PATCH Training. Ethan started trying everything he could, but he couldn't what kind of ability he have, Ethan thought he could fly, Ethan took the flying test and jumped from the top knowing it was safe even if he couldn't fly while falling Ethan found his hands covered with something dark, Ethan pull's his hands back and he finds himself in the top again.

Ethan: whoa? Did I just teleport?

Test Reporter: Looks like you have the Ability to Teleport Mr. Ethan.

Ethan: Finally I found my ability! 

Ethan had finally discovered his awakened ability - teleportation. It was a rare and unique power, and he was excited to explore its potential. He quickly adapted to using it for various purposes, from traveling short distances to surprising his friends with his newfound talent. However, he was aware that he needed to master his ability to truly make a difference.

As he progressed through PATCH training, Ethan met other young adults like him who had recently awakened their abilities. They formed a close-knit group and shared their experiences and struggles. Some had elemental powers, such as controlling ice or lava, while others had unique abilities like telekinesis, invisibility, or enhanced strength even had the power to see to the future although just for a 2 or 3 seconds

During training, Ethan found a mentor in another PATCH member, Maya, who had the power of telekinesis. She taught him to harness and control his teleportation ability effectively. They spent hours practicing, and Ethan's teleportation skills improved dramatically.

Ethan's training wasn't just about mastering his power; it also involved learning about the responsibilities that came with having an ability. PATCH emphasized using their abilities for the greater good, and the organization often helped authorities deal with rogue awakened individuals who used their powers for harm.

Ethan had been with PATCH for almost a year, and he had made remarkable progress. One day, he received a message from the organization's leader, Director Hawkins, requesting his presence in his office.

Director Hawkins: "Ethan, we have a special mission for you. We've received reports of a dangerous awakened individual causing havoc in the city. This person has the power to manipulate fire and is setting buildings ablaze. We need you to apprehend them and ensure the safety of the citizens."

Ethan felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was his chance to prove his worth and contribute to society using his newfound abilities.

Ethan: I'm ready, Director. I won't let you down.

He gathered his equipment and received a briefing on the situation. The rogue awakened individual, who went by the name Pyron, had been causing chaos for days, and traditional law enforcement had been unable to stop him. Pyron's flames were out of control, and innocent lives were at risk.

Ethan teleported to the scene, appearing on a rooftop overlooking the chaos. Flames were engulfing several buildings, and terrified civilians were fleeing for their lives. Pyron stood at the center, seemingly reveling in the destruction.

Ethan knew he had to act quickly. With a deep breath, he teleported behind Pyron and attempted to subdue him by teleporting objects away from his reach. However, Pyron's fiery powers were strong, and he retaliated, launching fireballs in all directions.

Ethan dodged the fiery projectiles with his teleportation skills and continued to disarm Pyron. As he did, he noticed something. Pyron wasn't entirely in control of his powers; he seemed confused and desperate.

Just when Ethan had Pyron cornered, he was shocked to witness Pyron suddenly manifest another ability. Pyron's hands swirled with energy as he conjured thin air into solid, crystalline structures, creating glass barriers that separated him from Ethan.

Ethan tried to teleport past the glass, but it seemed impenetrable. Pyron had caught him off guard with his unexpected power, and Ethan was momentarily trapped, unable to reach his opponent.

As Pyron prepared to launch another fiery assault, Ethan realized he had one last chance. He concentrated on the dark substance he had discovered within himself and began to channel it. To his surprise, his hands transformed, becoming a deep, shadowy black.

With newfound determination, Ethan used his dark hand to block the incoming fireballs and then lunged forward with a powerful punch. The punch connected with Pyron's glass barrier, shattering it into countless shards. Pyron stumbled backward, clearly surprised by the unexpected turn of events.

In that moment, Ethan felt an immense surge of strength and power coursing through his dark hand. It was as if he had gained superhuman strength and a newfound control over the dark element that had saved him earlier.

Ethan: Looks like you're not the only one with a hidden ability, Pyron.

He took advantage of the confusion and moved in for the final blow. But just as he was about to strike, Pyron did something Ethan couldn't anticipate. He created a blinding flash of light, disorienting Ethan for a crucial second. When the light subsided, Pyron had disappeared.

Ethan was left standing there, in awe and shock. He had won the battle, but Pyron had escaped, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and a sense of mystery.

Back at PATCH headquarters, Director Hawkins praised Ethan for his resourcefulness and bravery, but he was curious about the dark element Ethan had used.

In the journey of creation, remember that every challenge is a stepping stone to something beautiful. Embrace the rough drafts and moments of doubt, for they lead to unique and meaningful creations. THANKS FOR READING

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