
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasía
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24 Chs


"Sir Atlas, reports from scouts state that a flock of Skepres, estimated to be at least a hundred adults, nesting in the nearby forest area."

"Inform the Eradicators to bring along a group of adventurers, no more than 50 into the forest region and get rid of those pests, their multi-elemental nature can be a nuisance for large groups with their wide range of attacks and we cannot afford to lose too many people right now."


"Thanks Alastair, i appreciate it."

"I'm just doing my duty sir! Once we sweep through the first floor of the labyrinth, the surroundings will be much safer and another kingdom can even be set up here at the west edge, just like the Struss kingdom at the north! It is my pleasure to assist humanity in cleansing the beasts from the world and to ensure the safety of oth-"

"Yeah yeah, you're a great help, now go inform them to get ready to set out 3 days from now, we still need them at the frontlines of the attack on the marsh region to minimise casualties and kill off the abnormal that had been found living in that place."

"As you command!"

As soon as Alastair leaves the room, Atlas sighs and looks over the map laid over his desk.

"Soon i will get my hands on it, and there's definitely more to come!"

With a grin on his face, he places his tower shield onto his back, walking out of the room while fiddling with his spiky mace in hand, impatient to jump back into the fray.


After papa bird returned with what looks like a snake, the rest of the bird family woke up to feast. At first i was reluctant but after recalling how eating this might give me those evo points, i devoured larger portions of the big snake, anticipating the cool upgrades i could get. Looking at my parent birds and their epic mutations again, i increased the speed in which i consumed the snake meat with vigour. Maybe i can become a lightning elemental bird? That is definitely going to be quite a sight.

After eating until i felt like i was a little below full, i start to feel worried at how maybe it has been more than an hour since this snake died but after taking another bite, the blue panel finally reappeared. Relieved, i read what was on it.

| 1 evo point obtained. |

Really? Just 1? After eating all that? Guess i shouldn't complain since i basically got this for free, but still! Hopefully its enough for at least one upgrade. I went to the upgrade section and in it was a list of body parts.









My eyes are already way better than when i was a human so i don't need to upgrade that. I barely even have a tail and i'm can't imagine how upgrading it can be of use. So that leaves beak, talons, wings and feathers. I think i should prioritise the part that helps out my endurance, i don't want to die by a stray rock hitting me in the head or something. Upgrading my feathers will most likely increase my exterior defenses, not sure how though.

Feather upgrades:




Increasing thickness is definitely what i want. I have no idea how increasing the size or amount could help much. Sure it might provide better protection but thickness is probably the best of the 3 in that department.

| 1 evo point has been spent. |

| Feathers> Feathers(thickness I). |

I don't feel much different... when can i get feathers coated in lightning? The only slight difference is that my feathers look to be slightly thicker. And thats if i'm really focusing hard on them. I know its not going to be that easy but hopefully it won't take too long. Maybe my stats changed?

Name: Haruto

Species: Skepre Avis(Hatchling)

Lvl: 1

Health: 30/30

Mana: 10/10

Attack Power: 7

Agility: 11

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 38

OH! My endurance increased by a point! Progress! At least its something!

After the bird family finished eating the snake, down to the bones, papa bird took the remains and flew off while the rest prepared to go back to sleep. I could use another nap. I noticed this the first time but after meals i feel way drowsier than i should have if i were still human.

I quickly nestled with my kin and fell asleep.


I'm woken up by the sounds of chirping. Looking around, i see that my siblings are already wide awake and had started walking off to where mama bird is standing, at the edge of the nest.

I follow my siblings, curious as to what we are going to do. Maybe more food? Unlikely though, it looks more like mama bird wants to show us something. As i approach the edge of the nest i hear more bird noises and was soon able to see quite a wondrous sight.

Over the edge, i could see a large variety of birds flapping their wings and flying about the area. Birds of many colours which i assume to be representing their respective element, flying about with their young in tow.

I should probablt start using our species name, these aren't ordinary birds after all. I also see a bunch of other nests with skepre looking over the edge just like us, admiring the scene before us.

I get that it is beautiful and all but what is the point of showing us all this. I thought, waiting for mama bird to communicate to us what she wanted us to do.

To my dismay, she started flapping her wings and soon took off the nest, flapping her wings in front of us and staying in the air while us 3 hatchlings watched. Soon after, my 2 siblings began to flap their wings as well.

... I should have stayed asleep