
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Taking Flight?

Uh oh. Don't tell me that i already have learn how to fly. Its too soon! I haven't prepared myself for this yet! I've only been alive for a day or two as a bird and you already expect me to spread my wings and fly!? No way! Give me more time please!

My pleas fell on deaf ears however much i try. After all, i'm hatchling no more than 2 days old and i have no idea how this bird communication stuff works.

Maybe if i pretend that i'm doing my best to fly and i fail, mana bird will leave me alone. Yes! Lets go with that! Surely i can fool a mere bird! It also looks like my fellow hatchlings are having difficulty taking off as they flap their wings vigorously. This will definitely wor- and they're off.


While i continue to flap my wings i feel myself beginning to lift my bird body off the nest. Isn't this like too easy? Shoud there not be more hardships in learning to fly? This puts all the hard work mankind has put into the invention of planes as some kind of joke. Spending years of trial and error just to achieve the ability to fly, when birds have it so easy, being able to reach the skies no more than 2 days after being born. Ok maybe earth birds take a little longer to learn how to fly, definitely not 2 days.

While i was complaining about the unfairness of it all, i had already fully taken off the nest along with my other 2 siblings. Well this isn't as bad as i thought it would be. I thought my trauma would be worse than this.

I follow my fellow hatchlings to where mama bird is and that is when things took a turn for the worse.

After leaving the nest, i made the dire mistake of looking down. The height between me and the ground is too much for me to handle and before i knew it, my head starts to throb. I start seeing hallucinations of 2 very familiar shapes lying flat on the ground in a puddle of blood beneath me.

My lil bird heart starts to pound rapidly, i struggle for air and in turn, i start to lose control over my body. As i struggle to flap my wings i start to lose alititude, mama bird notices my current predicament. She tries to catch me before i fall but it is too late. I lose my balance and dive straight down.

Fortunately, i fell into a bush which softened my landing a bit. I shake my head, gaining back some composure and finally calmed down a bit. I forced myself out of the bush, wincing in pain, i looked back up in search for mama bird. That was when heard i heard a rustle from behind me along with a hiss that came shortly after. Alerted, i tried to get away but the beast was faster.

Have no fear! Mama bird is here! Next thing i knew i witnessed solid ice shaped feathers piece through the snake's body and it collapsed. Wow that was close, i almost died again. Does appraisal still work on the dead? I focus on the snake and a blue screen appears. That was easier to figure out that i thought.

Name: ?

Species: Lazap Serpens(Juvenile)

Lvl: 6

Health: 2/80

Mana: 20/20

Attack Power: 19

Agility: 28

Endurance: 14

Intelligence: 18

Wow its about thrice as strong as me. That could have gone real bad. Hold on... 2 hp?

As soon as i realise it, the Lazap snake thingy springs back to life and as fast as lightning, it strikes and sinks its fangs into my skin.


I claw with my talons and peck at it until it finally slumps to the ground, that silver of health finally depleted.

| Level up! Lvl 1>Lvl 3. 3 evo points obtained.|


As i continue to beat up the remains, mama bird finally lands on the ground behind me. Gently lifting me up with her beak, she flies off back to the nest.


As i scream internally while tweeting in protest on the outside, mama bird places me back on the nest before flying back down. Probably to retrieve its corpse. Yasss mother, bring it to me, we shall bathe in its blood together!


A short moment later, 3 hatchling birds can be seen feasting on a 5 ft long snake. One particular hatchling looking to be enjoying their meal quite a bit, with their face dyed in red as they continued to gobble down on the reptile. Yes! That hatchling is me! How satisfying! This is what it gets for biting me! Snakes are basically just worms with faces and scales anyway!

As i continue to indulge myself in its guts. I access the system to use my new hard earned points when-


I feel a vibration coming from elsewhere. I couldn't quite pinpoint where it came from when i'm feasting right now but whatever. Its probably nothing important. For all i know it could just be one of the many birds i saw earlier before i, well, failed miserably on my first flight. Haaaaaa, whats in the past is in the past. C'mon me i can't let that bother me anymore if i want to live. On a side note, my injuries were healed after i leveled up so thats convenient! The system was definitely at work there. I can definitely take advantage of this in the future, pretty sure i would have died from the snake's venom and bleeding if i didn't level up then.

I continue to chew on gross snake meat as a blue window appears before me.