
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasía
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24 Chs


My vision is still very blur but i could sort of make out what is in front of me. My first thought after i broke out is

haha i'm finally out! FREEDOM!

My next thought after i laid my eyes on the unbelievable sight before me was to


Which was that i did...or at least tried to. Before i could start sprinting away i tripped and fell over. Probably should have broke the rest of my body out first. With my eyes better adapting to the sudden change, i was getting better clarity. With a sense of foreboding, i look back up at the monstrous figure that is the huge bird that is looking down at me. It is about 10 times taller than me, light blue in colour with what seems to be spikes of ice protruding out at the edges of its wings. Its' head somewhat ressembles a valkyrie helmet and also has 2 tails at the back. Everything else about the bird was pretty ordinary, just a touch bit more moster-like. Contrary to my expectations, the bird didn't immediately feast on my vulnerable self but instead...chuckle? Did i see that right? Feeling up my body again, it was very unfamiliar and odd. I also feel an incomprehensible comforting aura radiating off the bird.

Ok first off, breaking the rest of my body out, then run. With that plan of action in mind, it was time to execute it. Now that my sight was better, in fact it felt way better than when before i died and my eyesight was very good then, i tried to reassess my situation but was stunned to see a pointed structure sticking out from my face. Before i could process that, I looked down at what was encasing me and i was shocked to see that it was some egg? I was stuck in an egg this whole time!? Looking around, i saw that i was in a middle of a forest and on the ground. Shouldn't i be in a nest?

1: A big bird that looks like it had the ability to swallow me whole was not, well swallowing me whole

2: I was inside some egg

3: I have what resembles a beak attached to my face

Well damn i'm a bird now aren't i? Reborn as a bird...no longer a human...well that really sucks. And a bird of all things, just my darn luck. Why couldn't i be reincarnated as a dragon or something god? Just why? Seeing as how what i assume to be the adult of my species in front of me had abnormal monstrous features, i am in a fantasy world alright. Just as the wrong species that i should be. I guess this is my mama bird. How can i tell? I have no clue but i can. After pecking the rest of my body out of the egg with assistance from mother bird, i check out the rest of my bird body which is lacking feathers and i suddenly feel very naked. Can birds feel embarrassment? Hmm probably not.

Focusing back on my supposed mother with her feathers that look very appealing to snuggle up against, i see what looked to be meat in her beak. I thought birds only eat insects and seeds and stuff like that? Guess fantasy birds can eat meat as well. Not complaining though i'd rather not eat stuff like worms, thats gross. Mama bird hunched over to place the meat in front of me and gave a quick tweet which i somehow interpreted as 'Eat!' in a warm tone. I stared at the slab of meat, then back at mother who was cheerfully watching me, then back at the meat. Yeahhhhhh...no thanks, raw meat just doesn't look as appetizing and i'm pretty sure birds have no way to cook food. Now how to get out of this situation? My legs still don't quite work and even if they could, there is no way i could outrun a full grown adult bird that looks like it could carry hundreds of me squeezed onto her back. Pretend to eat and hope she leaves? Lets go with that! Hehe I'm so clever. I placed my beak against the edge of the meat and started biting the meat. Ugh this feels so nasty, i can hear the wet noises of the meat whenever i close my beak on it. Please leave mama bird i can eat on my own! Don't you have other hatchlings to attend to? No matter what, it looks like mama bird will see to it that i finish eating the slab of meat.

Do i really have to? Can't i just say no? Worth a shot i guess. I try to squeeze out a chirp out of my mouth to get my intent through that i don't want to eat. However, mama bird just twists her head in confusion before picking the meat back up and biting it down into smaller pieces that i could fit in my beak whole.

I sigh internally as i continue to pretend. Now that i think about it, birds usually wouldn't be able to see after they are just born. At least that was how it is on Earth. Monster birds are built differently not just from Earth birds but obviously humans too. So maybe eating raw meat won't be as bad as i think. Only one way to find out. I pick up one of the pieces of meat and start chewing on it. Nope, it tastes just as nasty as i thought it would. I look back up at mama bird, happy that i'm eating, then back at the pieces of meat again.

This is going to be unpleasant...