
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Imminent Danger

Following the trend for using the system so far, i think about my title and information about it pops out.

|<Defective Avis That Cannot Fly> is a title that is given to the most useless of avis that cannot do one of the simplest functions of their species. Effects: -10% agility|

That description is kinda harsh doncha think system? I guess its justified since even 2 day old hatchlings have little difficulty learning to fly like its a natural thing to be able to do. If it weren't for my little fear of heights it would have been a piece of cake. The effects are not too bad, i don't even have much agility right now but if i don't get rid of this title, it could become a pain in the future.

At this rate, if i get appraised, i'm going to be the laughing stock of the flock. Screw you system! Why is this a thing!? I'd be flipping you the bird if i could! Shit, i already am a bird!

Moving on, i use appraisal on the other 2 hatchlings who unlike me, actually managed to take flight with little to no trouble.

Name: ?

Species: Skepre Avis Hatchling (F-rank)

Lvl: 1

Health: 30/30

Mana: 10/1

Attack Power: 7

Agility: 11

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 17

Title:<Air Traverser>

What is this air traverser title?

|<Air Traverser> is a title given to all creatures that succeed in the act of moving through air. Effects: +10% agility while moving through the air|

I'm guessing thats what i will have to get to get rid of my detestable title.

As i thought, their intelligence is lower than mine as well, but surprisingly higher than i expected. Either that or i'm just dumb as bricks for a human. My intelligence is only a bit more than twice as theirs. And here i thought i would have an overwhelming advantage against other beasts with my human intellect. Maybe my species is just smart. That will make me feel better about myself. Perhaps my more evolved bird parents might even be smarter than me since they can even communicate. I didn't see any upgrades that looked like it could increase intelligence though. I inspected my bird parents with appraisal but all the results i got were:


Species: Skepre Avis ?????(?)

Lvl: ??

Health: ???

Mana: ???

Attack Power: ???

Agility: ???

Endurance: ???

Intelligence: ??

Title: ???????

Yo what. System what am i seeing here?

|Target is too powerful in comparison to the user to be appraised. User has to get stronger(at least within 10 levels of target) in order to fully appraise the target.|

Yea ok but whats the deal with the question marks? Does it mean that when there's like 3 question marks, that stat is in the hundreds?

|That is correct.|

Woah so my bird parents are at least 10 times as fast as me? That seems broken but i'm not sure how they really fare against other beasts. The only other beast i ever appraised was a mere lvl 6 snake after all. I just hope that they are on the stronger side.


"How are the preparations to the expedition to the first floor of the labyrinth?"

"We may have a slight delay, a flock of Skepre has been found to be in close proximity to the route we are taking and we predict that they will get in our way. The humans might also be nearby. A scout has reported sight of a small army of humans in the nearby marsh region and they have recently defeated the leader of that area as well as taken an artifact."

"Do you think they will get in our way?"

"They have probably already noticed the flock as well and will most likely attack soon. We probably won't be able to proceed unnoticed unless we wait."

"Thats not an option. We cannot waste anymore time here."

"Yes, i agree. I suggest we watch until the humans and the flock are tired out from battle, then we strike and elimimate them both with minimal effort and proceed with the plan."

"We shall do that then. Inform our psychics to watch the humans carefully and inform me immediately once movement is noticed. I will make sure to eliminate every last one of those sinful bastards!"

"Yes captain."


Its been a few years since the base was established, and there were many arranged expeditions into the beasts' den, To explore the the world beneath. There were many discoveries that were made from these dives into the unknown.

Rich and abundant resource-filled lands that Enable humanity to advance by leaps and bounds.

Stronger, more powerful beasts that act as leaders to the masses of weaker beasts, classified as overlord beasts.

Ancient items with extraodinary powers and effects that are found from the corpses of these abnormal beasts, seemingly a gift from the gods, acting as a reward for winning the hard-fought battle against them.

Abominations of the deep, living deeper underground, too much to handle for mankind right now. Trapped and unable to reach the higher levels near the surface. Fortunately.

Even races of unknown origins, similar in appearance to us humans. Some with long, pointed ears, masters of archery and with high magic aptitude. Others short but muscular, masters of weapon-making and with overwhelming physical strength that could put individuals who specialise in brute strength to shame. There are other races of different shapes and sizes, specialities and powers living underground that come to be known as the underground races. Interactions with these races lead to us finding out the name of this underground series of networks. The 'Morath Labyrinth'

These are all new discoveries and challenges that will both be a help and a danger to us. There are many outlooks on the role of this Morath Labyrinth, be it a trial from god or a threat to mankind that has to be dealt with. In the end, it doesn't change what we have to do.

~Speech by Maria Struss