
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Attack On Avis

Ack! I closed my eyes to the sudden bright flash of light. What was that!? I slowly open my eyes only for a wall of ice to block my view. Hey whats going on!? After coming back to my senses, i look around for my parent birds but they are nowhere in sight . It appears they are long gone. All i hear now are birds screeching and the loud sounds of explosion after explosion. Seriously whats going on!? Could someone fill me in!? Only the other 2 hatchlings are left in the nest and they look to be as stunned as i am.

Ugh sitting around here isn't gonna do squat. I have a bad feeling about this. I'm sensing alot of irritation and anger from the flock. I also managed to catch some of the messages from the other avians among all this chaos. Something about an attack? It should be fine right? The flock is pretty much the dominant force here right!? There is no way the flock can be defeated!

The sounds of explosions and the cries of my fellow avians are making me feel a bit anxious though. A little look shouldn't hurt. I walk around the huge icy wall blocking the way...Only to witness carnage happening all around me.

The forest the flock was nesting is set ablaze. My fellow avians dropping left and right, being shot out of the sky and plummeting to their doom. I look towards where the projectiles were coming from. This is the one thing i was hoping wouldn't happen. Humans. Humans are attacking. I'd already had an inkling that humans would eventually come but i didn't think they would be that much of a threat, neither did i think that it would be this soon. i've only been born for a few days for crying out loud! I counted about 50 humans. Some setting trees on fire, others shooting down other avis still in the air, the rest finishing off those that can no longer fly. This can't be happening. I've barely been here for a few days and humans suddenly come out of nowhere to slaughter my new family.

Unfair. This is just unfair. Its just a massacre now. The avis can't even retaliate against them. As soon as they appear out in the open, they get shot down before being able to do anything Why are they even attacking us? How is the power difference so big? All this time i've thought that the flock is the strongest around here. Ohhh how wrong i was. Thinking i would be safe as long as i was with the flock. The power my parent birds showed me was just so overwhelming to me that it seemed they were invincible. I was too naive. This is a new world, i know next to nothing about it. Its not going to be like those novels or manga or anime where the main character transfers toa new world and starts dominating everything from the get-go one way or another. Thats too easy and convenient. Life is often difficult and unfair. How could i forget? The damn reincarnaton troupe blinded me. i got too excited and complacent. Now i'm gonna die, powerless to do anything. My new life was awfully short but actually not bad. In fact it was kind of fun. The feeling of getting stronger, the thrill of tearing apart weaker foes, the sense of belonging i had only just started to develop with the flock. I'm kind of surprised that i adapted so quickly and accepted my new family and circumstances so willingly. Is it a human thing or me thing? Humans were said to be able to adapt to new environments quickly after all. After all, i got to experience the warmth of family again, even as a bird. Even if it was only a few short days, it was nice. I sigh as i recall the comfort of sleeping in the pile of feathers that is my avian family. Ahh i wish i could bask in the feeling of snuggling against my parents' warmth once more.

The numbers of the flock was dwindling and the situation was looking dire. Just then, before i could fully resign myself to my second death, i felt the surrounding temperature drop significantly. I scan the battlefield, trying to figure out what was happening. What? Are they trying to freeze us to death now? First you burn the forest now you want to freeze it. Make up your minds you damn indecisive arsonists. I hope you suffer from global warming after this and this world ends up exploding or something. Yeah, that'd be gre-

My thoughts are cut off when i find out where the cold is coming from. Right above the humans, i see my mother bird. I feel some kind of energy in the air being absorbed into her being as she starts to glow a blinding blue. Hey hey whats up? Could it be that mother bird is actually awesome!? Lets go mama bird you rock!

The humans meanwhile were in disarray, panicking and trying to run away. How did she even get there in the first place? I focus my eyes on her to see barely any wounds on her. Did she somehow sneak around? Whatever i don't care as long as she kills them! I let out a sigh of relief.

However, my reassurance was short lived as a small group of humans wearing similar clothing didn't panic and instead took a step forward as if to challenge mother bird.

Hey isn't this bad? It seems like she is doing a charge blast sort of thing and doesn't that usually leave you vulnerable until its fully charged up? I could only hope that it wasn't the case and that all the stuff about charge attacks i learnt about in my old world doesn't apply here either. I start to feel uneasy as i stare a hole through mama bird. As if sensing my gaze, she turns her head to my direction and eyes me as well. Just when the humans started to attack mother bird, she kaws so loudly that it echoes through the forest.

The message got to me and i immediately understood.


The next thing i witnessed left me speechless, but i knew that i had to follow what my mother instructed me to do like a good little bird. I ran back further into the nest to get my siblings while chaos ensued behind me.