
Avatar: Martial Arts VS Bending (Avatar: Rise of Kyoshi)

Born at the era of Avatar Kyoshi with no ability of bending. A martial arts system inspired by his favorite novel. Watch as he fights bending with martial arts

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13 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Killing the Herd (4)

One by one, I took them down, each punch more powerful than the last. Their roars echoed through the forest, but it was too late for them. I was unstoppable now.

But just as I prepared to land the final blow on the last adult moose lion, a deafening roar filled the air.

I froze.

The ground trembled beneath me as the rest of the herd, which had been scattered throughout the forest, came charging towards me, their eyes blazing with fury.


I barely had time to react as one of the larger beasts tackled me, its claws sinking into my side. I gasped in pain, but I couldn't stop now. I had to keep going. I had to survive.

I rolled out from under its massive frame, wincing as I felt the sharp sting of blood dripping down my side. My vision blurred for a moment, but I pushed through it, adrenaline keeping me on my feet.

Another one lunged at me, and I managed to dodge just in time, but the herd was closing in fast. There were too many of them, and my qi reserves were running low after using the Blazing Meteor Fist repeatedly.

I turned and ran, my heart pounding in my chest as the beasts pursued me, their thundering footsteps shaking the ground beneath my feet. 

Trees fell in their path as they tumbled through the forest, their furious roars echoing.

Despite my injuries, I pushed myself to keep going, weaving through the trees as fast as I could. 

I could hear them getting closer, their hot breath on the back of my neck, but I refused to stop.

I couldn't let them catch me. Not now. Not when I was so close to victory.

My lungs burned as I ran, the pain in my side growing more intense with every step. But just when I thought I couldn't go any further, I spotted a narrow ravine ahead.

It was risky, but I had no other choice.

With one last burst of energy, I leaped across the gap, landing on the other side just as the herd reached the edge. They skidded to a halt, unable to follow me across the ravine.

I collapsed on the ground, panting heavily as I watched them pace back and forth on the other side, their eyes still burning with anger.

But they couldn't reach me. I was safe… for now.

I closed my eyes, letting out a shaky breath as the reality of what I had just done hit me.

I had killed most of the herd. But not their entirety.

I looked at the source of my burning pain and grunted.

"I'm gonna kill you all." It was something unfamiliar to me.

Anger. Pure and unadulterated anger.  

"I'm gonna kill you all!!"

I looked back at them and expressed my murderous intent, even if they can't understand what I'm saying I'm sure they understand my intention.

I immediately executed my Phoenix Breathing to recover from my injuries and restore my Qi and energy. My eyes are not leaving them.

Across me, there are 15 or so Sabre Tooth Moose Lions, a number so intimidating but to me, to others it may look like a disaster they can't face but to me they are the target of my anger.

A farm of my MP.


It took me about 35 Minutes to recover from my injury. In that time I was recovering, I already resolved to get revenge against these hordes of mindless savages.

I stood up from my seat and looked at those pacing beasts. Some of them were still glaring at me while the rest was mingling mindlessly.


A stream of hot air left my mouth as I executedPhoenix Breathing. The warm embrace of the phoenix wrapped around me, strengthening my body.

And then I jumped. My feet pushed against the ground as I leaped and reached physically impossible heights. 

I reeled back my fist and simultaneously activated Blazing Meteor Fist. With its activation a warm feeling wrapped around.

Then I landed on the horde like a cannon striking the castle's wall. My fist crashed on the beast's head splatering brain matter and blood all over the ground.

I surveyed my eyes around to find my next target and immediately found it. It was a moose lion about to slash me with its claw.

But I have seen that too many times and knew how to counterattack already. 

With just a simple sidestep, the attack completely missed me. In retaliation I punched the moose lion right under its belly. 

The scorching heat from my fist delivered unimaginable pain that it screeched so loud that the trees around us momentarily shook.

But I was not done. I further pushed my fist into his guts and killed him. I pulled it back splashing some blood before my clothes.

In a succession I turned around and crashed into the moose who had its mouth wide open to bite me. I jumped back to dodge its maw and using my fistI pierced right through its mouth and right into its brain.

I reeled back in and lifted it, slamming the dead moose into its relative. Then using that moment of distraction I once again executed Blazing Meteor Fist.

My fist began to release steam as the blood clotted around it began to evaporate. I punched through the dead moose and right into the moose behind it.

Meteor Blazing Fist consumes a lot of qi and energy, that's why in just four times of using it I was already feeling the exhaustion dawning upon me. 

In any case of scenario Meteor Blazing Fist was the most unwise martial arts to purchase considering my low qi reserves however thats where Phoenix Breathing comes in.

Phoenix Breathing is focused around healing and regeneration. The main point why I bought Meteor Blazing Fist was to synergize it with Phoenix Breathing.

While my attack consumes large qi, my breathing restores qi.

Making a cycle of depletion and regeneration.

My slaughter continued. Until every last one of them was gone. My fist burned, scorching everything that it touched.

It was amazing. I am amazing.


Pls give stone :)

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