
Avatar: Martial Arts VS Bending (Avatar: Rise of Kyoshi)

Born at the era of Avatar Kyoshi with no ability of bending. A martial arts system inspired by his favorite novel. Watch as he fights bending with martial arts

augustesposa · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Frustration

It has been 6 years since Tai Lung was reincarnated into the world of Avatar.

After four years of continuous progress, his growth had come to a halt.

Even though he spent a year of grueling training his martial path was yet to be found. And this made him frustrated. 

"System. Give me a combat mission. Make it harder this time." Tai Lung said with some frustration. But the system remained quiet.

All those years he have been killing and practicing on animals, basically commiting genocide against the inhabitants of the forest.

A year of nothing but beastly combat will render any proud warrior frustrated and what's more was his growth had stagnated. No matter how much he trained his proficiency didn't increase as well as his stats.


And from the nothingness in front of him, a transparent screen popped up.

[Name: Tai Lung

Age: 5

Realm: Martial Explorer

Str: 50

End: 50

Agi: 50

Qi: 50

Martial Arts: 

Phoenix Breathing (50%Proficiency)

Blazing Meteor Fist (50% Proficiency)

Divine One Hundred Step (50% Proficiency)

Shaolin's Indestructible Body (50% Proficiency)

BajiQuan Cultivation (50% Proficiency)


Martial Path 

MP: 84 

[Martial Store]  


Martial Arts is divided into five sectors. 





Qi Cultivation

Tai Lung scrolled through the status screen, his eyes fixating on the list of martial arts. 

Blazing Meteor Fist (Offense)

This was Tai Lung's most destructive technique, designed to obliterate anything in its path. The Blazing Meteor Fist focused on gathering Qi into the user's fists and releasing it with an explosive force. Though it lacked the ability to summon actual flames at his current mastery, it still produced scorching heat on impact, enough to char skin and crack bones. The power behind each punch was undeniable, and with more mastery, it had the potential to become a force of nature. However, its strength came with a steep price—its Qi consumption was high, forcing Tai Lung to be strategic in its use. He had to reserve it for when a decisive blow was necessary.

Shaolin's Indestructible Body (Defense)

This technique fortified his body against both physical and internal damage. Shaolin's Indestructible Body allowed Tai Lung to endure overwhelming forces, hardening his skin and muscles to near-impenetrable levels. While it didn't make him invincible, it rendered attacks that would normally incapacitate others ineffective. Its strength lay in its adaptability—whether blocking a strike from a weapon or withstanding the impact of a fall, Tai Lung could rely on this technique to keep him standing. Yet, its true potential lay dormant; at 50% proficiency, it offered strong protection, but there was still much room for improvement.

Divine Hundred Step (Maneuvering)

Divine Hundred Step was his mobility technique, designed for precision and speed. With this art, Tai Lung could traverse short distances in the blink of an eye, leaving only a faint blur behind him. The technique was not just about speed but about control—each step was calculated, efficient, and silent. In combat, this allowed him to evade attacks and reposition himself with ease. However, mastering the Divine Hundred Step was not just about speed; the higher the proficiency, the more flawless the movement. At 50% mastery, Tai Lung could execute rapid steps, but he couldn't yet utilize its full potential, such as disappearing entirely from sight.

Phoenix Breathing (Breathing)

Phoenix Breathing was perhaps the most vital of his techniques, regulating not just his Qi but also his body's natural healing and energy flow. At its core, it was about balance—inhale the world's energy, exhale impurities. Phoenix Breathing allowed Tai Lung to heal minor injuries quickly and replenish his Qi reserves at a faster rate, though the technique still lacked the instant regeneration he desired. The warmth that enveloped him when he executed Phoenix Breathing soothed his body, and it also gave him a mental clarity crucial for surviving long, grueling battles. With more practice, Phoenix Breathing could potentially grant him near-instant recovery from even more grievous injuries.

Baji Quan Cultivation (Qi Cultivation)

This was the foundation of all his martial arts, the core that sustained his abilities. Baji Quan Cultivation was designed to expand and refine his Qi reserves, allowing him to perform more advanced techniques and endure longer battles. At 50% proficiency, his cultivation had reached a stable level, providing a steady flow of Qi, but it wasn't enough. Baji Quan was known for its explosive bursts of power, yet Tai Lung had only scratched the surface of that potential. The further he advanced in this technique, the more Qi he could harness, enabling him to wield his offensive and defensive arts with even greater efficiency.


Tai Lung sighed, staring at his current proficiency levels. Everything was at 50%, and despite all his efforts, none of his techniques had advanced beyond that. It felt as if he were stuck, unable to break through to the next level. He had the tools—martial arts that would make others tremble—but without his Martial Path, they were just techniques. He needed to find that missing piece, the guiding philosophy that would push him beyond the plateau.

He gazed at the array of his martial arts and sighed. So much potential and so much power yet it has stagnated due to him being stuck in the martial explorer realm.

He tried every way to find his martial path but every effort he exerted was rendered futile. It was frustrating beyond imagination but the system won't give him a harder quest.

He was stuck killing a beast adding another reason on the heap that causes him frustration.

"System. Talk to me." He said but it remained silent as if contemplating.

"Give me something. Come on!" As his frustration reached peak, he unconsciously released some qi making the ground crack.

Finally, he heard it.


[New Quest: Hunt for the Path

Objectives: Kill the Rumbling Island DaoFei

Rewards: ???

Failure: Mental Frustration or Death]

Finally! A mission that can push me to the edge! 

I can finally exert my martial arts against a fellow human and not an animal. Maybe this time I can figure out my martial path.



Pls give stone :)

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