
Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Being transmigrated was not something Liam thought of as possible, it was fictional, and sadly for him, it became real. Here he was on a beach with an all-familiar implant glowing in his arm. Above him in the sky, a gas giant called Polyphemus and its many moons, of which he was on one, Pandora. This an Avatar (Jame Cameron) and ARK Survival Evolved fanfic happening in the universe of the former but with the potential of more. I don't own anything, everything goes to its respective owner.

The_Bip_Boop2003 · Película
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136 Chs

38. Transhuman

The words of the Lost Child resonated within the two tsakarems' ears, neither Neytiri nor Hakotu having anticipated he would speak their tongue, and to such a proficient degree.

Though ultimately it mattered little, it only eased communication.

<I'm Hakuto Te Yal'aäai, tsakarem and future Olo'eyktan of the Tipani.>, the eldest of the two responded proudly, looking down at the human both due to the great height difference and badly hidden disdain, his gaze concentrated on the metal that Liam's chest-plate was made of.

'Huh, interesting. Pretty important guy, though he might need to tone down this air of superiority a peg or two.', the human thought, unaffected by the general aversion from this Na'vi on a general level, he broke the laws of Eywa but again, breaking a few laws and attracting the ire of a few was better than dying.

He wasn't a Na'vi, something that also attracted ire, though he didn't come off his own free will like the other humans, something the All-Mother was perfectly aware of.

And anything he did at most caused minor damage, and most of these were mostly due to the wildlife going beyond what is reasonable to end him. The only possibility as of now of causing long-lasting damage is if he started to burn and kill everything in sight, or poison the land, this type of stuff.

If he wanted to cause long-lasting damage at his stage it would be intentional.

Frankly, he could care less of how this Na'vi disliked him as long as no violence was involved and a peace accord could be made, evidently him not hating his gut was always a plus but you don't solve this kind of problem with a simple talk and become best friends.

He chose to have metal shown on him, there was no need to hide this already-known fact. Hiding it could be taken as a show of weakness and lead to misunderstanding, even if having this a part of his armor was ultimately unnecessary and the Na'vi was well within the decapitation range of his war scythe.

That didn't mean a small, clearly stupid, part of him didn't want him to punch the Na'vi in the face.

Liam's eyes briefly went over Hakotu's thanator, the animal was showing great restraint. Good. Then his gaze shifted to the mountain banshee, it was relatively calm, and he didn't make direct eye contact to avoid unnecessary problems. It was a feeling doing so could risk the calm flying creature becoming overly aggressive.

<And who might you be?>, he asked the female Na'vi standing in front of the mountain banshee, her expression was hardened, hand clasping her bow, ready to attack at any moment, clear hate in her eyes, but something told him it was more of what he represented than him.

<Neytiri Dis'kahan Mo'at'itey, tsakarem of the Omaticaya. We have come hearing of the Lost Child through Eywa and words of the People, we have come far from our home to learn who is the Demon upholder of such a title.>, she spoke coldly, at the end almost spat at him, he frowned slightly at that but not for her general unpleasantness and hostility.

He couldn't care less, he was above reacting negatively to such behavior. But again like with the male Na'vi, a punch or two to the face with a bit less than a third of his strength should take her down a peg or two. The distance not being a problem as a simple leap would solve everything.

'Now that I think about it she is familiar… And the clan too…', he wondered before rapidly finding out why she seemed so familiar, 'Oh so this is likely the Pocahontas that Mr. Cripple falls head over heels over...'

And this clan was the one in direct conflict with the RDA, a fact that he learned Grace was tasked to solve. He could see how much of a mess it was, the RDA while clearly the one at fault didn't equate to the Na'vi being without fault.

There were opportunities to be taken, plans to work with them already set in his mind. It wasn't a matter of him betraying his species, preferring an alien species over his own, but one of survival.

He would love to be able to work hand in hand and cooperate with humanity, but alas it was impossible.

It would never happen, or in a way remotely favorable for him as of now and in the foreseeable future. He didn't have much of a choice. He didn't want to be an added casualty. At least not within his own terms.

<Demon "huh", if it so fits your view of my person, I will not deny it. However, know all I want is a peaceful interaction between me and the People. May you believe it or not, it matters little.>, Liam said, and as anticipated he could see both not believing him, both having rather negative reactions.

Neytiri was showing signs of visible anger, almost rage, though on the Olangi side no problem was to be reported, from the old formal Na'vi he guessed was the Tsahìk, the male with a bone nose that was the Olo'eyktan, the two hunters and the two teens, of which both seemed mixed between proud and irritated.

<That is what your kind told us, peace! We believed them, as strange and different as they were from our ways and us. Blind as they were, we tried, but they didn't listen, were deaf to our words and peace was not what was given, only invasion, destruction, death, and tragedy!>, Neytiri hissed out as she approached him, just as Hakuto did, she stood several heads taller than him.

The man was unfazed, this seemed to irritate her further but a soft glare and click of the tongue from the Tsahìk behind was enough to remind her to come down, for the moment. Trusting the Sky People cost her a lot, too much, her sister...

<Believe what you want, tsakarem Neytiri and similar for tsakarem Hakuto, and anyone listening. I need, want, and desire peace. I know of why you react this way… But I'm not of the "RDA", or of any "humans" present. I appear similar in appearance to them but I'm different, far different. On both mind and body.>, the Lost Child said truthfully, switching to English for untranslatable words.

'I'm not really human anymore the same way I was before, am I?', it was a realization he had long since come to acknowledge and accept.

It was ultimately good, more than good even but to know you will forever be different than anyone else thanks to a chasm that will never be crossed was more complex. Even if said chasm was really, really low on the problem ladder.

Not necessarily bad but it entailed a lot.

His Engramic Matrix, where his personality, knowledge, and memories, which equated his Soul, Mind, and Spirit

All of this resided within a glowing piece of metal intricately connected, fused even, to a genetically engineered superhuman body made in a tube. It wasn't mere cybernetic augmentation.

And it was the tip of the iceberg, he sported many characteristics beyond what a baseline Homo sapiens possessed.

He may look human, act like a human, and speak like a human, but he wasn't truly one. Or considered as one by the norm of this universe and his own as well. He was superior in every aspect related to physicality and the mind. It wasn't arrogance, it was factual.

A lot are more knowledgeable than him in a myriad of fields, more apt at doing untold amounts of tasks, more beautiful, morally superior, wiser, and more but this was normal, he wasn't omniscient, or close to the ridiculous notion of perfection. It didn't change what he was.

The word Transhuman came to his mind several times, from both his knowledge and the game lores, and he supposed it was close enough.

His words led to a short confusion within the two tsakarems before a realization hit them. This was why his species never came to be mentioned by the All-Mother… Though, he still was a stranger, not a Child of the All-Mother and mistakes were not to be repeated.

His status as an individual resembling a human yet fundamentally different was already within the perception of the Olangi clan, even if none of them interacted with or had seen any other humans.

They understand a general grasp of what a human was. Only appearance-wise Liam Cram was truly alike, and that was not entirely the case for this category either.

He was the Lost Child, an apt designation, appearing from nowhere, alone, young, learning about the world to survive, with no direct mention of him being of the Sky People. The All-Mother perceived him differently, rare were the individuals capable of garnering her attention, fascination even, and none to that extent from Na'vi known history.

"Gladius come.", the Lost Child spoke, words only Neytiri could decipher, and as she was going to translate for her fellow Na'vi her eyes widened, her ear folded backward at what she saw, and with her and her fellow male tsakarem backed away.

At the same small gasps were heard from the Olangi hunters, then a low growl and guttural shrill, each respectively from the thanator and her mount. The Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan were already informed by the teens but seeing such creatures up close led to a small widening of the eyes.

One known for its foul temperament, courage, tenacity, aggressiveness to any who approach and if mortally injured capable of killing or permanently crippling with its last cry filled with spite and rage to any who was too close.

Even the rare ones that Na'vi bonded with could lead to said Na'vi finding themselves as the casualty of their temperament. They never truly became tamed, similar to the direhorses, but even more pronounced.

They neither were the biggest or strongest or smartest or fastest or most prolific, venomous, poisonous, adaptable or resistant of Eywa's Children but those earlier traits made it so why they were considered such a big threat, wild or not.

Walking proudly out of the giant gate was said creature. It was taller than any Na'vi or other animals present, muscular back wings spread wide open showing eyes-like black dots encompassed of silky blood-red skin.

A colorful crest atop its head, followed by a long neck, its two pairs of front limbs ending each in three long, sharp metallic claws as black as the night. Their sharpened metallic sheen reflects the rays of the suns.

It walked calmly, eyes scanning everyone in vigilance until it lowered its head and in front of everyone, of which only two weren't shocked, let Liam scratch its neck, an audible purr-like sound resonating, its body almost melting in the human grasp.

It moved one of its queues, and without Liam's need to do anything the usual pink furry tendril waved softly in the air before connecting to the man's specimen implant.

His eyes suddenly dilated and he felt every thought of his tames, compared to the simple mental link it felt as if a storm was gone. It was crystal clear and infinitely more complex and detailed, the experience was always a rush, all of his mind-senses for lack of better terms focusing on the connection.

<Thought… I'm not dissimilar in various aspects, "technology" is part of me, and I work to make it so. But my efforts, actions, objectives are toward my survival. I harm and will harm but I do not seek to harm more than necessary for me to live and prosper. If I'm a threat similar to "RDA", the current threat to my life. This… It is for you to decide, know that harm will come to whoever wishes harm to me and act upon them. I do not wish to cause harm but will not hesitate to.>, Liam spoke, word holding but the cold hard, and honest truth.

The same message he told to Eywa but formulated differently was risky but he won't hide in that aspect. He won't bend the knee and beg for their approval, he didn't disdain them but seeing they weren't backward in many aspects will be a lie. Being open and consistent in your words and actions was always a good quality.

Particularly with a species that was now only learning what lies were and how words held no values but deceptions without actions. Trust was something that he didn't really believe will happen, at least not without underlying actions.

The tension was rising, both tsakarems of the Omatikaya and Tipani, going over his words and the unhidden warning. And adding to that the full focus of four tetrapterons who appeared with no one noticing, the great austrapede with claws almost rasping together and the Lost Child, both Na'vi at that moment deeply felt their instinct scream at them to back away.

But all of it disappeared just as it came as a gentle smile graced Liam's feature, one of the tetrapterons flew out at the same moment he spoke, <Now, my words to you two having been heard, Mìruk come.>

The conversations needed to be shifted to something else for Neytiri and Hakuto to have the time to digest his words, all was mostly going as planned.

The crippled teen was puzzled, as were the Olangi present, did as he was asked, and without care for the danger Liam and the great austrapede were approached by the term in front of the gaze of the tsakarems.

A glare from Gladius and the word of acknowledgment from the Olangi Olo'eyktan stopped Hakuto from grabbing the teen's left hand to yank him out of potential danger out of sheer disbelief. This creature just threatened them…

The soft beats of a pair of wings were heard right after and the tetrapteron that flew earlier landed on Liam's right shoulder, a leather satchel in its beak.

"Good girl.", he said, giving the bird a piece of meat jerky that came out of a strange trick of hands as he did so.

He then gave the closed satchel to Mìruk, without needing to be asked the teen undid the leather bind with his teeth and started at what was inside in shock, the conversation he had with Liam while the human inspected his right hand coming out full of force.

Still holding the satchel by the teeth he took out with his left hand half a right hand that sported a thumb and an index finger made of a pearl white wood, intricate carving of both known and unknown animal, attached to the wood was clasp and what looked like a sleeve.

It was made of a black smooth-to-the-touch material, and unknown to the Na'vi it was nylon and carbon fiber woven together. In it were hidden sensors and cables, all built to be comfortable and keep everything together and working.

<Is this…?>, Mìruk asked in a voice trembling, not sure of what it was but his heart beat faster in palpation, his right hand shaking. His eyes locked onto the strange construct of expert craftsmanship.

<Yes but it isn't a simple accessory to hide, it is more. Let me help you, take that off first.>, the Lost Child said, his focus on both Mìruk and the tsakarems even if he didn't look their way, he had other pairs of eyes after all.

Mìruk took off the piece of the garment over his right arm that hid his ravaged right hand without hesitation, an unpleasant image for everyone if for different reasons and it was worse for him.

He didn't feel physical pain from it, he felt sometimes the fingers were still there, clenching and he couldn't do anything. One of the symptoms known with this type of injury after healing but no solution was known but to grit your teeth and bear it.

And with Liam's help the prosthetic was safely and securely attached over his forearm and what was left of his hand.


My P@treon if you want to give me money and have chapters I have finished in advance.


Hello. Liam isn't human human, so to say.

Thanks to Mexican Joker, Codric Marsh, Saman Tabit, Mewser, Hight Priestess of Torga, KATL-Chief, creepyweeb, MochiLeaf, No_Rez, Michael Conde, Whitewolf, Aiden Goodwin, Brad Jennings, Pecador, Krawn, BlazeSavage, Jame House, NickDatBoi, THE SAVAGE KID, Byte, Scarletmenace, Mythy, Michael, SleepySnake Zzzz, Ohaka, Grant Lindsey, Maung, SmexyFlamingo, Thecnospartan 49, Young Dexter, hazzaman, Chase, and Tyler for your money and supporting me!


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