
Chapter 8

“Because I have an alibi. A good one, actually.” As quickly as he’d grabbed her, he let her go again, stepping back and out of the way to give her a clear path to the door. “And because I’m going to let you walk out of here without killing you.”

Mary began to move, like she intended to take the opportunity he so charitably offered. How many other people could say they walked away from him, unharmed? Not very damned many, that was for sure. But she paused, her hand disappearing from his sight. It was just a small pause. A moment of hesitation. But it was enough to alert him. When her hand sliced through the darkness, he caught her wrist, the stake stopping an inch from his heart.

Gideon clicked his tongue. “Someone likes to live dangerously.” Slowly, he twisted her arm, bending her aim until the stake pressed lightly into her stomach. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t gut you right now.”