
Chapter 9

Hell, he might even turn her. She’d put all the other vampires in this godforsaken town to shame. All of them but Gideon, that is.

“First thing to do is check out the church then.” He flashed a wicked smile. “Your car or mine?”

“I’m not…” Her eyes widened. “Oh, fuck. Hal.”

She bolted from the apartment, and her racing footsteps echoed up the stairs.

He didn’t know who this Hal was, but Gideon followed after, humming under his breath. Stepping back into the crisp night air, he turned unerringly in Mary’s direction, her scent already indelibly etched on his awareness. She stood next to a dark Chevy sedan, an even taller man in front of her, and as Gideon approached, both of them looked toward him.

He recognized the man right away, even if the bruises around his neck were only smudges in the dark. “See?” Gideon said with a smile. “I knew throwing you onto a pile of parishioners would cushion your fall.”