
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · Oriental
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37 Chs

The kidnappers became captives

Xiu Luo was injured when he had clashed head on with the boss. Then he avoided a fatal blow and moved to the cave entrance as he want to avoid the scene where captive may become injured during their battle.

Then Xiu Luo tightened his grip on the sword and charged forward to attack the boss. The boss stood at his position and attacked Xiu Luo with his axe. Xiu Luo came fast to the boss but changed the direction when the axe was some inches away from him as he used the river floating step to right side and then moved in a circle as he came behind the boss and slashed the latter's neck but the boss moved his body forward to avoid the strike.

But Xiu Luo left a deep cut on the boss's back and it is bleeding. 

"Debt paid." Xiu Luo said smilingly as he pointed to his shoulders injury.

"You bastard, I will feed you to the dogs after I kill you." The boss roared as he charged forward to attack.

Sensing that the boss is charging at him Xiu Luo used movement skill to avoid the latter's attack. The boss attacks have full force but there is no precise direction as he is just swinging his axe towards Xiu Luo. That is precise what Xiu Luo wanted because when you lose your mind you will become a bull who will attack whatever you see. And the boss is clearly looking like a bull with his huge stature.

Then Xiu Luo avoided the fatal blows but he attack head on which is not fatal attacks. The boss's breathing became irregular as time passed and as he is losing his strength but Xiu Luo strength is still there and his injury was also healed somewhat.

Seeing this the boss took out a pill from the storage bag and swallowed it. The pill was red in colour and the boss aura also changed from normal red to blood red colour and his strength increased soared greatly.

Sensing that the boss's strength has increased again a frown appeared on Xiu Luo face. But he didn't panick as he didn't even used his cards against the boss.

"Try to block this skill of mine." The boss said as he raised his axe with both hands and used a martial skill to attack Xiu Luo. 

Earth splitting wave attacks

He striked his axe down the earth and the earth split apart and the powerful waves in the form of axe moved towards Xiu Luo. 

Sensing the powerful axe wave, Xiu Luo took the matter seriously as he attack with the palm seal.

Mountain crushing palm seal. 

Both the illusory red axe and illusory golden palm collided, but the palm seal crushed the illusory red axe and charged to the boss and crushed the latter on the wall. And boss fell down on the ground. But he tried to get up but Xiu Luo didn't give him time as he movedand came to the boss and stabbed in the latter's dantian and crippled him.

Then Xiu Luo came to the underling who he had punched after the boss and stabbed the latter's dantian and crippled him too.

All the kidnappers were crippled and Xiu Luo picked up their storage bags and sat on the ground checking the items then he stored all the items in one storage bag and kept it aside.

The captives were watching Xiu Luo as if they had seen god. They watched the whole fight, well they can't keep up with the movements of cultivator but they had seen how the boss and his underlings were injured and crusheddown. And like this the situation was reversed and the kidnappers became the captives.

And the hostsges started shouting and cheering for Xiu Luo but the latter didn't even turn his face towards them.

Xiu Luo brought the boss and his underling to place as he their hands were tied with the rope, well with their crippled cultivation they can't break the ropes but he tied the boss with two to three ropes because it is better to take precautions then to regret. The five of of them sat down on the ground while Xiu Luo sat on the chair and started interrogation.

"Who will give me the information I will leave that person alive." Xiu Luo said as he faced five of them.

"Are you the one who killed elder Xu". The boss asked while gritting his teeth. If this the man who killed their elder then what can he do to latter and may the latter is just deceiving them with his peak sixth rank spirit gathering realm by using. Concealment technique or with a treasure.

"Who knows." But Xiu Luo said he don't know but they were not idiots so they guessed it is this boy and the latter had just toyed them before.

"Now tell me what you were gonna do with these people." Xiu Luo said as he pointed towards the captives which were still bound in ropes as he still didn't released them.

"Sir , I will tell I will tell." This is the man who had kidnapped Xiu Luo.

"You coward...." the other glared toward him as if they will kill him if he say any word. But the latter didn't care.

"Sir if I say answers to your questions will you really spare me." The man said trying to negotiate with Xiu Luo.

"Oh, you are trying to negotiate with me, interesting." Xiu Luo didn't get offended but he was amused by the later.

"Alright I will spare you if your answers were correct but if you lie...." Xiu Luo said first with amusement but there is changed in his expression as what he said latter.

"Eek.." the man moved back as he saw Xiu Luo cold face. The man can't see the the latter's eyes but he instinctively felt very terrified by just facing Xiu Luo who is wearing a blindfold.

Xiu Luo was happy that tha man had agreed to tell as he didn't have to torture these members. Then Xiu Luo turned his face towards the entrance of cave.

"You should come inside." Xiu Luo said smilingly while facing the entrance. And a robust persoon with a battle armour came to the entrance and this is the soldier that had earlier interrogated Xiu Luo and observing him in the city.

Xiu Luo had known that the soldier had came during his fight.

The soldier looked at Xiu Luo with complicated expression because he is the one who interrogated Xiu Luo and keep an on him as he suspected that the latter is the member of kidnappers. And then after observing Xiu Luo was kidnapped in front of his eyes and came to rescue him.

But when he came to the cave he watched something else the blindboy had overpowered the kidnappers and held them captives. 

"Greeting senior, its junior fault not to recognise mount tai. And junior ask for forgiveness." The soldier clasped his fist and bowed to Xiu Luo as he greeted and ask for forgiveness. He is really a straight forward person.

"Hmm...you brought my cane." Xiu Luo said as he sensed the qi fluctuations from the man that is flowing from the spear which he had earlier transformed it into the cane.

"Senior here" the soldier passed the cane to Xiu Luo as he had picked when Xiu Luo was kidnapped.

"What is youre name." Xiu Luo asked facing sooldier.

"Bo Chang, sir." The soldier replied like he is on the post and doing the duties.

Xiu Luo got up and move some distance back. Seeing this all six of them started thinking what he is going to do but Xiu Luo removed a storage bag from his crouch where he had hidden it so that he could roam without any suspicious from kidnappers and they could kidnap him.

Seeing what Xiu Luo did all six of their mouth wiched and are staring at Xiu Luo as they had never saw this much talented person. If Xiu Luo know what they had thought about him he would have beaten them as hell.

Xiu Luo return back and sat on the chair.

"How many people were kidnapped till now?" Xiu Luo asked Bo Chang. 

"Sir there were many people who got abducted may be above three thousand."Bo Chang replied while clenching his fist. 

"How many are present here? Xiu Luo asked again.

"Senior its sixty four." But this time the man replied hastily. He thought that the latter is not asking him questions and won't spare him, he got panicked as he replied hastily.

"Where are others." Xiu Luo tone became flat hearing what the latter said.

"They were send to the clan and we were going to send the other batch of people after next ten days." Seeing Xiu Luo tone changed, the man said everything what he knows.

"Hmm ten days..." Xiu Luo went in deep thought but got awoke by the sudden noice of footsteps and their are too many people who are coming towards the cave.