
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · Eastern
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37 Chs

Being Blind Is Your Sin

Xiu Luo was brought to the cave in the mountain, he could have killed the kidnappers there only but he thought there may me hostages so he pretended to be fainted and was brought here.

After sometime Xiu Luo got up and shouted for help and started screaming, well his acting skills are good but no one stopped him as they got used to it. Because every time the kidnappers would brought a new captive that captive will do the same thing so the captives just stay sient.

After sometime Xiu Luo also become sillent. TThenhe came to the one old man and sat beside him and activated the spirit range that covered the whole cave and started sensing the surroundings and he got the result as there are five cultivator including the two had just kidnapped him earlier. Four of them are at eighth rank spirit gathering realm and one is at ninth rank peak of spirit gathering realm. Sensing this Xiu Luo Luo sighed in relief because the enemy not much powerful. And Xiu Luo just sat down there only for sometime.

In another room in the cave a big man sat on the chair well it looks like a throne. On first sight he looks like mountain bandit as his body is huge and he is not wearing the upper cloths and carrying the huge axe on his back. He is the one who is at the peak of spirit gathering realm and his underlings stood beside him covered in black robes and there is no face masks.

"How many people did you brought today?" The huge man asked his underling as he looed at the captives like he is counting them.

"Boss we brought thirty people today." One of his underling said. His speech is somewhat hesitating as he was looking down and not facing is boss.

"Only thirty, with this rate we won't be able to finish the order, do you all want to die." The boss angrily shouted at his underlings while still looking towards the captives.

"Boss this batch should be shifting to the clan next month so we will gather enough people to satisfy the patriarch." The next underling said.

"Next month, no it was changed and we have to shift this batch after ten days." The boss said as he still counting.

"After ten days, boss it will be difficult to kidnapped more people in a short time and...." the same underling tried to say something but he was cut short by his boss.

"There is changes in the clan as someone killed the elder Xu five days ago and the patriarch want to increase his strength quickly so we have no choice but to listen to the orders." The man said as he turned his head looking in anger at his underling, but the anger is not directed towards his underling but the one who killed elder Xu.

"Boss, who killed the elder Xu." The other underling asked him and there is a anger on his face.

"The envoy said that they suspected it was a blindboy who killed the elder." The boss said in annoyance.

"Hmm... boss today we kidnapped a blindboy, why don't we exert out our anger on that blindboy." The fourth underling told while showing crazy smile on his face and he is one of the two who brought Xiu Luo here.

"Interesting bring that waste." The boss said while laughing crazily and his underlings also laughed crazily. The people who were captive listening to their conversation became horrified as their eyes were widened and lips were parted to grasp the air.

Xiu Luo was sitting looking downward as he spread his spirit sense range and observing the movements of the five cultivators. They were gathered in another room and Xiu Luo can't hear the conversation. But suddenly a member separted from the group and coming towards his location. Xiu Luo don't know why he is coming but he got happy as he decided to take action. But the person said that their boss was calling, hearing this Xiu Luo didn't take action but followed the man silently. 

Both Xiu Luo and the man came to the next room but suddenly someonen grabbed Xiu Luo neck and Xiu Luo who it is but he didn't take the action. And the one who grabbed his neck is the man who is at peak spirit gathering realm and the man is laughing crazily looking at Xiu Luo and the room was also filled with laughter of the man's underlings.

"Kukh kiiek.." Xiu Luo tried to grasp for air while struggling.

"Do you know what is your sin?" The boss asked Xiu as he holds thhe latter's neck.

Xiu Luo shook his head while struggling as if he is telling them I don't know.

"Being blind is your greatest sin." The man brought his face close to Xiu Luo and whispered in his ears. 

"What i..s my...my sin.. being blind?" Xiu Luo asked stuttering to the boss, his attitude changed, don't know whether he is pretending or not.

"Oh...oh look at his attitude..." the boss said as he throwed Xiu Luo on the ground it looks like he is throwing a ball as he had huge boy and Xue Luo had small stature compared to him.

"Cough...cough.. Xiu Luo coughed as he grasp for breath, the other party is a cultivator and the latter held his neck tightly so he is still felt pain.

"There is a blind person who killed our elder Xu and you are also a blind, so blinds people should have some common thing in between them, that's why I want to pay a debt to that blind person through you." The boss said while coming towards Xiu Luo.

"Heeeheee hee...I thought you were going to say something serious but you are just spouting something ridiculous." Xiu Luo said as he faced to the boss. 

"You arrogant..." the boss shouted in anger as he moved towards Xiu Luo. The boss's facial expression changed as the blue veins could be seen visible on his face. But before he could touch Xiu Luo he was flewed and crashed to the wall.

Xiu Luo after sensing that the man came closer to him, he freed his hands which is bounded by ropes and clenched his fist and then punched in the boss abdomen. The boss was sent flied and crashed to the wall.

All the people were shocked whether it the boss or the underling or the captives.

"He is a cultivator." The one who kidnapped Xiu Luo said as he was horrified because he is the one who brought Xiu Luo here.

One of the underling charged towards Xiu Luo while holding his sword and tried to slashed his head.Sensing this Xiu Luo exerted more force than before as he punched towards the man face as he avoided the incoming attack. And the man also sent in a beautiful arc. But his sword was dropped behind.

Xiu Luo took the man's sword as he sensed there are other two people attacking him. He activated movement skills river floating steps and came behind them and cut their hands which were holding their swords. And then he pierced the sword in their dantian as he want to crippled them. And like that two people got crippled. 

Xiu Luo spotted the fourth underling and came behind him as he pierced the latter's abdomen and was crippled. This person is the one who had kidnapped Xiu Luo and he was standing in daze as what to do.

Xiu Luo sensed that the boss got up and glaring at him with bloodshot eyes and murderous intent could be felt which is directed at Xiu Luo and now he is holding the axe which is glowing red and charge forward to attack Xiu Luo. 

Sensing that the boss is charging towards him with brute strength, Xiu Luo decided to attack the latter with brute strength without skill and charged forward while holding the sword.

Both sword and the axe clashed each other and Xiu Luo was slightly bend while holding the sword with both hands. And a pit is formed on the ground where he stood. And his left shoulder was bleeding as he got injured while taking full force on his shoulder his sword was struck on his shoulder due to rebound after clashing.

The boss raised his axe while holding it with both hands and attacked at Xiu Luo to kill but the latter moved as he rolled away and where the boss's strike landed the ground split apart.

Xiu Luo got up frowning because the boss is powerful it will be difficult to beat the boss with brute force. And Xiu Luo felt some numbness on his left hand.

Actually Xiu Luo wanted to check the latter's strength by attacking him head on but who would have thought that he would get injured while clashing head on.

Wishing you a happy New Year! May it be filled with new adventures

and good fortunes.

Xiuluocreators' thoughts