
Ash: The Untouchable

Addicted_69 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

24. Getting Ishtar And Felix

80 000.....100 000. Scarlett was announcing the bits. When it slowed down after a while, I voiced out mine 800 000.

830 000....860 000...990 000

Going once.... going twice.... 1 100 000 I said to the microphone, and when she got it, she voiced out my bit. After waiting for a while, she started counting down again.

.....going trice ! and sold ! then there was the fake sound of clapping resonating everywhere.

' It's great that I got Felix, too. ' I thought to myself. Felix is a demihuman, something like me, but he can fully transform and not consume any mana at all. Not to mention thayre strength boost is much bigger than any shapsifter cab get when transforming. Trough thay can transform only into one form and for him it's a wolf.

If I remember correctly, he should be from the Empire of Inferno. How did he even get here. I wondered as I tried to recall more of his information.

All I remember is that he was banished from his first wolf clan or whatever they were called as he was deemed cursed. I also found in the report that he burned his twin brother to death, and that's why he was kicked out from his own clan.

' His flames are cursed, huh ? ' I did hear something like that before I came back. Hells flames, I heard he didn't use it because of his trauma from killing his brother. The flames were too strong for him to handle. That's why his skin was always burned.

' But how was his skin burned when he didn't use them ? ' Then I remembered that Luca, one of the rebels, was an ice mage.

I remember them always moving together. It is true that some elements cancel each other out. Well, it's not a theory that's completely out of the question.

While I was thinking a lot of time passed and my attention was brought back to the podium when Scarlet was presenting a dark elf.

Dark elves were quite rare, so this time, I had to wait a bit before the bits started to slow down.

1 980 000 going once..... going twice...

2 100 000 she ubruptly said when she heard me. After counting to 3 again, I finally got my hands on Ishtar.

After getting everything I wanted, I exited the room, and I was being escorted by the maid. On the way to the storage room, I passed by the room where the servents were, and the maid called in the assassin that was now in a servents uniform and had the money ready.

Astra stayed behind as no knights were allowed to go where the slaves were. There, my servent handed them the money while I was taking on thayere soul contract. It was the same one Astra signed.

When I was done, I was brought to the back room. I was given two rings that were connected to the slaves colar. The contract would kill them or damage thayre soul when used, that why those colars will electrocut them.

They were brought to me in shackles and haggered clothes. Felix did not even try to conceal his hatred for me and attacked me when he saw me. A guard near me knocked him out easily since he was quite weakened.

He hadn't slept he hadn't eaten much food, and he stinks as hell so I can safely assume he hadn't taken any baths either.

On the other hand, Ishtar also seemed to be in the same conditions, but he was calmer and composed. He hid his hatred well, but he still couldn't fool me as I saw the look in his eyes.

I checked them and gestured the knight to drag Felix out, and my knight would take care of the rest. Luckily, Ishtar wasn't such a troublemaker and quietly followed just like an assassin. The only thing that was heard from him was the shackles getting dragged around.

We took the back exit, and I found Astra waiting there for me. I dismissed the maid that guided me and the knight that was dragging Felix with him.

" Take him, " I said to Astra, pointing at Felix. He looked at me for a while, and I wondered if his disgusted. But I quickly dismissed the feeling as I knew that Astra was not that kind of guy.

After we got a bit further in the back alleys, we stopped, and I beamed the clothes that I had in my space ring. When I went shopping for clothes I didn't buy some only for me.

" Wake him up, " I said to Astra, and he poured a bottle of water on Felix. Felix got up and jumped back. I tossed him the clothes and said, " Dress up. "

" Why the hell would I listen to you ! " Felix yelled. ' As hot-headed as ever I see ' I turned around to locked at the direction Ishtar was, and he was dressing up well.

Felix tried to attack me again, and I electrocuted him. He fell to the ground and let out a painful yelp. At last, he was still conscious.

" Stop struggling pointlessly, " I said to him. I saw him slowly getting up with his teeth grited while his bangs were cowering his eyes, so I wasn't able to see them.

He started dressing up when he suddenly turned to me and said, " Aren't you going to turn around ? " In a somewhat hateful tone.

" Are you shy ? Were all men anyway ? " I said, looking at him when I noticed Ishtar heaving troble with the buttons. I stepped up to him, and he was as tall as Astra he just looked a bit tinner.

I stretched my hands out and started to button him from top to bottom. I could feel his stare on my mask, which reminded me of the mask I had for him, and I immediately took it out and put it onto him.

the mask fited him perfectly. It was made out of dark brown wood with branches of trees painted in a dark blue on it. Thay weren't very vivid but that's exactly what's good on it as he mostly hunts in night from what I remember, and if he had any bright colors on him his shooting position would be given away.

The mask shape was oval with no unnecessary attachments as I remembered him being a very clen and neat person. When I looked at him one last time to see if the mask fitted, I was met with naturally sharp eyes that had a glitter of hatred.

I looked away and shifted my attention back to Felix, who took the chance to dress up. Unlike Astras neat clothes his looked more comfortable. And Ishtars clothes were just like mine.

I threw a mask to Felix that didn't cover his whole face like Astras and Ishtars. The mask had fangs coming out from below his eyes.

The mask was black with bright red yellow patterns that seemed to make our surroundings a bit brighter. It looked like lava was flowing in the mask. It was cool.

I praised myself first the sense of fashion. After I was satisfied with how they looked, I said, " Astra, take them to where we are and get to know each other. I have a few more things to do "