
Ash: The Untouchable

Addicted_69 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

25. Leaving Shoya

After sending them back, I walked through the back alleys here and there until I took a turn and saw the assassin in the servant uniform.

He made a bow, " Your Majesty. " I took the hand he was holding out, and I was transported to the clock store I wisited a day ago.

He took me to the back, and there were even more clocks and tools to repair some of the broken ones. We walked even further until we got to a spiral stairs that were leading down.

We both moved there, and I saw a few assassins on the way, as well as the same bookshelfs filled with reports as back home.

He was taking me a bit further, and we arrived at the armory. " I'm looking for a bow with arrows and a bit of poisons, I also need a sword with a fire affinity if possible. "

He started looking around with me, and I was surprised that he had so much free time, but thinking again, I heard he likes to dump all the work on his assistant.

In the end, I found a bow with dark brown wood just like Ishtars mask. The strings were good, and I proceeded to look at the arrows that had an obsidian head. In the end, I decided to take it.

When I turned around, I saw the manager behind me with a sword that was a bit wide and had a black handle that was holding the red blade of the sword.

Where the handle and the blade were met, there was a red ruby in it, and on my first look, I could guess that it was enchanted with explosive fire power. ' This is perfect for Felix, I thought '

" Get me space 2 rings with basic survival things in it and to one of the add a box with basic poisons and a manual on how to use it and what are the poisons effects. "

" I'll be right back, " He said before leaving. It's nice to be the second prince of the Great Empire of Darkness.

Thinking about all the benefits and favors I received, I remembered that we met no assassins after I told Alystar to get rid of them. I guess it was successful.

He probably covered our tracks and sended two assassins elsewhere to follow. Since getting rid of them will only cause more of them to come.

After a while, the manager got back, handing me the two rings. " Thanks. What's your name ? " I asked him.

" Sedrick. " I nodded at his response and remembered his name. " Sedrick..... tell Alystar that by the 3 days, I should be out of here. " I turned around and walked away.

I arrived at the hotel we were staying in and walked into Astras' room, where I sensed the presence of the other two. I slowly opened the door and I could see them talking.

' I guess they're getting along '. When I peeked in through the open door, all heads turned on me. " Go shower and get some sleep. I'll come again tomorrow at noon, " I said o them and closed the door.

I headed back to my room, took a shower, put on comfortable clothes, and went to sleep when I finished setting up the alarm with the moon stone.

I woke up again and got dressed in my usual outfit. I walked out and went to Astras' room to take a look at them.

They were already in their clothes ready to go. " Here, " I said, tossing the wo rings to Felix and Ishtar. When they caught it, I said, " Let's go eat. "

In no time, we were out on the streets that were full of commoners, and I saw almost no hunters like before. Well, that was normal here as no gates open this high up.

We got a few stares from curios kids here and there. We ignored them and found a restaurant where we all ate.

" Ugh, what is this ? " Felix said, staring at the menu. I ignored him and continued to look through mine.

" Hay ! " he yelled at me. ' God, is he a kid or something ? ' " If you don't like it, don't eat it, " I said to him.

" I was just looking at it since it was expensive . Since you're buying, I hope you will go dead broke. " he smirked at me with mocking eyes.

" If you order it, you gotta eat it. We're going through the gate after this do if you wanna starve and die go ahead, " I said and continued eating.

Only a " Tch " was heard after I said that, and he started eating a few things he ordered.We ate I peace until Ishtar asked, " What are we gonna do from now on ? "

" Don't worry, I won't treat you badly as for what we are gonna do ? Well, I'm gonna drag you around to places I need to go. "

" mhm." I couldn't resd his face properly, so I rwsd his thoughts instead and found out he doesn't believe me.

Well, that's reasonable as he saw how slaves are treated from a young age. And many other things like rape drugs, getting beaten....

He hates the nobles who did this to him. He hated Astra too since he was royalty and didn't give a fuck about anyone. Since, unlike Astra, Ishtar doesn't touch innocent people.

When we finished eating, we walked to the airship, and I handed a map to Astra. It was the map of the Zephyr Empire grounds.

I pointed out a village on the map and said, " Let's meet there. "

" Wait, you aren't going with us ? " Felix asked. " No, " I said, walking away. " Then how will you get down ? " he asked again. " I have my ways, "

He couldn't question me more as I disappeared into the crowd. I turned into a shadow and went past all the people at the end of the floating island. There was a fence that carried roses around.

Probably for decoration as the fence wouldn't look so good. I went past it in my shadow form, and when I did, I was forced back to my normal body as there was nothing to support my shadow form.

I was falling down fast, and I warped myself in a layer of mana to protect me. Everything was small, and when I could only see a few big towns and small villages in this big elf forest below me. I could even see the shadows from the clouds and a few more from the floating islands.

It was amazing. I turned around and saw the blue sky with only a few clouds. I left myself free to fall for another minute or two until I turned straight to the ground like an arrow and pulled out my wings, and reinforced them with mana as I could see a few of my feathers being left behind.

Right before I hit the trees, I released a lot of mana and strengthened my wings as much as possible so I could 90 degrees.

My effort wasn't futile, and I did it. I thined the mana shield around me as the air hitting me wasn't so bad anyone.

I stopped at a high tree and sat on one of its branches. I pulled out the same map I gave to Astra and started looking through it.

I headed down first as I needed to search for a gate in that area where Astra and I decided to meet.

I searched until midnight until I finally found one. I put a special tool next to the gate to hide the mana description in the area.

This will also navigate me to the gate if I am close I the area. I put a red dot on the map where at last I think I am, and headed to the village where Astra and the others are sapose to be.