
Ascension of the Cursed Hero

Michael, an ordinary high school student leading a mundane life, discovers a hidden truth that shatters his perception of reality. When he stumbles upon his family's secret, a mysterious dungeon reveals their incredible ability to wield magic. But destiny takes a cruel twist when a malevolent demon named Asura mercilessly slaughters his loved ones. In the midst of the chaos, Michael's girlfriend Jasmine, the last hope of that era, performs a desperate spell to send the heroes back in time, altering the course of history. Tragically, her sacrifice comes at the cost of her own existence in the new timeline. Miraculously, Michael finds himself unexpectedly thrown back in time, awakening with newfound resolve and purpose. Armed with his memories and the weight of vengeance, Michael embarks on an extraordinary journey. His quest intertwines with a destined mission to vanquish Asura, the malefic demon, and ultimately bring an end to the tyrannical reign of the Demon King. Balancing his desire for revenge with the responsibility to rewrite history, he faces moral dilemmas, discovers the strength within, and unearths the true origins of his family's magical legacy.

AniSovereign · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Awakening Shadows

Michael shot up from his bed, his heart racing as the remnants of his dream faded away. He blinked, trying to adjust to the morning light streaming through his window. He rubbed his eyes and muttered to himself, "What a weird dream..."

His bedroom door creaked open, and his mother, Ava, peered in.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Time to rise and shine," she greeted with a warm smile.

Michael yawned and stretched, his mind still clouded with the remnants of his dream.

"Morning, Mom," he replied, his voice still tinged with drowsiness.

"I had the strangest dream... I was fighting monsters and..."

Ava chuckled softly. "Monsters, huh? Well, maybe it's time for a break from those video games of yours. Get ready for college, dear."

Nodding, Michael threw on his clothes and made his way downstairs, where he found his younger sister Carla munching on a bowl of cereal.

"Morning, squirt," he teased, ruffling her hair.

Carla scowled and swatted his hand away.

"Don't call me that, Michael! And watch out, or I'll tell Mom about that embarrassing video on your phone!"

Michael raised an eyebrow and grinned mischievously.

"Oh, you mean the one with you singing 'Baby Shark'? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want that getting out."

Carla's face turned beet red, and she quickly finished her cereal before storming off, muttering threats under her breath. Michael laughed, knowing he had won this round.

Soon, their father John appeared, keys jingling in his hand.

"Ready for another day of college, you two?" he asked.

Michael nodded, grabbing his backpack.

"Yeah, Dad. Let's hit the road."

The car ride to college was filled with their usual banter and laughter. Once they arrived, Michael spotted his best friend Ben across the parking lot, leaning against his car. He jogged over, slapping Ben on the back.

"Yo, Ben! Ready for another exciting day of lectures and exams?" Michael greeted with a playful smirk.

Ben sighed, his expression tense.

"Hey, Mike. Not really in the mood for jokes today. Something's come up, and I've got a lot on my mind."

Concern flickered across Michael's face.

"Is everything okay? You seem... off."

Ben hesitated. "Just give me some space for now."

Michael nodded, a small frown tugging at his lips. "Sure thing, man."

As he made his way to his first class, Michael's thoughts kept drifting back to Ben's strange behavior. He couldn't shake the feeling that his friend was hiding something important.

During a break between classes, Michael spotted his girlfriend Jasmine leaning against a nearby wall, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. He approached cautiously, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest.

"Hey, Jasmine... about yesterday," he began, his voice filled with remorse.

"I'm really sorry I forgot about our date. It won't happen again, I promise."

Jasmine's expression softened, but a hint of irritation remained.

"You better mean it, Michael. It's not fun waiting around for someone who doesn't show up."

Michael sighed, realizing he had messed up big time.

"You're right, Jasmine. I messed up, and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I swear."

Jasmine's eyes softened, and she nodded.

"Fine, but don't let it happen again. Now, let's grab lunch together." Relief washed over Michael as he accompanied Jasmine to the college cafeteria. He couldn't help but feel grateful for Carla's advice earlier.

After the college day came to a close, Michael couldn't shake off the curiosity gnawing at him. He wanted to go to Ben's house, but as he approached him, Ben seemed distant and refused his invitation.

"Sorry, Mike. Not tonight," Ben muttered, avoiding eye contact.

Michael's brow furrowed.

"Are you sure? You seem really tense. Is something going on?" Ben's eyes darted around, his voice barely audible.

"I said not tonight, okay? Just drop it."

Michael sighed, realizing pushing further would only push Ben away.

"Alright, man. If you need anything, you know I'm here for you."

Disheartened, Michael decided to give Ben some space and walked back home with Carla. The evening was filled with laughter and warmth as they shared a delicious family dinner.

As night fell, Michael settled into bed, his mind still restless. Just as he was about to drift off to sleep, a thunderous crash echoed through the night. At first, he ignored it, attributing it to the usual neighborhood noises. But curiosity soon got the better of him.

He rose from his bed, slipping on his shoes, and cautiously approached the window. Peering outside, his eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed his mother, father, and sister clad in strange armor, getting into a mysterious car.

"What on earth...?" Michael whispered to himself, his confusion mounting.

"It's not even Halloween... What are they wearing?... What's going on?"

Determined to uncover the truth, Michael made up his mind. He would follow them and find out what his family had been hiding from him.

He quietly approached his father's bike and hopped on, keeping a safe distance to avoid being detected. The engine hummed beneath him as he followed their car's fading taillights.

After a while, the car abruptly came to a stop. Michael observed as his family stepped out and ventured deep into the nearby forest.

A mix of apprehension and curiosity coursed through his veins, compelling him to continue his pursuit on foot.

Stealthily making his way through the dense foliage, Michael eventually caught sight of his family and something that sent chills down his spine.

They were conversing with a group of individuals dressed in peculiar armor and armed with weapons. Among them stood Ben, his best friend, an unexpected presence in this enigmatic gathering.

Michael ducked behind a tree, his heart pounding in his chest. He strained his ears, desperate to catch snippets of their conversation, but their voices were muffled by the rustling of leaves and the distance between them.

He needed to get closer, to eavesdrop on their conversation, and perhaps unravel the truth behind this clandestine encounter.

Taking measured steps, Michael closed the gap between himself and the group. However, his intentions were thwarted as his father's gaze swept over the area, briefly locking onto Michael's hiding place. Confusion clouded Michael's mind. He was far away, concealed by the shadows, yet his father seemed to search for a presence hidden within the forest.

Hesitant and bewildered, Michael held his breath, hoping to remain unnoticed. After a tense moment, his father turned his attention back to Ben, continuing their discussion as if nothing had happened. It was as if his father's glance had been a mere figment of Michael's imagination.

With a mixture of caution and determination, Michael cautiously made his way closer to the group. He observed their movements, their gestures laden with purpose and urgency.

They seemed to be communicating important matters, their voices hushed and their gazes intense.

As Michael neared, he watched as his father concluded his conversation with Ben. A sense of urgency gripped him. Time was running out, and he had to uncover the truth before it slipped away.

Following their lead, Michael noticed his family and the group congregating around a specific spot—a gap between two towering trees.

His heart pounded in his chest as he realized they were about to venture into another realm, a realm hidden from ordinary eyes.

A surge of fear and determination coursed through Michael's veins. He knew he had to act swiftly. Without pausing to second-guess himself, he reached out, slowly extending his hand towards the ethereal barrier between the trees.

With trepidation, he allowed his fingers to breach the invisible threshold.

For a brief moment, a rush of incomprehensible sensations overwhelmed him, an otherworldly energy coursing through his veins. Frightened by the unknown, Michael quickly withdrew his hand, his mind reeling from the encounter.

But fear was quickly replaced by a resolute determination. He couldn't abandon his family to the unknown without knowing what lay beyond. Gathering his courage, Michael steeled himself for what awaited him on the other side and stepped forward.

Michael stood in awe as he entered the mystical realm, where the outside forest transformed into a crumbling ruin.

The stark contrast between the serene forest and the ancient structures that now surrounded him left him breathless. With cautious steps, he observed his family and their companions, grateful to find them safe amidst the enigmatic environment.

Hiding behind a broken wall, Michael watched as they began to navigate a narrow path winding through the ruins.

The eerie silence was shattered by a sudden onslaught—an arrow hurtling towards the group.

Before Michael could even utter a warning, one of the individuals accompanying Ben swiftly intercepted the projectile, deflecting it harmlessly away.

Relief washed over him, but it was short-lived as a barrage of arrows descended upon them. However, John, Michael's father, moved with breathtaking speed, his blade slicing through the onslaught effortlessly. Michael's jaw dropped in astonishment, witnessing the unimaginable display of skill and power.

Undeterred by the danger surrounding them, they continued their arduous journey, the narrow path expanding before their very eyes.

Michael longed to follow them, but he hesitated, wary of triggering hidden traps that could jeopardize his safety.

Yet, a glimmer of hope materialized as he noticed the tiles beneath his feet glowing softly.

Curiosity mingled with determination, Michael gathered his courage and cautiously stepped onto the illuminated tiles. To his relief, nothing happened. Encouraged by his small victory, he continued along the glowing path, each step guiding him forward unharmed.

Meanwhile, John and the others forged ahead, deftly navigating through a myriad of traps, their expertise evident in their graceful movements. Michael followed suit, relying on the sight of the black path amidst the chaos, which guided him safely through the perilous challenges.

Finally, John and the group reached an ancient altar adorned with a small glass bottle, its contents a vibrant red.

Their expressions filled with anticipation, their joy was short-lived as a blur of motion descended upon them.

The deafening clash of steel against steel reverberated through the air as they were overwhelmed by a mysterious assailant.

Smoke billowed, shrouding the battleground in an impenetrable haze. Fear gripped Michael's heart as he strained to catch a glimpse of what lay beyond the dissipating fog.

As the veil lifted, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

Before him stood a creature unlike anything he had ever seen—a bull-like being standing tall on two legs, its massive form encased in gleaming armor.

Confusion and dread mingled within Michael as he tried to comprehend the sight before him.

His mind is filled with one question 'What is that creature?'