
Ascension of the Cursed Hero

Michael, an ordinary high school student leading a mundane life, discovers a hidden truth that shatters his perception of reality. When he stumbles upon his family's secret, a mysterious dungeon reveals their incredible ability to wield magic. But destiny takes a cruel twist when a malevolent demon named Asura mercilessly slaughters his loved ones. In the midst of the chaos, Michael's girlfriend Jasmine, the last hope of that era, performs a desperate spell to send the heroes back in time, altering the course of history. Tragically, her sacrifice comes at the cost of her own existence in the new timeline. Miraculously, Michael finds himself unexpectedly thrown back in time, awakening with newfound resolve and purpose. Armed with his memories and the weight of vengeance, Michael embarks on an extraordinary journey. His quest intertwines with a destined mission to vanquish Asura, the malefic demon, and ultimately bring an end to the tyrannical reign of the Demon King. Balancing his desire for revenge with the responsibility to rewrite history, he faces moral dilemmas, discovers the strength within, and unearths the true origins of his family's magical legacy.

AniSovereign · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Fear tightened its grip on Michael as he witnessed his father's defeat at the hands of the malevolent creature. His heart pounded in his chest, and a surge of panic threatened to overwhelm him. But before the creature could deliver the final blow, salvation arrived in the form of Ben and his companions.

With seamless coordination and unwavering determination, Ben and the others engaged the creature in a fierce battle. Their movements were synchronized, their attacks calculated and precise. Michael watched in awe as they fought as one, as if they had rehearsed this dance of combat countless times before.

But even their formidable teamwork couldn't match the relentless onslaught of the creature. It was as if the creature possessed an uncanny knowledge of their every move, countering their attacks effortlessly. Michael's hope waned as he witnessed their struggle.

Suddenly, amidst the chaos of the battle, the creature's voice cut through the air. "I see. You are the Heroes of this Era," it declared, a devilish smile twisting its monstrous features. Confusion knitted Michael's brow, unable to comprehend the meaning behind these words. And then, he heard Ben's reply, his voice filled with unwavering conviction. "Yes, we are."

Michael's mind reeled with questions. What did the creature mean by "Heroes"? And why did Ben and his companions seem so familiar with each other's actions? The pieces of the puzzle eluded him, leaving him grasping at fragments of understanding.

But before he could dwell on these thoughts, the creature's intent became clear. "Then you have to die here," it hissed, launching a relentless assault. Ben and his allies fought valiantly, but the sheer power of the creature overwhelmed them.

As despair threatened to consume them, a new voice echoed through the battlefield, capturing their attention. "I won't let that happen." a female voice resonated, commanding attention. A brilliant beam of light descended upon the creature, but it narrowly evaded the attack.

Michael's eyes widened as he witnessed the destructive force unleashed by the light. Hope flickered within him, mingled with shock as he realized that his girlfriend, Jasmine, was suspended in mid-air, radiating an awe-inspiring power.

With newfound strength and determination, Jasmine confronted the creature, her voice laced with authority. "That elixir doesn't belong to you. It belongs to no one. You won't take it from us," she proclaimed, her words brimming with a courage he had never seen before.

Michael's heart raced with fear and uncertainty as he watched the intense battle unfold before him. Jasmine, alongside Ben and the others, fought valiantly against the monstrous creature known as Asura. However, even with Jasmine's incredible power and the teamwork of the group, Asura proved to be a formidable opponent.

Desperation and weariness began to weigh heavily on them all, their attacks seemingly ineffective against the relentless Asura. With a cruel laugh, Asura taunted them, finding their efforts to be nothing more than dull entertainment.

The creature's taunts only served to fuel Jasmine's resolve. She rose slowly, determination etched into her expression. In the face of despair, she stood tall, refusing to back down.

"Why are you so desperate to die?" Asura sneered, amused by their unwavering determination to acquire the elixir. Jasmine replied defiantly, "We need the elixir to protect our world from threats like you. You may call it desperate; we call it survival."

Asura's laughter echoed ominously, claiming the elixir belonged to his master and that they would be nothing more than trophies for him. But Jasmine, unyielding in her resolve, questioned the true strength of Asura's master, claiming that only a weak being would rely on the elixir to grow powerful.

The smile on Asura's face faded, replaced with an unsettling aura of menace. "Mind your words, human. My master possesses the power to annihilate your human realm within seconds," he threatened.

Jasmine scoffed, undeterred by his boasts. "Yeah, right. I've heard enough of your empty threats. If he's so powerful, why does he need the elixir in the first place? You're just another pawn in his game."

Asura's eyes narrowed, the atmosphere thick with tension. But before the battle could escalate further, Jasmine requested her allies' support to buy her a minute. They agreed without hesitation, valiantly attacking Asura to distract him from Jasmine's imminent strike.

Blinded by the light emanating from Jasmine's ultimate attack spell, everyone, including Michael, was left in awe. But their hopes were crushed when they realized that Asura remained unscathed, his palm merely stinging from the attack.

Asura grinned wickedly, mocking Jasmine's attempt. "Impressive, they call you the Moon Blade, and you live up to the name. However, it's not enough to defeat me."

Despair settled over the group, their exhaustion and doubt weighing heavily on their hearts. But in the face of adversity, Jasmine refused to give up. She squared her shoulders, her voice steady and determined.

"This may not be enough to defeat you, but we'll find a way. We'll fight for our world, for our loved ones, and we won't let the darkness consume us," Jasmine declared, her eyes blazing with a resolute flame.

Michael's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed the relentless assault. He cursed himself for his helplessness, his inability to aid them in their time of need. Asura's strength and dominance left him paralyzed with fear, his mind racing for a solution that seemed ever-elusive.

Among the fallen, his family and friends refused to surrender, their defiance a testament to their unwavering resolve. Yet, their struggles were in vain, as Asura's power rendered their efforts insignificant. The battlefield was a graveyard of shattered hope, leaving Michael overwhelmed by a sense of despair.

In his hidden refuge, Michael clenched his fists in frustration and fear, tears pricking at his eyes. He wanted to intervene, to save them, but the realization of his own powerlessness kept him rooted in place.

Desperation turned to terror as Asura's malevolent gaze fell upon him. Michael's breath caught in his throat as he hid, trembling and silent, hoping against hope that he could escape the creature's notice. But it was in vain; Asura's eyes pierced through the shadows, his words sending a chill down Michael's spine.

"It seems there is a lost puppy here," Asura taunted, his words laced with a sinister amusement that chilled Michael to the bone. Michael's heart raced, his instincts screaming for him to flee, to find safety. But Asura was quicker, closing in on him with a predatory smile.

The world spun as Asura's grip tightened around Michael's throat, his strength beyond comprehension. Michael fought to breathe, to break free from the creature's iron grasp, but his struggles were futile. Darkness threatened to consume him as the world blurred around him.

Asura's voice echoed in his ears, a taunting reminder of his helplessness. "Are you family? I was going to give you a painless death as a stray dog, but since you're their family, I can't do that."

Michael's vision swam, and he felt himself falling, gasping for air as he crumpled to the ground. His mind raced, his thoughts a jumble of fear, anger, and regret. He begged Asura to spare his family, to show mercy, but the creature was merciless.

His world shattered as he watched in helpless horror as Asura murdered his father, mother, and sister before his very eyes. Rage surged within him, a fire ignited by the cruelty he had witnessed.

With a newfound resolve, Michael launched himself at Asura, his fists clenched, tears and fury blinding him to the odds against him. But his defiance was short-lived, crushed by Asura's overwhelming power. A single blow sent Michael hurtling through the air, his body broken and battered.

Michael lay on the ground, his vision fading, his body wracked with pain. Yet, a spark of determination ignited within him. He couldn't give up, not now. Summoning his last reserves of strength, he struggled to rise, his body enveloped in an eerie black aura that seemed to pulse with a power he didn't recognize.

Asura is in shock as he beheld the transformation within Michael. His thoughts raced, realizing that this unexpected surge of magic posed a threat to him. The creature lunged, a blur of motion, and struck Michael with a deadly blow, the impact searing pain through his body.

Michael's consciousness wavered on the brink, but he heard a faint voice, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. He strained to comprehend the words, their meaning eluding him. The world blurred, and a brilliant light enveloped him, a sensation of warmth and safety washing over him.

His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself cradled in a new reality—a baby in a cradle. Confusion, disbelief, and a sense of disorientation flooded his thoughts. "What the hell?" he muttered, his mind a whirlwind of questions without answers.