
Ascending To Infinity

Ever wondered how it'd feel to be a being above or beyond our three dimensional plane or existence? A being that has evolved or transcended our three dimensional space-time to the fourth, fifth, even the sixth dimension? A lifeform, powerful and untethered to any limitations?.... If so, sit back, relax, and join Xander in his journey as he gradually sheds off his mortality to become Infinite or Infinity... 《A Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, DC comics, Ben 10, and Rick & Morty novel》 《Note》 This novel is going to long, as in, the minimum number of chapters it'll have is like two hundred. So it's going to kinda slow in the beginning. Keep that in mind as or before you read. So please don't complain. 《Disclaimer》 I do not own any of the Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, Ben 10, DC comics, and Rick&Morty characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. All characters and original storyline belong to original creators. All images used are also credited to their artists or owners.

KingSeyer · TV
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68 Chs

Upgrade III

Smiling, as determination welled up within me, I concentrated on my ability and thought about going deeper.

Immediately, the painful migraine I was experiencing, reached a crescendo in jrs intensity, disrupting my focus and forcing me to deactivate the power involuntarily as I felt my mind going blank.

The darkness of my cold bedroom met my eyes as my vision returned to normalcy. I sighed lightly, a helpless smile on my face, as the migraine gradually receded. I used the foot of the bed for support to raise my tired body to its feet, wobbling a little.

As expected, I couldn't push myself to see into the nanometer range. Simply tuning my new 'eyes' to observe the micrometer range was enough to give me a blinding headache, and any attempt to go further automatically deactivated the ability.

I was sure that even well-prepared or energized, a mere gaze into that realm would give me a brain aneurism.

The human mind wasn't equipped to see such things, and despite my evolution, it would still take a lot of time and effort to strengthen my mind enough to handle that kind of information.

Being able to see this deeply and broadly was a blessing. Perhaps in the future, my new power would have no limits, but until then, I was quite satisfied with what I had obtained today.

Paravision, as I temporarily named it, essentially allowed me to see things from an infinite number of perspectives, peer through objects like a microscope, and also gaze far into the distance like a telescope.

This new ability of mine, which Mr. Bright spoke about while explaining the hypothetical or theoretical advantages of a Fourth Dimensional being in the three-dimensional plane, was one of the abilities I had been eagerly anticipating.

Now my wish had been answered. With it, I was essentially clairvoyant, with zero blind spots, eliminating several of my weaknesses.

All that was left was training to get the hang of it then together with my Dimensional shifting technique, I would be practically untouchable. I would be able to see my enemies before they even saw me; they wouldn't know what hit them.

Smirking deviously as my mind buzzed with numerous ways I could utilize this ability, my eyes widened as I suddenly felt something pulse within me, causing my body to tingle.

This feeling...it came from that link or tether in my mind. The same tether that my mind automatically envisioned as some kind of ethereal bridge stretching from my consciousness to another place.

It was complete. I could completely feel its presence at the back of my mind. It was...connecting me to a place, somewhere familiar and close to me.

My eyes narrowed as I sat down on my bed and focused on it, trying to mentally grasp it. The next moment, I felt the familiar dimensional tug of my primary power, pulling me into another dimension.

But this time, instead of doing that, I could feel my consciousness stretching across the mental bridge, extending from my mind to slip into the metaphysical boundary of the other dimension.

A significant weight or load fell upon my mind as this happened, and before I knew it, my body started flickering madly, as if it wanted to shift into the fourth dimension.

I felt my mind changing, as if existing in two places at once with the bridge acting as a middle ground, processing vast amounts of information.

The world began shifting before my eyes, from grayscale to color intermittently at a rapid rate as my flickering intensified, and then suddenly, it died down. My perception settled on color.

"What the hel—" I exclaimed, pausing in a mix of surprise and confusion as my body, starting from my butt, sank into the bed, my legs sinking into the floor, as if there was nothing there.

Quickly, my trained instincts kicked in, and I controlled my body to ascend, making me hover a few meters above the bed. My eyes widened in shock as I instantly noticed something peculiar about the color of the room. It had...

...This wasn't the fourth dimension. I was in the third, judging by the way everything had color. But if so, then how the hell was I able to fly?

More importantly, how in God's name was I intangible? And why did it feel like I didn't have any weight? Why did it feel like I wasn't even breathing anymore? Why was I feeling like I didn't or shouldn't exist?

Was I hallucinating? No, that was impossible. Meaning, this was something else entirely, something different. My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes darted all over the dark room, searching for anything amiss, but they found nothing wrong or peculiar.

I raised my hands up to eye level and observed them closely. It wasn't noticeable or evident, but my mind could pick out something strange about them.

My arms were vibrating rapidly, so fast that if it weren't for the occasional extremely subtle flicker, I wouldn't have noticed it. This had never happened before. It was as if I was existing in two pla—

Just then, my eyes lit up and my brows shot up as something clicked in my head, realization dawning on me. That was it.

My body was simultaneously shifting into the fourth dimension and back at the same time, making it seem as if my body existed in two dimensions at once in time.

That was why I felt unnaturally weightless and intangible, like I didn't exist. And that was why I couldn't touch myself in this state, which meant that no one in this dimension could touch me either.

I was virtually invincible. And with the way the power came naturally to me, I felt like I could do more; my mind was assuring me of that fact. Instinctively, I somehow knew I could control and bend it to suit my taste. Hmm, let me give it a try...

Descending to hover a few inches off the ground, I closed my eyes and focused on the connection in my mind. Then, as I concentrated on what I wanted to do, my body suddenly regained its weight, and I landed on the floor with a muffled thump.

Extending my left index finger, my focus unwavering despite the building headache, I stepped over to my desk and lowered the finger to poke at it. The finger passed right through, leaving a smile on my face.

I could partially shift now. With enough concentration, I could decide which part of my body I wanted to be intangible and tangible. This had almost endless applications.

For example, in a fight, I could choose to make my whole body intangible, except my arms, rendering me virtually invulnerable and the only one capable of inflicting damage.

It was a versatile technique, and one might say it was overpowered, but considering the approaching migraine that came just a few minutes after using it, I couldn't use it for an extended period.

So, it would be my ultimate trump card, my ace...

Suddenly, the headache intensified, and I felt a disturbance or a peculiar shift around my finger, as my mind and body grew increasingly exhausted. I staggered back as my vision hazed.

Quickly, I removed my finger from the desk, and it immediately flickered and became normal, leaving my body and mind drained of all their energy. I held onto the desk for support.

But then, as I lowered my head, I noticed something interesting. There was a clean hole right where my finger had poked through the desk. It was as if that entire part had disintegrated, leaving behind a perfect finger-sized and shaped hole.

I was surprised by the sight, but the next moment, I recognized this phenomenon, and understanding dawned on me. My brain came up with the most logical and probable explanation, bringing a satisfied smirk to my face.

Pulling my swivel chair, I sat on it and gazed outside through the open balcony windows, which displayed the dark night or early morning sky with the crescent moon hanging in it.

...The procedure was a success. I had obtained the things I needed. My power had evolved to the next level, and that level was enough to ensure that no one could ever hurt me again. Not Sylar, not Ted, and not even Mr. Petrelli.

...Sigh, now I felt sorry for all my enemies because...no one could stop me now...

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