
As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

'Strange' is a term that can be defined in a number of ways. Though waking up as Satoru Gojo in a messed up world was certainly strange. Now follow the new Gojo on his path to becoming the strongest. Will he reach said goal, or merely die a meaningless death. Or maybe he will ascend as the honoured one.

Ekisdaiou · Cómic
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29 Chs

Such devistation!

"Well damn."

The once bustling street, now reduced to debris and rubble, bore witness to the merciless wrath of destruction. The air was heavy with a mix of smoke, dust, and the lingering stench of decaying materials.

The road, no longer recognizable as such, was a patchwork of broken asphalt, shattered bricks, and twisted metal. Cracks and fissures snaked through its surface, evidence of the tremendous force that had torn through the landscape.

Buildings that once stood tall and proud are now mere remnants of their former glory. Their skeletal frames loomed precariously, stand-ins for the walls and windows that were long gone. Piles of bricks, concrete, and shattered glass spilled into the streets, forming a chaotic collage of destruction. Some buildings leaned at unnatural angles, barely clinging to their foundations, while others lay in a heap of debris, a testament to their tragic collapse.

The windows of these structures existed only as jagged holes, their glass shells shattered and strewn across the pavement. Tattered remnants of curtains and blinds fluttered in the wind, as if desperately trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Graffiti and charred remnants of posters clung to the crumbling walls; their vibrant colors now faded, echoes of a more vibrant past.

The street was littered with the remnants of what was once a vibrant urban environment: twisted metal beams, broken furniture, and the shattered fragments of everyday life. Abandoned vehicles, crushed under the weight of debris or burned to a mere carcass, evoked a sense of desolation. The hulking skeletons of cars sat abandoned in parking lots, their tires flat and their windshields shattered. Some were flipped over, their underbellies exposed as if abandoned by civilization itself.

Trees, once a symbol of life and continuity, stood stark against the backdrop of destruction. Their branches, stripped of leaves and bark, stood like skeletal remains, motionless and unyielding. Only a few sad remnants of foliage survived, providing glimpses of green amidst the overwhelming grayness.

"Good thing this was the abandoned section of Gotham." Satoru hummed as he threw a glance at the unconscious forms of Beast Boy and Kid Flash next to him.

He honestly had not expected that 'Red' to work. Sure, he had long since known what the core of Cursed Energy was, but actually applying and getting to that to the Reverse Cursed Technique was a whole other matter. And this particular 'Red' was kind of difficult to control; he was sure he lowerd the output.

"Oh, right, Gojo on crack and all that." There was no problem with his output or anything like that. His 20%=120%, or something like that, it's also why his amplified 'Blue' was so powerful against Killer Croc that while back.

"Argh..." Satoru snapped his head back to the groaning Beast Boy, whose body slowly rose from the ashplat. "What happe-....." The green shapeshifter promptly stopped his words as his eyes looked at the devistation.

"Whoops~ I didn't mean to destroy a whole city block." Satoru commented as he wrapped his bandages back around his eyes.

"Y-You-!" Beast Boy started, but Satoru cut him off.

"Calm down, little green boy~" Satoru just grinned at the glaring Beast Boy, who seemed too fatigued to fight; he was very partially hit with 'Red' after all. "There's no one in this street."

"You're screwed when backup shows up. She's going to rip you a new one!" Satoru just smirked at his words.

"Nah, I'd win."


In the dimly lit and graffiti-covered streets of abandoned Gotham City, a gust of wind whispered through the desolate urban landscape. On this eerie night, Akane stared down at Robin with a smirk.

His eyes met Akane's with an unwavering resolve, his cape fluttering in the wind. They moved slowly toward each other, their gazes locked in a test of wills.

("Why is Akane doing this?") He could not help but question; he might not have known her as well as he did Satoru, but Akane was never one for conflict. And how was she so strong to beat Kid Flash?

As Robin lunged forward, Akane swiftly sidestepped his initial attack; her reflexes seemed to be guiding her every move. Her footwork was impeccable; she was trained, and that much was clear to see. With precision, Akane delivered a swift roundhouse kick, aimed at Robin's exposed flank. Robin, sensing the impending danger, twisted his torso at the last moment, narrowly avoiding her blow. The impact released a gust of wind, rustling nearby debris as Akane landed with a soft thud, her leg withdrawing seamlessly.

("Very strong!") Robin warily noted.

Not one to waste a moment, Robin retaliated with a series of quick jabs, aiming for her midsection with swift speeds. Akane skillfully deflected each strike with her arms like a steel wall, absorbing the kinetic energy with minimal effort. Her stance shifted, evoking the grace of a swan, as she countered with a lightning-fast palm strike to his solar plexus. Robin, his breath momentarily stolen, staggered backward, the wind escaping his lungs in a disconcerting gasp.

Undeterred, Robin somersaulted backward, landing on his hands and propelling himself forward into a spinning kick. Akane anticipated the move and swiftly dove under, grabbing Robin's extended foot with ease. Using her core strength and flexibility, she effortlessly twisted his leg, forcing him to lose balance and crash to the unforgiving asphalt below. The resounding impact echoed through the silence, his body leaving a gritty smear on the surface.

("Yep, it's definitely fun, not just to use my technique.") Akane mentally mused as she grinned. Sure, she could end this instantly, but where was the fun in that?

Robin, meanwhile, scrambled to his feet. A touch of frustration flickered across his eyes. His initial confusion had turned to determination. He unleashed a flurry of blows, his fists a blur within the gloomy atmosphere. Akane bobbed and weaved, her body seeming to defy gravity as she dodged and parried, showing fluidity in her movements that mirrored a ribbon flowing in the wind.

Seizing an opening, Akane lunged forward, executing an aerial cartwheel. Her sharp legs extended in a split second, sending Robin's cape twirling momentarily as her feet connected with his chest. The impact sent him crashing into a nearby lamppost, its flickering light casting ghastly shadows into the night. His back hit the cold metal, the post groaning in protest.

The battle continued, with each combatant trading punches and kicks amidst the chaos of their surroundings. The abandoned street seemed to come alive, with walls vibrating with each strike and debris scattering like leaves in a storm. Akane demonstrated her versatility, flowing seamlessly between different martial arts styles and adapting to Robin's agile moves. That was not mentioning her monsterous strength and speed.

Despite the grueling nature of the fight, neither Akane nor Robin showed signs of fatigue. Their determination fueled their movements; every muscle fiber was tuned to perfection.

In a final act of defiance, Robin launched himself at Akane, his legs stretched in a flying double kick. Akane responded with a leap of her own, twisting her body mid-air and propelling herself into a spinning back-kick—an awe-inspiring display of aerial precision. The collision echoed throughout the abandoned city, a sonic boom-like shockwave shattering nearby windows. Robin was sent hurtling through the air, his body skidding across the rough concrete, until it came to an abrupt halt, disoriented and defeated.

"Checkmate." Akane murmured lowly.

Akane stood tall amidst the debris-strewn street and stared towards Robin's downed body. He was skilled but much too hesitant and somewhat sluggish, and it seemed he was slightly holding back.

"Not bad, but not good enough." She mused as she prepared to step forward, only to stop as a green bolt of pure energy assualted and scorched the ashplat in front of her.


"I bid you stop." She materialized with a burst of vibrant energy on the abandoned Gotham City street; her nimbus-like hair shimmered with shades of glowing orange, and her eyes radiated a brilliant green hue. Floating effortlessly above the cracked pavement, she surveyed the scene below, determination etched across her regal features. Her glowing energy tendrils danced and crackled with latent power, eager to be unleashed.

"Hmm. And who would you be?" Akane quostioned, her interest immediately peaked.

"I am known as Starfire." The floating, otherworldly girl answered surprisingly casually. "I have to ask you to cease your fighting and to come with me peacefully." She stated, her radiating green eyes drifting to the downed Robin for a moment.

"And what if I were to refuse?" Starfire frowned.

"Then, unfortunately, I would have to make use of force. You did injure a comrade of mine." She answered as Akane grinned.

"Then I refuse." The Gojo immediately answered.

("I am curious as to how far I can go just like this...") She watched as the hero heaved a sigh.

"That is unfortunate." Starfire whispered. "I will try to end this as quickly as possible."

Akane, her senses sharp and instincts honed, locked eyes with the extraterrestrial princess. The air crackled with the tension of the situation as the two prepared to clash. A quiet confidence emanated from Akane, who planted her feet firmly on the ground, her body poised for action. Her eyes never wavered, analyzing Starfire's movements like a conductor observing a symphony.

Starfire unleashed her power with a breathless intensity. Arcs of vibrant energy surged from her fingertips, illuminating the darkened Gotham streets as they raced towards Akane. With an almost preternatural sense of timing, Akane began to dance through the air, fluidly evading the onslaught of searing energy bolts. Her lithe body twisted and contorted with acrobatic precision, barely grazing the oncoming projectiles. Her movements appeared to be in perfect harmony with everything around her.

Sensing the need for a more direct approach, Starfire charged forward, her body enveloped in a coruscating aura of raw celestial energy. With a mighty roar, she unleashed a powerful energy blast, meant to engulf Akane in its searing embrace. Time seemed to slow as Akane sidestepped the blast with a barely perceptible shift of her weight. The explosive energy raced past her, harmlessly colliding with a nearby crumbling building and sending debris flying in all directions.

Recognizing an opening, Akane surged forward with a blur of precision, her hands and feet becoming a blur of violent strikes. Her martial arts prowess was juxtaposed against Starfire's formidable power, creating a mesmerizing display of finesse and force. Each punch, each kick, was executed with accuracy, with Akane expertly exploiting the brief moments of vulnerability where Starfire's focus was momentarily divided.

Like a dance partner in a ballet, Akane weaved through Starfire's energy blasts, her movements timed to perfection. With remarkable dexterity, she flipped and spun, avoiding the luminous beams that carved through the air around her. Her body seemed to deflect gravity itself, spinning and bending with an otherworldly fluidity.

Starfire, sensing Akane's skilled evasion, grew more determined. She launched herself toward Akane, her speed matching her fervor. Unleashing a colossal burst of energy, she encapsulated herself in a blazing inferno that threatened to engulf everything in its path. Yet, with an almost supernatural grace, Akane seemed to transcend the limitations of reality, her body becoming a beacon of anticipation. In a breathtaking sequence of movements, she twisted, spun, and cartwheeled through the fiery torrent, emerging unscathed as if untouched by the inferno.

As their battle raged on, the abandoned Gotham City street bore witness to their otherworldly clash. The ground trembled beneath them, cracks spreading like spiderwebs. Sparks danced through the air, illuminating the mist of dust and debris that had been stirred by their cataclysmic combat. Starfire's power, awe-inspiring as it was, seemed unable to tether Akane's indomitable spirit.

With exhaustion mounting, Starfire eventually faltered, her attacks growing less methodical and more desperate in her frustration. Akane sensed this weakness, her unwavering focus honing in on the opportunity that presented itself. She fluidly moved within striking range, her movements a blur of calculated precision. With a final series of pinpoint strikes, she delivered a devastating blow that sent Starfire spiraling into unconsciousness, the alien princess falling gently to the ground like a disarmed angel.

As the energy that once enveloped the street began to dissipate, a stillness settled over the battle-scarred surroundings.

"Well, that was easy." Akane murmured, but then again, this Starfire was greatly holding back. Akane flexed her hands; they hurt from all the punching she did. Starfire was absurdly durable and most likely would not stay down for long. And right on...

With a groan, Starfire swiftly stood up from the ground.

"Have a nice nap?" Akane asked with a grin.

"I suppose I should not have held back as much." The girl murmured as her body was engulfed in the intense green energy once again. "I will make the same mistake twice!" She declared.

"Then come on!"


A/N: Life is not daijobu.

As for that Gojo and Re Zero fic, I might need to scrap it. I want to use Megumi instead and just give him a boost in power. But that's only when I have at least 30+ chapters here and in my novel. Now I have to play Elden Ring.