

In a thrilling crossover fanfic novel, Arya Stark, the fierce and cunning daughter of lord Eddard Stark from Westeros, is unexpectedly transported to the Star Wars universe. There, she becomes the Padawan of a master unlike any other - a Gray Jedi who rejects the rigid doctrines of both the Jedi and Sith. As Arya's training begins, she quickly realizes that her master's unorthodox approach to the Force challenges everything known in this galaxy. Together, they embark on daring missions for the Republic, battling against formidable enemies and uncovering dark secrets that threaten to tear the galaxy apart. But as Arya delves deeper into her training, she discovers that her master's teachings go beyond just wielding a lightsaber. With his guidance, she learns to embrace her own darkness while maintaining balance in the Force. As their bond strengthens, Arya must confront her inner demons and make difficult choices that will shape not only her destiny but also the fate of the entire Star Wars universe.

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We had now stood in the shadows of Mos Espa Space Port for hours, and I was afraid we were going to draw attention. The bustling spaceport was teeming with life, its chaotic energy, and the noise of starships permeating the air.

Beside me stood Anakin Skywalker. His presence was unsettling.

I felt a stab of fury at the stiffness of the Jedi Council. It was not the first time I had asked them to stop teaming me with Skywalker. but I guess it was the council's way of stamping their authority. After all, I was not a member of their order.

I was a gray Jedi, and unlike Anakin and the rest, I did not have to observe the Jedi codes. I served the Republic, and even though I answered to the Jedi Council, my first loyalty was to myself. I had nothing against Skywalker. My only problem was the knowledge I had from my native world before I transmigrated here seven years ago.

While his abilities were unquestionable, his impulsive nature often reminded me that, back where I came from, this guy eventually became Darth Vader. We simply couldn't get along.

We had been assigned to track down Jango Fett, a notorious bounty hunter suspected of taking a bounty for Senator Organa and responsible for several attempts on the Aldeeran senator's life.

Earlier on, my sources had relayed that Jango would be meeting someone here. However, it had been hours now, not to mention I had a pressing system quest to take care of.

"I am off, Skywalker. You keep the watch. I will join you soon". I said as I turned to leave.

"And where the hell are you going this time?" Skywalker asked with suppressed fury.

I could not tell what exactly we had against each other, but I had a good guess: maybe he was worried I was more powerful; maybe he envied my freedom as a gray Jedi; maybe it was a certain beautiful senator back in Crotuscant; whatever it was, he would better work around it; after all, he was a Jedi; I was sure there was a stupid rule somewhere in their code forbidding both emotions and attachment.

"Mind your business, Skywalker; I can go wherever I please". And with that, I left the fuming Jedi behind. Rounding up a corner, I activated the system menu.

The gray system screen shimmered in front of me. I mentally opened the quest tab, and immediately the quest that had troubled me for two days now glared at me. Even now, I cannot believe the words I read.

However, there was no time. I mentally clicked on 'accept the quest'.

The familiar surroundings of Mos Espa began to spin while gradually fading away. The more I focused, the more I felt as if I was being sucked into a bottomless pit.

This feeling wasn't new.

I had come to adapt to it since it always happened whenever the system was transporting me to the quest destination. and this time the destination was the medieval world of Westeros.

From the moment I read the quest information from the system notification, I realized that this would be one of the most difficult quests I had ever undertaken, and that was saying something seeing that I had arrived in the Star Wars world 7 years ago, and in that period, I had faced a crazy amount of danger as I carried out the quests and learned every Jedi ability.

But one thing had proven to be my greatest advantage: my knowledge of Star Wars from canon events. It was through this advantage that I was able to help the republic avoid various pitfalls that had befallen them in the canon.

I breathed deeply in frustration. This system quest was quite ill-timed.

Suddenly, my spiral fall abruptly came to a sudden stop, and I found myself crushing into a cart full of fruits and vegetables.

"What in the seven hells do you think you are doing?" The rumbling of a man dressed in medieval attire alerted me that I had arrived in Westeros, and from the looks of the scattered fruits and vegetables I had crushed into a merchant's cart,

"Damn!!", I cursed loudly in frustration; the system had done it again.

For some reason, the system that had helped me become one of the formidable force users in Star Wars never seemed to develop a proper landing system.

God, the incidents were endless.

"I am talking to you, fool", the merchant said, now approaching with an ugly whip. He was quite a giant of a man; it made me wonder whether the mountain was not a relative of his.

"I am deeply sorry," I mumbled as I backed away from the furious man.

"Yes, you are, and how many tons of silver is your sorry worth?

I understood now what the man was implying: I was going to have to pay for the damage I had caused him.

The trouble was that the only money I had was Republic credits, which were worthless outside of Star Wars. There was no way this man would accept them.

From the corner of my eye, I watched as a guy lifted a porch from another merchant. The robbed guy was too engaged in a heated argument with one of his customers to even notice his missing porch. I smiled to myself.

I made a sudden rush towards the pickpocketer.

"Hey, where the hell do you think you're going? The merchant yelled loudly in pursuit. He must have been thinking that I was escaping.

Well, I had thought of doing just that earlier, but I felt bad for the damage I had caused him. In any case, I had just found a way to repay him.

"Look, buddy, I am Nevir, the guy you were supposed to give that porche to", I said to the thief, pointing at the pocket where he had stashed the stolen money bag while at the same time waving my hand smoothly in front of the guy as I employed force persuasion.

There was a flitting moment where I thought the guy would just turn and flee, but in the next moment that doubt dissipated.

The thief smiled and reached for his pocket.

"Ah yes, Ser, I have been looking for you here," the guy said as he handed me the porch.

On opening it, I realized that it had been quite a generous catch for the thief. Even though I was not familiar with the Westeros currency system, the sight of silver and gold coins carried a certain weight in any medieval system.

"Thank you", I said to the thief while handing him two gold coins.

The dude practically jumped in happiness as I gave him a pint of his own money. well, sort of seeing that he was the one who had stolen it.

"Thank you, Ser," the thief said as he disappeared to go and lose himself in some tavern or get laid in a brothel.

That left me with the merchant.

I picked up one gold coin, and I could see the greed in his eyes. It seemed that these gold coins were quite valuable here.

"Here, please accept my apologies". The merchant's violent attitude seemed to precipitate talk about the power of money.

"No problem, my lord; thank you for your generosity".

Uh, money makes you a lord, eh? I sighed as I turned and headed toward the robbed guy. Reaching where he was, I bent down and pretended to retrieve something. When I rose, the robbed man's purse was in my hand. "Does this belong to you, ser? I cautiously asked, and the man quickly checked his pockets and practically snatched the porch from my hands. He then seemed to have realized that I could have as well disappeared without asking.

"Well, thank you, my lord."

Another lord, I thought to myself. It was at this moment that I took a good look at myself and realized that my attire was quite out of place in this primitive world. I was dressed in a fine leather jacket and some faded blue jeans. (I had never been able to do the Jedi robes like most knights and Jedi masters; I simply hated anything that made me look like the members of the Jedi order.)

My attire, by all means, must have appeared to be quite expensive, especially from these people's point of view.

Well, it doesn't hurt to be a lord for once, especially considering that back in Crotuscant, those high titles I left to Grand Master Yoda and the other Jedi council members

Speaking of the Jedi Council, I realized that this quest would likely put me at loggerheads with the council if I did not finish it (or at least this part that required me to be in Westeros) in time. And when I say on time, I mean in less than three hours I am supposed to have returned to Mos Espa, or Skywalker would freak out. Even worse was the fact that we might miss Jango Fett entirely.

This reminded me of my urgency.

I felt within the deep inner pockets of my leather jacket to make sure my lightsaber was still there. it was. That settled, I turned my attention to my environment.

It was then that my heart began to panic as I looked around. The quest that brought me here was to find Arya. Well, it went deeper than that, but essentially, this part of it involved finding Arya. That meant I was supposed to be in Winterfell.

So why was I in Kingslanding?

powerstone please