
Art shall be the answer

Okay. Hear me out, I don't know in which direction should I properly go so like am gonna try make something else and maybe pick this up after I learn to plan my novel a bit

SevenSix · Fantasía
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7 Chs


3060 Words ^^

A man born too early into this world. Too early for his own good, for his genius was so great almost nothing could stop him.

Science and math were too easy and so incredibly boring. And thus he decided on a path more spiritual.

The one which kept calling him and the one he truly enjoyed. Arguably the greatest genius of all mankind chose to be an artist and nothing else. He could not accept being something else. For that would be boring for him.

The thing he enjoyed however proved to be harder than expected. Sure he could imagine what he wanted, but every time he did so, it lacked something...

A soul you could say. For he saw the world in black and white. He only chose to see through pure and unrestrained logic. Not with heart and emotions. He could not see with his heart and so he went into extremes. He tried everything, from skydiving under a thunderstorm to even becoming a part of mafia for a brief moment.

Sadly it never helped. As he tried more and more things he got more and more desperate. Nothing could bring forward his unrestrained emotions, not even eventual death of his parents. All he saw was the flow of the world through logic.

Although he did feel few emotions like desperation and hopelessness. Why wouldn't he? A now hollow man trying to find what he desperately needs, to finally create a piece of art with a soul.

As he was arriving into his thirties the man finally snapped. He decided to do something so crazy that it should warrant death. With zero chances of coming back alive. He decided to climb the Mt. Everest without any kind of breathing gear and all alone, so even if he died it wouldn't implicate anyone.

A death sentence right? Around 2800 meters above the limit at which humans can breathe. You could call it a suicide. After trying so many things he knew that nothing would work anymore. So why not die whilst trying to beat Earth's greatest mountain?

After preparing for the climb with everything a mountaineer would need except the breathing gear he decided to make his last march.

As he climbed further and further up the mountain, stopping by some checkpoints he started to feel surprisingly well. It was like something warm started embracing his entire being. It was like something was calling him.

It made him think of his mother's embrace. The times when he was just a naive and pure child. Perhaps the only part of his life where he was able to draw with his soul. Without the interference of pure logic.

The times where he did not feel like a God that could do anything. The time when he was actually vulnerable and weak...

It struck something deep within him. Maybe that was the thing he was trying to find all along, but why now? And most importantly why here? Sure, it was the highest mountain on Earth and had a beautiful landscape, but overall it was just a huge piece of rock covered in ice and snow.

He knew that it couldn't be the mountain itself. Nor it's surroundings or the beautiful landscape. For he traveled every corner of the world. He saw the beauty of the Niagara falls, beautiful shrines in Japan and many many more beautiful and breathtaking things that would make you feel fascinated.

He even mountaineered quite a few mountains nearing 6 thousand meters in height. You could say he wasn't new to this and had the confidence to at least climb 3/4 of the mountain before his inevitable fate, that he chose, caught up to him.

Surprisingly the further and higher he went the stronger the feeling. It slowly started to transcend the feeling he had as a child and it started to impact his very soul.

Something on the mountain was calling him. Strangely it felt kind of familiar. It felt like he had this feeling his whole life. Maybe the thing that is there somewhere on this mountain could finally answer his plea. Maybe finally he could feel like a human.

Be driven with emotions and experience mortality again. For he felt like he transcended the human kind. Was it arrogance or a rightful statement? As he started to read and comprehend things at the age of three. He started to gradually read humans.

He remembered their patterns and their behaviour under certain circumstances. He could simulate what would happen if he proceeded with certain actions that could hurt an individual or help them at the age of four.

And when he was five he has discovered the internet. The more of the internet he explored. The more he learned. From simple explanations about math and chemistry and physics to complete mastery of all subjects he could learn for free.

Then he persuaded his parents into buying him advanced books and buying monthly subscriptions in to famous language site and sites that make you learn science and more.

At the age of seven he started to feel bored. After learning more than 500 languages, some more obscure and some wildly spread like Mandarin and Spanish. He mastered all he could find on the internet and in the books provided by his parents about math, physics, chemistry, astrology, biology.

It felt all too easy for him. At one point when he was six it felt like everything new and harder he tried to learn felt like it was piecing itself together for him, without even trying. His basics so perfect that upon learning even the surface of new stuff he could already grasps it's core.

No longer satisfied he tried to find some friends he could talk to. Sadly even the most basic things he talked about without thinking confused the young children in his elementary school. And so he skipped grades.

Sadly no matter how many he skipped and how much he astonished his teachers, parents and people around him. He could not find anyone that shared the same view and amount of knowledge he had.

Even if there were experts that knew more than him in certain field, it did not mean they knew about the other ones.

And as for love? Well... he tried, he was certainly handsome and his charisma was high. But sadly he started to emit kind of aura that makes other people feel inferior. Even when he managed to date a few extremely intelligent people, they would start to feel insecure about their looks and they were doubting themselves if they were enough.

He even tried and see if he was into other men. But quickly proven wrong he knew, that even love couldn't shatter the logic deeply imprinted in his mind.

And so he tried different things. At the age of eight he mastered various types of horsemanship. Learned to ski and play many different sports like soccer and chess.

The more physically demanding sports gave him quite a challenge at the start, because he never really trained his body. All he did was learning at home.

Even sometimes barely leaving his own house for months at the time. Of course logical sports where you just need to use your mind like chess was easily mastered by the young prodigy.

Easily beating IMs, WIMs and even GMs and WGMs. As he learned that it wasn't much of a challenge anymore. He started focusing fully on the more physically based skills and sports.

His mind could certainly keep up but his young body couldn't. And so he trained in the most effective ways he could find and make his own.

Few years passed and his body looked quite muscular. Not the macho type pumped by drugs. But the sleek and smooth physique.

The stronger he got the more his body could keep up with his mind. With it he mastered sports quicker than even he expected. From it he learned how important healthy and powerful body could be if it was paired with his mind.

As he grew older though he started to feel the limit. Limit all humans do once they are at the peak of their strength. The one where you couldn't get stronger. You could just train all day and night. And all it would do is to maintain your already limited physique and strength.

And so he started to seek danger. First it started with mountaineering and parachuting from the sky. Then he started dabbling with modern weapons and joined the army for few years.

Thanks to his reputation he easily got promoted and sent to the frontier where he could experience most of it.

After a while though. Even the battlefield started to feel a bit bland and boring. He wasn't disturbed when he saw his fellow soldiers die. How their brain and blood splattered over his body.

All he saw were failures that did not deserve to live. Maybe at that time he started to feel like he transcended mere humans. Like he became something more.

Sure he didn't have some bullshit evading bullets crap that he read about on the internet. On how masters of certain martial arts could deflect bullets and even catch them.

He knew it was utter crap and should not be trusted. But what he could do was to calculate wind humidity and many more factors to have seriously accurate shots.

Out of all bullets shot he missed only every tenth on average. Dabbed the incarnation of Devil thanks to his enemies being mowed down like they were some dust on his shoulder. To make it worse he could leave the battlefield without showing any kinds of emotions. Covered in blood and dust, totally unbothered by the looks of horror others would feel when they were near him.

Who wouldn't be scared if they saw the absolute massacre he committed to his enemies. Few times he ran out of bullets and so he started throwing knives and other sharp and heavy objects against his enemies. And without even single missing every single one of them were bullseye.

It seemed like he was invincible. And even if he ran into enemy lines with just his knife he would be able to take them down. They would probably surrender out of fear.

And so he left the military and joined mafia. He quickly climbed the ladder of power in the underground world. Sadly he bewitched a daughter of one of the most powerful underground bosses and had to run. Why? Because he totally broke her heart.

Every time she tried to pursue him he would break it more and more. Maybe if she was a masochist she would enjoy it though... Cold and emotionless stares that make you feel insignificant like you are an ant in the way of God.

And so here we are here today. A man climbing the mountain in hopes of finding the impossible. Impossible at least in this world...

After climbing almost for a month he felt like the thing that was calling him was close. Really really close but far at the same time...

He felt like he could reach it but every time he thought so, it never was there. And so he continued...

His breaks shorter and shorter. The food and water he drank and ate slowly needed to be eaten and drank again. He however didn't stop to eat and drink.

He climbed and climbed. At one point he knew that it wasn't higher he should go. It seemed that it was inside the mountain. A cave perhaps or a ravine who knew? He started to go around fully using his mind trying to calculate the chances of naturally spawned caves.

After what seemed to be an eternity he saw what he sought. And he knew because the voice calling him was at it's loudest. It kept whispering incomprehensible words. And so he went in what seemed like a ravine. Strangely wide and spacious, something that large should not be on a mountain. Not mentioning at this height...

After going in he saw what seemed to be an extraterrestrial altar that should have never existed in this era. Perhaps it was sign that aliens truly existed...

On the back of the altar stood a statue. Strangely it's face seemed to be distorted. Like it shouldn't be seen by mere mortals. Sadly the man did not look at the statue twice as he felt the voice coming from the object on the altar.

There it laid. A small 3 dimensional hexagon. Somehow it kept floating few centimeters above it's pedestal. The pedestal coloured in marble like white. In it were engraved vein like pathways shimmering in sky blue colour.

The hexagon itself seemed ethereal. The colours and even the composition of the hexagon seemed to change every second. Sometimes it looked like it was half liquid state. Sometimes it was fully solid.

Anyways... None of it mattered to the man as the only thing that preoccupied his mind was the voice. Before inaudible now it was like calling from a woman. It kept calling him to come closer and accept it.

As the man put a foot on the altar. The altar started shining and the whole mountain slightly trembled. Myriad of colours kept popping in and out of existence and the whole place seemed as if it was in the presence of a God.

The statue behind the altar finally revealed it face. Fully looking like middle aged man. With a thick beard, wide blue eyes and brown hair. The face of the statue started to move and all of the sudden it spoke.

"Mortal... Your existence is an enigma. Someone equal your talent ought to be born in the next 800 million years on this mortal plane. Your entire being is a miracle for all mankind on this plane and yet a curse for you..." As the statue spoke the man finally got out of the daze and directly stared at the statue.

The statue showing a bit of surprise for a moment. It never expect for the man to be so calm. Not a single trace of humbleness nor arrogance. He seemed like he was in front of an equal.

"And who are you? Seems like you are not another self-proclaimed God's apostle or something like that." Said the man as he stared at the statue. The statue started to laugh and imperial like presence quickly spread throughout the ravine.

The man stunned by the sudden outburst of what it seemed like power. It felt like something he never felt before. It was full of power. Power that could crush you but at the same time it did quite harmless.

"Beings like me posses multiple names and titles depending on the plane of existence we visit. But you may call me Adonis."

"And why did you call me here?" Said the man full of curiosity.

"Of course if I didn't find you first, some old buggers would descend here and snatch you up before you could even blink!" Said Adonis as he laughed.

"And as for why I brought you here is for you to make a choice." "Oh? What kind of choice are you talking about? Is it becoming your eternal slave servant or a delivery boy? Surely someone like you wouldn't offer something ridiculous for free..." Said the man.

The statue started laughing again and stated. "I can bring you into a world where you can truly shine. A world where you can do things unimaginable by mortals. You can become a God or a fake immortal."

"Fake immortal?" "Boy the only true immortality is beyond your comprehension. Things like having unkillable body and infinite life span are but a fake immortalities. There are many ways to bring true death. Death that even by rewinding time you wouldn't be able to save them." Said Adonis

"So what's your price? What do I have to do once I accept. I don't want to beat around the bush and hear some kind of bullsh*t prophecy about me being the chosen one or whatever." Said the man.

"Hohoho boy you are right. There are no free things for even what seems to be free. Karma will make you repay in one form or another. The thing I want from you is to become the owner of the hexagon you see in front of you and acquire another six items." Said Adonis.

"What do you need them for and what is the name of this hexagon shaped like item?" Asked the man. "The hexagon in front of you is one of the originals. Originals are a set of total seven items and one of which is in front of you. Each one of them posses incredible power and dangerous consequences if you are found to own one." Said Adonis.

"Ok so if I get this right you want me to collect 6 more artifacts and even if I have one I am in incredible danger? What do you even want to do with it once I acquire all six hmmm?" Said the man as he fearlessly stared at the statue.

"I was unjustly imprisoned by my former friends after being accused of killing one of our members. All of us were like a family and everyone would not hesitate to sacrifice themselfs for each other. However one of us set me up and killed her. The one I loved dearly and afterwards he framed me when I saw her dead." Said Adonis with an extremely sorrowful expression.

The man however unfazed by this 'cliché' betrayal thought. 'So it seems it goes few ways. Either he is completely lying to me or he is telling the truth. There is also chance that he was the one who betrayed his so called former friends.'

Under the usual circumstances the man would never agree to something this ridiculous. However he knew that this may be the only ticket he would be able to get to the place where he could truly shine and find the colours he wants.

As such after few more questions from the man to Adonis and a life contract in which the man was bounded and forced to complete the mission. The man touched the hexagon and he felt it...


Wellp here we go. Not sure where this story will go yet. But the MC will be mostly focusing on getting the inspiration for art that he desperately seeks.

Also no harems. Cuz fuck harems and maybe no romance. I feel like well structured romance might be a bit too hard for me as I am writing a first book ever.

Also well structured comments/ideas/criticism will be very much appreciated.

Actually I have no clue if I should make this in a style of an cultivation novel or just some classic magical world. Maybe mix? Who knows...

Though one thing I can assure you of. I. Hate. Harems.

SevenSixcreators' thoughts