
Art shall be the answer

Okay. Hear me out, I don't know in which direction should I properly go so like am gonna try make something else and maybe pick this up after I learn to plan my novel a bit

SevenSix · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - The new world

2999 words ^^

On one peculiar continent in the world of Redrotles. A small child was just born. A child that will dictate the future of the entire world or maybe even something more...

(Foreign language - MC can't understand)

{"Look honey it's a boy! Oh my God it's truly a boy! HAHAHA FINALLY! After 3 daughters we finally have a boy! HAHAHA"} Laughed maniacally sturdy looking man.

With brown hair, pretty large green eyes, sharp looking nose and bulging muscles, his face adorned by a thick brown beard this 2 meter big man radiated with vigor and vitality.

{"Oh come on Magnus quiet down you will scare him!"} Said a blond haired woman full of beauty that would make almost any man salivate.

Silky long blond hair flowing down her body like a waterfall. Her mesmerizing light purple eyes that could just suck your soul in with one look.

She had a small oval face adorned with small lips and small nose. Her face looking flawless. No traces of time or wrinkles could be seen. She was like an incarnation eternally beautiful maiden from heaven.

{"Oh Flavia cut it! Look how healthy he looks! And with my genes how could he be a fearful young man! HAHAHA"} Laughed Magnus filled with joy as he finally managed to get an inheritor to his name.



'After being stuck for God knows how long in that womb it feels really nice to feel fresh air.' Thought the cute little baby.

Weirdly he was born with light purple hair. But combined with those cute wide silver eyes made him look adorable and squishy.

The blond woman, most likely her mother, that was laughing a second ago started to look scared. At that moment our MC remembered that children almost always cry because of some medical shenanigans. [Yes MC is smart af but I am not. So I will usually take it as extremely quick mastery of skills that he puts effort into. Though I will try to make smart moments for our guy instead of pure brute force.]

And so he cried... And cried he did. After bit of crying the woman looked relieved. And so, his world blackened...


[Parents POV]

{"Our little boy scared me for a moment. I thought he was going to die!"} Said Flavia a bit shaken by the thought that her child would die the moment he was born.

{"Oh don't worry Flavia. He is our little boy of course he will be strong and healthy from birth. How could anything happen to him."} Said Magnus clearly spooked by the thought too, but as a man of the house he needed to keep his composure and calm down his wife.

{"Honey I think we should name him already. And I think I just know the perfect nam-"}

{"NO WAY FLAVIA! You named all of our daughters because you said that they were girls! Now it's my turn!!! HE SHALL BE NAMED DISMOCULOUS MUHAHAHA! The greatest man to ever exist!!"} As Magnus was maniacally laughing Flavia turned furious.

{"How could you name him after a God of retards?! Do you want him to be bullied because of that terrible name HUH? If our child is named like that expect sleeping and cooking alone for the rest of your life!"} Yelled Flavia clearly angered by such stupid name.

A/N : Hehe this ain't Earth and I can name Gods however I want muhahaha

{"Ok ok fine I will think of something better, just please don't get angry."} Said Magnus trying to calm down her wife from his not so good naming sense...

{"Hmm what about Zigfrieg? I think that soun-... Never mind. Yes! Maximillian that will be your name!"} Said quickly Magnus as his wife was staring daggers at him. Especially when he uttered the name Zigfrieg which comes after Zigfrieg the God of impotence.

{"I suppose the name Maximillian isn't bad. Especially when it comes to your naming sense... Fine I will let you have this one"} Said Flavia a bit pissed that she couldn't name her little boy.



'I woke up in a toddler's bed unsurprisingly. But what surprised me were three little heads trying to peek at me. Two of them had blond hair and cute light purple and green eyes respectively. The last one had brown hair and green eyes.

As Max looked at them he thought. 'These should be my siblings right? Looks like my childhood wouldn't be that boring. At least I hope so...'

He remembered the days as a single child. Almost always alone learning and when he tried to make friends, he was spectacularly unsuccessful. 'Ah those depressing memories really scarred me for life huh.'

'I think I will keep to myself a bit more this life. Wouldn't want to be all alone once again. I mean it wasn't that bad but like it made me a tiny bit cockier than I should be. At least according to that Adonis guy. Hmm I really hope this world will be full of surprises. Maybe at least then will I paint my first masterpiece.'

Max thought as hint of hope started emerging quietly like a candle flame. He knew that this world had to be special according to Adonis. But he didn't know if it was magic or something more eastern like cultivation.

So far it looked more like a world of magic. But he couldn't draw conclusions hastily, after all he had all the time in the world as a baby right now. Knowing which is which is pretty useless for him. At least until he is able to walk and talk.

As he didn't want to stand out too much he decided to take his time. He knows that, if this world is really supernatural as Adonis proclaimed, there should be ways to extend life span. Otherwise wouldn't a being like Adonis die a long long ago?

It felt like he was under the gaze of an ancient when talking to the statue. Anyway enough of that rubbish.

Suddenly he heard something falling on the floor. And when he turned around he saw the one with brown hair and green eyes on the floor clutching her head. The moment he did so a loud crying began.

He quickly heard footsteps from the door and his world blackened once again...

[Few months later...]

A cute little chubby baby could be seen quickly breezing through. A few moments later an agitated voice could be heard.

"Did he run away again?! Is my baby possessed by a devil? How could he be so energetic! This is the third time today, how does he keep escaping his bedroom?! I keep locking it even the windows are locked, but every time I go check up on him the door is open!"

Just as baby Max wanted to hide a wave of now familiar energy passed through him.

"Ah there you are little devil! Don't you think you can hide from me again! I can't believe I have to use spells against a small baby. If the old geezers were to heard of this they would slam their desks and stroke their beard!"

Right as he heard his mother's voice he knew he was discovered. Even though he could deduce simple words of furniture food and other things. He couldn't be familiar with complex language yet. Like how is he supposed to know in which context and about what they are talking about?!

'I don't understand how those geniuses from novels could simply understand the language after speaking for few days. Like who learns an entire language from their parents when they aren't even talking about the world. Nothing!' Complained Max in his mind as he was caught and knew that it was impossible to struggle when two hands gently caught him.

"I just simply can't understand why you are so energetic. Those sisters of yours spent their time in bed crying, while you are here exploring the world! I just hope you are not a too big of an adventurer and won't leave us early." Flavia could feel her son's desire that he bottled deep within himself. The desire to explore the world and learn new things.

'Hmm I wonder when mom will go away so I can sneak away again.' Sighed the little boy in his mind.

'At least I can be sure that there are superpowers now. There is no way that my dad can slash his sword 3 times in less than a second right? I did dabble in sword arts for a year but I have never seen a swordmaster draw their sword and swing three times in a row. Consistently every few seconds no less...' Thought Max to himself as he remembered one day sneaking out and finding his father training with a sword outside of a window.

Luckily he wasn't born into a poor family. They had a spacious two story house that seemed furnished properly. Max guessed that he was born into a fairly rich family but not on the level of CEOs of big companies.

The house looked like it was a replica from medieval times. Which further deepened his trust in the thought that this world at least had a way to train the body. It looked like a classic world of knights, which he knew is usually accompanied by wizards, but sadly that wasn't proven yet.

At least not until know that is. As Max was rolling on the floor his mom was panicking and something green flew out of her hands and started healing his bruise on his head.

"Oh my goodness Flavia you airhead you almost killed your little boy! I can't believe that I keep spacing out when holding a baby!" Flavia thought in panic as she healed Max.

"Honey don't worry! It's almost a ritual in the family now, after all it happened with those three little gremlins. Now that I think about it have you seen them?" Said Magnus as he looked at his wife not at all scared by the thought that the baby would get seriously hurt by the fall.

After all his wife was a pretty good healer. And luckily not tall enough to hurt the baby significantly. Anyways after all three girls of his were dropped a few times by his wife, he wasn't all that much concerned.

It was a bit hard getting used to it. 'You know, actually getting used to a baby being dropped every so often isn't common in families right?' Thought Magnus contemplating if dropping babies was common or not.

"Those three mischievous little girls should be in the garden playing with that boy that comes from our neighbours. I hope he isn't a bad influence on them, after all they sometimes do very silly things." Said Flavia protectively thinking about her little girls.

"Don't worry you know Jackson isn't a bad person and he helped us make many things! Surely a man like that wouldn't raise a bad child. They are just curious Flavia don't worry about them. The worst thing that can happen are few bruises and that will help them learn to not do reckless things in the future." Said Magnus comforting his wife.


Three little girls and one young boy could be found in a pretty large and decently decorated garden.

"Hey hey do that thing again Harry!" Said quickly an enthusiastic girl with brown hair and green eyes.

"No need to be so anxious Cecily! It is very taxing for Harry to do this. You must let him rest for a bit!" Said the oldest looking girl out of the three.

She had a heart shaped face and a petite figure. Her blond hair and light purple eyes resembled her mother. It was as if she was her carbon replica when Flavia was younger.

"Don't worry Emily, Cecily is just too energetic! Just give her something to snack on and she will calm down quickly." Said a girl with blond hair and green eyes.

Just as she said that Cecily looked her dead in the eyes and pouted. As if the boy knew that something will happen he quickly said.

"Ok ok there is no need for tension. I can do this one more time, but then I have to really rest. Let's have something good to eat too after this, I am a bit hungry. Is that fine with you Cecily?" Said a nine year old looking boy. He had red hair and surprisingly had two differently coloured eyes. One was blue and the other green.

"Sure! But you need to make this one extra pretty. Otherwise I am going to eat your dessert!"

Said Cecily whilst trying to look menacing. Sadly her strategy made her look too adorable.

"Oh and Aurie today our mum made our favourite dessert! Let's have a race after this and the winner will get the loser's dessert!" Said Cecily without slightest hint of remorse.

"Humpf last time we had a race you distracted me and then ran away! Do you think that you will trick me this time? And I won't race you even if it's fair. You have too much energy to run forever, how could I compare!" Said Aurelia

"Come quick! Harry is going to use the spell. Quick otherwise you will miss it you two!" Said Emily whilst looking at Harry.

After the two girls quickly scrambled next to Harry, Harry chanted.

"Oh mana hear thee prayer and grant me the power to shine even in the darkest of nights. Bless the light with colour to bring more life to the world o thee mana Illuminate!"

As he chanted the word Illuminate a bright light began to shine on his hand. As it shone it started to flash with colours. This was a standard training method used by mages to train their mana control.

They created a ball of light and using colours made different things in the ball of light out of different colours. The more complicated you could make it the more control you have over mana. Of course this was the most basic of trainings but one of the most effective for beginner mages nevertheless.

Within the ball that Harry held quickly sprouted different colours and shapes. Soon it transformed into multiple little balls that danced within the ball. Each little ball of colour danced and each one and every one of them had a different colour. Some had deeper shades and some lighter. Other had entire different colours.

It showed that Harry was incredibly gifted at a young age. Because most children could at most create small words in the ball. And that is if they even had the talent to be mages!

Nothing comes for everyone and so there are only few mages in the world. And so the mages have a pretty dispersed mage community. There would be only few mages in fairly large towns. If a village had a mage it would quickly flourish and turn into a city.

After all being under a mage kept the citizens under the feeling of safety and comfort. Of course only official and qualified mages would attract such following.

There is a legend of a young girl. Said to be the most talented mage in millennia. But sadly the talent blinded her and she quickly became arrogant. She didn't listen to her teachers and thought that with her talent she could easily make her own system of magic.

Without any foundations whatsoever and filled with arrogance she tried to make an entire different magic system that wouldn't rely on the old one. Quite frankly and without surprises she failed miserably.

While she was doing an experiment she injured her body which made it impossible for it to accept mana. She could be healed but the ones who could heal her wanted her to sign a contract stating that she would learn from the proper system.

And so she refused. She was stubborn maybe if she succeeded she would become a legendary figure that should be worshipped. Sadly dreams are meant to be crushed and in few years she couldn't handle the ridicule of others and committed suicide.

Besides her was found a note. "I know the current system of mages is flawed. Something deep within me kept warning me that if I decided to trek the path made by our ancestor it would limit my potential. And so I decided to forge a path of my own and failed. I hope for whoever that sees this please head my warning. There is something sinister lurking deep within the path of mages."

Sadly her warnings were for naught and all they served were as warnings to never go against the system. That they would fail like her and that they would become crazy like her. Of course everyone thought that the note was written in her moment of madness and that she just wanted to have a justification as to why she didn't trek the glorious path of mages.

And so the tale was born. Usually used to scare children into obeying and what would happen if they went against the norm. This sadly stagnated the progress of this world immensely.

Of course it wasn't just a tale that created the stagnation. It was more of a trigger and reason for the people with power to control the ones below. It was such a simple way to brainwash the normal citizens.

And it quickly grew and grew until the world stagnated. No new creations that would shake the world were made. Only improvements of what already existed. All humans started to care for was improvement. They didn't care if the gift that the creator that created humanity gave them. They did not care for the gift of creativity.

And even though information could travel almost instantly throughout the continent. No real improvements were made. Different ranks between humans which divided the poor and the rich.

Yes I chose the name Magnus because of the arguably best and strongest chess grandmaster of all time. HA!

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