
Art of I Don’t Care

Living a life where people talked to you and you didn’t care? Asked you stupid questions and wish you can say I don’t care? Even if the world is ending? Well have no fear! I don’t care!

Daoist_Ornelas · Película
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11 Chs

Learning who asked

You may wonder, yes someone did ask, but no one cared? This is no meme, this a life or death in most cases, for someone who doesn't care anymore, I wondered for Elizabeth, she learned this from all the bullshit told at her, still wondering, where's Joe?

/ Maria texted me the next morning around 7:39, yes I like odd numbers, I don't care

^Hey Thomas knowing I did break into your house, I still want us to hang out after school and at least let you know Elizabeth^

I would respond but eh who cares


I just about had another normal day of school, less people talking to me about what I did, Ethan tried to beat my ass be Eddy was there, but before I left a familiar face showed up to me,

"Woah hay Thomas don't take off yet!" Yes it is Luke, I was surprised as well, he didn't have much to talk but he wondered too,

"Hey I know you don't talk as much but I'm sure your wondering as well, have you seen Joe? After what Joe did to Eddy, it changed Eddy but even he doesn't know where he is. He hasn't been showing up and I'm pretty worried, and I know you don't have time but still I feel something happened.." and he stood there with his head down, me and him were both worried, so I gotta show some emotion, so I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder , he looked up and I nodded at him, and I turned around and I walked off to my truck to begin was is to come.


As I took off out of school I get a text from Maria to go to there private school and pick them up. Never have I been asked that before. But hey I'm a ladies man if I say so myself.

When I pulled up to the school I noticed a lot of kids in private uniforms so they all look the same so it wasn't to hard but couldn't make them out, so I roll down the window to maybe when I see them I can call them out- wait I don't say anything else than I don't care, hm,

"There he is!" I heard Maria's faded voice from across the street so I look around to find her and I see her running. She is wearing a blue skirt with a white shirt on top as she ran to me, the wind was up so it nearly flew her hair up in the air, cmon guys don't think nasty.

But Elizabeth, she wore the same. But she walked towards me, she has the same serious face as me, not a care in the world, maybe my match?

"Hey Thomas quit staring, she'll sit passenger while I sit back," and she opened the back passenger door and sat back there, I turned around and looked at her and she crossed her legs and arms as she waited for Elizabeth, as she was about to open the door,

"Woah hey pretty girl didn't think I won't find you again huh?" Maria got worried quick,

"Fuck Thomas it's the same guy from last time, open the door and I'll kick his ass again-" Elizabeth held her hand out to Maria, key note: my passenger window is still opened so they can hear,

"Oh you little missy, want to kick me again?Its alright, don't be afraid come out too," and he turned his eyes back to Elizabeth,

"Look after what your friend did to me. You just said, who asked huh?" And she crossed her arms,

"Well I found someone that asked if you want to talk?" And he pointed to his car, and the person popped out and Maria noticed something,

"What?! No way, no no no, Elizabeth get in the truck now!" And I started to get worried, the person that got out looks like a regular person to me, but had a strange smile, but the man held the door shut,

"Wait where are you going? You got time to talk don't you? Cmon let's go," he tried to grab her arm, but then Maria opened the door and pulled her aside and attempted to kick him again, but missed, and he tried to grab her, but I opened my water bottle and squirted it at his face, he was astonished for a good second for the girls to get in and as I put it into drive he said,


"I don't care" and I backed up and took off, the person nearly getting near us stopped and waved us by...


Driving off to I don't where, I look in the back view mirror at both of the and I look at Maria, like I'm asking why did she get scared,

"Okay so Thomas you don't know but that person he pointed to that walked out was Elizabeth's stalker.." and I looked at Elizabeth and her head was down,

"Why would he get her for this shit, how did he know about her? I'm sorry you had to see her again Elizabeth it's ok, fuck. Why, she had her creepy ass smile too"

I still didn't know what happened or why her stalker came up like that, so I decided to drive off to a fruit place to just eat real quick and possibly hear more from her.


When I stopped outside the place I went around and opened the door for them, they came out one by one, Maria first and then Elizabeth, when she hopped out she immediately hugged me out of no where. I felt the care in her heart for me doing this for her. Fighting back, but I still needed to understand what is up with that stalker and maybe figure why she was with him,

"Hey Elizabeth you just met him, let's go eat some fruit before we get caught up again, and since I'm the only one talking I'll explain why we needed to leave," and she opened the door for us to come in, and Elizabeth and I pointed at the same thing on top of the menu so Maria could order for us. Wasn't to long of a line be she insisted of us sitting down, Elizabeth never left my side when we sat down, she sat next to but not to close, I felt very weird then. But as we waited for Maria Elizabeth took out her phone and started texting on her notes, she scooted closer to me to show me as she typed, she types fast,

^I know I showed my appreciation a little to touchy, but there was a reason why we had to leave quickly and I thank you for that. I still don't know why that man came back for me just to do that, but that other person used to stalk me so much back then, that's why I rarely didn't go on dates with any other friends Bc of her, but being with Maria helps me out more Bc she knows karate, but just for him to say he found someone who asked is weird being her, but she was in prison for this reason. Stalking me, and now she is out some how, they possibly know each other but why now, I just told him who asked, I didn't mean literally, but yeah that's the whole point of that situation. Thank you again for taking us out I needed to talk more and maybe learn how you learned to say I don't care,^ and she looked at me and tilted her head and I pointed at the phone so I can type what I wanted to,

*how long was she locked up?*

And I gave it back and she responded back

^6 months ago.. and I never saw her again since, but I still don't know why she was with that man..^ and she put her phone down. I was still wondering on how a stalker like that would come back into her life again, and that man at the same time, of course timing,

"Ok guys I'm back here you go strawberry yogurt for you and you, and here are the spoons," me and Elizabeth nodded at her for thanks. She understood and proceeded to tell me what was up with the situation,

"Ok so Thomas this is why we had to take off-" Elizabeth stopped her with her hand up. And typed up something for her and showed her,

"Oh you already told him, ok good, yeah fuck that bitch, Elizabeth is so pretty and I just don't see why she would do that to her, and what surprised me the most is that she is out of prison," her and Maria nodded to this conversation like she was apart of it talking.


Soon after we got done eating we were about to leave, I went ahead and opened the door first to let them out Elizabeth was first until,

"Hey that was rude of you to leave like that you know? Show some manners," and of course it was the same man who stopped her, as Maria attempted to roundhouse him again he held his hands to speak out,

"I'm not here to do anything but listen if you please, I promise I won't do anything," and he got on his knees, we all looked confused so Maria answered,

"Then why is it, gonna explain why you were with that girl?-"

"Yes yes it has to do with that, look, the day when you did that to me my buddy pulled me out of the place and when you guys left she showed up looking for you, she told my buddy to fuck off and took me to go find you a couple days later, she had me at gun point I just want to apologize for doing this younglings," and he had his hands in the air for him to surrender,

"Get up, and so she forced you into doing this?"

"Yes that day at the fast food place I was a little drunk, and even she wasn't scared about the whole alien ship thing, she heard you say 'who asked' and that's how she found you,"

We all looked puzzled at first and then Maria realized it,

"So everytime you say it Elizabeth, she can hear you somehow and will attempt to tell you who asked, is that all she told you sir?"

"Well when I drove around earlier with her she told me to act calm like I did before and don't let her get away, but I did, and she said I failed and took my car and followed you guys, but luckily my I called my buddy and found you first, so as long as she doesn't say it-"

"Who Asked?" Me and Maria looked at Elizabeth, wondering why she would say it if this is the case,

"Elizabeth are you stupid why?" And she grabbed her phone and started typing, and Maria tried to read it,

^Because she is behind the pole right now^

"Because she is..."Maria turned towards the single pole out in the parking lot, and noticed a body walking around it and walking towards us, even the man felt scared and took off to his car with his buddy and they took off.


Maria yelled that, me attempting doing the same I waved to them and we took off to the truck. And the stalker ran after us also,

"COME HER MY SWEET CHILD!!" As we heard her scream, god I get like I should've had a gun right then and there and blew her brains out, I opened the truck, and the back to let them in. Maria got in first then Elizabeth and closed it shut and I took off and I looked behind to not see her anymore, and I let out a sigh of relief, then,


The back windows blows open and the stalker reaches in to grab Elizabeth,

"I WAS ASKING ALL THIS TIME ELIZABETH, GIVE ME MY LOVE I WANT!!!" Not knowing what to do I was about to go on the highway and instead I braked really hard and she flew into the front, knowing it was a bad mistake,

"WHY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!" And she attempted to cut me off by choking me, not knowing how to retaliate I was still attempting to keep my foot on the brakes, she smashed her nose and started bleeding but she didn't care, Maria then went forward and pulled her hair back and she got off of me, she then jumped to the back and begin try to grab Elizabeth again, I put it in park so I can at least help,

"I ASKED ELIZABETH, I ASKED ISNT THAT WHAT YOU WANTED??? SOMEONE WHO ASKED HAHAHAHAHA!!" I don't know what was wrong with this girl, so not knowing what to do I hopped out and opened the back as they struggled and I pulled her out and threw her nearly across the road, Maria jumped out also, we where ready to fight,

"Elizabeth close the door and lock it we will deal with this," Maria held her hand out to order her to do that. Elizabeth still shocked understood and did as said,

"Oh so you tell my queen Elizabeth what to do? What do you think this is? You peasants wouldn't know anything about our relationship!!" And me looking at Maria I knew she would be doing the work, so Maria went ahead and gone first when the stalker approached her, Maria threw a punch, as she blocked it, not knowing a kick was coming she got hit, the stalker fell to the ground knowing the pain was good,

"Thomas get the straps," knowing I forgot I had straps knowing we could tie her up and capture her, I rushed to the truck and I struggled to open the door knowing Elizabeth to open it but she shook her head and pointed at Maria in tears, the stalker had Maria on her stomach while her foot was on top,

"You don't know the power I gained in this story Thomas, knowing who asked is what drives me to this," she had a completely different voice, more demonic, and she sprinted towards me and she slammed into me. Pushing the truck back at least a foot, knowing this isn't a regular person she started to yell,

"GIVE HER TO ME SHE ASKED SO I MUST TELL AND END THIS FOR HER," knowing anything physical wouldn't do anything I just yelled back, and hoped it'll work,

"I DONT CARE!!" As almost a sound wave passed by her entire head she let go of me and stepped back and she fainted, not taking a rest, I rushed over to help Maria. She barely had enough power to go back to my truck, Elizabeth unlocked the truck and I helped her in the passenger, and I looked back in the mirror and I still saw her body there cold, and I drove off back into town, wondering what the hell just happened...

Sorry guys for the late upload exams and studying have been a bitch lately so I gave a longer chapter this time, enjoy!

Daoist_Ornelascreators' thoughts