
Arcane: Road To Perfection

Years ago there was a civil war that lead to the success of one side and the bigger downfall of another. Piltover, a thriving city won the civil war and now runs everything. Then there's the Undercity , a place where people are forced to scavenge and thrive off of dirty money or else they won't survive. Overtime the underground formed a rebellion and started fighting for freedom against the upside piltover city. will this conflict resolve? Or will it lead to more devastation? (Yes this is a fanfic, the characters are not mines and this was heavily inspired by the show arcane on Netflix. However there are two original characters that will shape a different story than the one you know. Thanks!)

Tokyooo · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Part 18 - Rest In Peace

At the bridge connecting the Undercity and the Topside, Viktor walks towards it from the Undercity. As he approaches the guards standing in the middle of the bridge, he quickly notices that Jayce is also in that crowd. "You went to the Undercity? Why?" Jayce asks while looking at Viktor.

Viktor looks at Jayce, trying not to look suspicious at all. "I wanted to discuss something with an old friend." Viktor responds to Jayce, while the two continue looking at eachother. Because of Viktors status, he walks right past the guards, and to the direction of the Topside.

Jayce watches Viktor with suspicious eyes, as he walks away. Walking past Viktor, and towards Jayce is Sky. "Sir. I've been looking for you." Sky says to Jayce with a smile.

Jayce stops looking at Viktor, and averts his attention to Sky. "What can I do for you?" Asks Jayce.

"Let me into the Undercity." Sky responds, and Jayce is immediately lit up with a face of disapproval. "Come on. You know these guards here aren't to split up the two places. It's to keep the Undercity people out." Sky argues, and Jayces disapproved face begins to change.

Jayce grows more conflicted as a result. "Fine, go." Jayce permits, causing Sky to fill up with happiness and excitement. "But don't be long." Jayce orders, as Sky walks off into the Undercity.

"Okay!" Sky responds happily. But the closer she gets to the Undercity, the more that happy facade begins to fade away.

Unfortunately, there are some horrific things beings done within the Undercity. Underground, directly under The Lasy Drop, Silver is still tied to a chair. He's spitting up blood from his mouth, and looks like he's going in and out of consciousness. "You know just like you did to Jinx, Vander betrayed me. He thought my means of freedom for Zaun was corrupted to say the least. But just like Vander, you're going to be killed here. If you don't tell me where Lucy is." Silco grabs Silver by the face and shakes it to keep him awake.

Silvers entire body is now covered in cuts and bruises. "No.." Silver mumbles.

Silco stares at Silver for a bit, before letting go of his face. He continues to stare, while looking down at Silver. "We're going to destroy the Topside. We may go to war. Jinx will be the one to initiate that war. We will kill everyone there. Yes, it's brutal. But the ends justify the means." Silco says, before pulling out a gun, and pointing it at Silver. "It's unfortunate that you won't be able to witness it. But you've been a distraction for Jinx long enough."

Silver stares at the gun, which is the same as staring death in the face. With blood all over his face, and blurred vision, Silver starts to question if this is how he's going to die. Without taking down Jinx. Without thanking Lucy for being there for him. Dying like a dog like this angers him.

Unfortunately, that anger doesn't stop the two bullets that Silco shoots directly in his stomach and chest. After he's shot, he slouches over, with his eyes shut. Silver stares down at the Silver who's covered in blood.

After he's shot, and being put into a body bag by Silco, Lucy stands with a distraught face. "What's wrong?" Caitlyn asks Lucy, though Lucy doesn't have an answer for that. "I'm not sure..It's fine." Lucy shakes the bad feelings away.

Vi, Ekko, Jinx..they all feel this suddenly jolt of confused sadness. And as the sun begins to go down, Silco carries Silver who's now in a body bag out of The Last Drop, and to a darker area of the Undercity.

Once Silco gets to the edge of a hill, he unzips the body bag, and kicks Silver off the edge which lands him into a small pond. "Goodbye Silver." Silco says, before walking away from the hill.

"Hey chuck." Jinx slouches over a bar within The Last Drop. The bartender immediately flinches from Jinxs sudden call out.

"My name is thieriam.." The bartender says with a trembling voice.

Jinx smiles teasingly as she points at chuck with a straw and plays with the gemstone in her other hand. "Don't lie to me Chuck." Jinx says teasingly, causing the bartender to grow more fearful than before. "Hey, do you know where Sevika is?"

"I'm not sure..I believe Silco sent Sevika on some type of mission.." The bartender answers. "But I heard she was really beat up." He confesses, and Jinx drops the gemstone into her cup from the straw with a shocked face.

"Really? And I wasn't invited to the party?" Jinx questions, and the bartender shrugs in response. "Hmmm okay. Thanks anyways Chuck." Jinx says before jumping up from the chair and giving him a hug. "Keep up the good work."  She whispers, before walking away with the cup and gemstone.

Jinx left a tiny explosive device on his back, which explodes, leaving a small pink splash on his back. The bartender lets out a scared noise from the sudden gesture.

Afterwards, Sevika walks into Silcos office covered in bruises and cuts. "Sir. We couldn't get Lucy. That red haired bitch was with her." Sevika says, before Jinx turns around in the chair with a smile on her face.

"Red haired bitch? What red haired bitch?" Jinx questions with a clipboard in her hand that she points in Sevikas direction. Sevika immediately grunts as she takes a step forward, though all that does is sets off some gas to be released.

Jinx immediately puts on a mask, while staring at Sevika as she slowly loses consciousness. Sevika begins to cough, as she falls down onto Silcos desk, with a hand reached out towards Jinx. But Jinx just smiles tauntingly, while waving slightly at Sevika.

Moments later, Jinx wakes her up with a hard slap to the face. Once Sevika realizes that she's tied to the chair, she grunts in frustration.

Jinx sits down on Silcos desk, while staring at Sevika who's tied in the chair. "You're always so angry with me. Is it because I took your arm? How about this," Jinx says as she takes a knife out from Sevika pockets, and moves it towards Sevikas arm. "I take this one, and we call it even." Jinx says with a smile.

"What do you want?" Sevika asks with annoyance in her voice.

"I want to know what you and him are up to. I mean, mentioning Vi? Maybe I'm not the only one seeing things." Jinx chuckles.

"She's alive. So is Lucy. They're with an enforcer. Some girl with blue hair." Sevika confesses, and Jinx immediately pauses with a deep gaze. She begins to think about the time Lucy carried that blue haired girl away from the fire at the Topside. "And Silver? He's most likely dead by now." Sevika says, causing Jinx to slowly back away with conflicted feelings and thoughts.

After Jinx spaces out a little bit, she starts shaking her head. After, she leans in very close into Sevika. "I hate liars." Jinx says to Sevika, while staring deeply into her eyes.

Moments later, Silco walks into his office, only to find pink and green neon everywhere on his desk, and a blade on it that's pointed towards the ceiling with the colors. As he looks up at the ceiling, he witnesses Sevika hanging up with writing of  "liar" all over her clothing.

From behind the door, Jinx looks at Silco with anger in her eyes. She suddenly slams the door behind Silco, causing him to turn around and face her. "Jinx. What is this?" Silco questions, as Jinx looks at him with angered eyes.

"What is it? Hmmm, you tell me. Sevika here says that you ordered her to find Silver and Lucy. Why didn't you tell me, or ask me to help? She's just your go to gal huh?" Jinx says as Silco looks towards her.

"You're supposed to be focusing on the weapon that we're going to use to wreck havoc in the Topside." Silco says to Jinx, but Jinx quickly rolls her eyes and shrugs it off.

"I'm a multitasker you know? I'm not some weakling. I can focus on multiple things at a time. I thought you'd see that after I got the gemstone."  Jinx argues with Silco, as she moves in closer to him and looks into his eyes. It becomes clear that she hasn't slept in awhile, and that she's driving herself mad.

Silco looks down at Jinx for a few seconds. "Follow me. I want to show you something." Silco says to Jinx, making Jinx more curious as to what he wants to show her.

Afterwards, the two walk out of his office, and make their way through the Undercity. Eventually, they end up where Silco dumped off Silvers body. "Where are we?" Jinx asks while looking towards Silco. During this point in time, the area is extremely foggy, making it hard to see the surroundings.

"You don't seem to trust me. But you should know that everything I do, I do it for you. Just recently, I killed Silver." Silco admits to Jinx, and her face suddenly drops. Her eyes grow saddened, and she crosses her arms over herself. Though she instantly tries to break away from the sadness. "Why? Because he's become a distraction to you. You told me you wouldn't lose sight of our goal, but even the strongest people need help. So I helped you. Next is Lucy." Silco explains to Jinx, while continuing to look at her.

"Take a look if you want." Silco says to Jinx. As the wind blows, she looks at him as her saddened eyes return back to her face.

She hesitates to look over the edge of the hill, but when she does, her eyes begin to water. Once they do, Silco embraces her with a hug. "I told you before, but Vander betrayed me too..people like that do not deserve to live. But I will be here for you, no matter what." Silco promises, while Jinx continues looking down at Silvers body in sadness.

The longer she looks down at him, the more she cries. Even though the water is purple, she doesn't focus on that at all. "I.." Jinx stutters as she tries to find the words to say. She begins to reflect on her relationship with Silver. The nice words that he's said to her in the past. The encouragement.

"It was for your own good." Silco let's go of Jinx, and rubs her tears away while he looks at her. "Let's go." Silco offers. After Silco says this, Jinx looks down at Silver one last time.

She then turns around, and walks away, with Silco holding onto her.

Not even an hour later, Jinx is building something within her hideout in complete silence. The sounds of metal clanging, and sparks come from there.

Not too long after, Jinx stares ahead at the couch within her hideout, while sitting down in front of it. Infront of her, is a metal version of Silver, built by Jinx herself. She stares at that version of Silver with saddened, dim eyes.

After staring at it for a bit, she stands up, and crawls into its arms with shut eyes. But after thinking, and feeling the cold metal against her skin, she looks up towards the face of metal Silver.

A face of anger begins to overtake the saddened expression that she once had. Therefor, she stands up from metal Silvers arms, and walks away from it with a face yearning for chaos.

Within a foggy area of the Undercity, and just below a hill. The sounds of wheezy breathing come from that area. Just below that hill, and inside of a pond is Silver, who's still alive.

He lays flat on his back, and struggles to breath. He slightly opens one eye, since the other is swollen. Once he opens his one eye, he reveals a purple glow coming from it.