
Apotheosis Of The World

This is not mine, I only share this book because I want others to be able to read it too. Apotheosis, the highest point in the development of something or if you prefer, the elevation of someone to divine status. "Fun isn't something one considers when trying to create a better world", Izuku smirked as he held up his gauntlet covered fist. "But this does put a smile on my face". Villain Izuku, eventually OP as hell. Infinity Gauntlet AU.

GIHON_SIAPE · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

The First Battle

Stand back!" Aizawa ordered his students. The dark portal opened up wider and out stepped as a gray shaggy haired young man dressed in all black, covered in severed pale hands.

"Looks like your hunch was right, he's not here", Tomura said with irritation. "I thought schools always follow a schedule"

"See I told you there was a chance that Allmight wouldn't be here", from behind him another walked out. This villain was shorter than the first. Dressed in a white hooded long coat, underneath that appeared some sort of gray form fitting leathery material that resembled hexagonal scales going all the way up to his neck, covering his mouth and hiding his face even more. Black pants with gray armor covered knee pads with shin guards, and matching boots.

"You must always plan for these little hiccups in your schemes Tomura", There also seemed to be some strange metal device on his left arm resembling a big metal gauntlet with what looked like small round vents on the sides and knuckles.

"Plan B then", Shigaraki smirked as the portal behind them grew wider and more villains came forward through it.

"Thirteen! Get them out of here!" Aizawa shouted to the other pro hero. The hero dressed in a space suit quickly began herding the class towards the exit.

"Oh no…they're all getting away" Izuku said with mock concern.

"Kurogiri!" Shigaraki ordered.

"I'll split them up", the dark mist turned into the shape of a man, then extended quickly into a cloud that rushed towards the students. "Good afternoon everyone", Kurogiri said appearing before them. "We are the League of Villains", Bakugou tried to blast him but failed as the mist spread out and enveloped almost all of the students excluding Iida who quickly moved out of the way and Thirteen who wasn't close enough. While that was happening Aizawa engaged the villains head on, using his quirk and capture weapon to take them out one by one.

"This is going well so far", Izuku commented. Thinking back to the students he remembered he saw Kacchan among them. Of course he got into the hero class, with his unfairly amazing quirk. Did U.A not do psychological profiles on potential students? Did anybody on the staff take a peek at his middle school record? Because if they looked into any of that Izuku knew that they would kick him to the curb. Or was his oh so powerful quirk too appealing to let him go into another hero academy? This quirk biased system was one of the many things he vowed to change when he took control. People like Katsuki Bakugou will never be allowed to be heroes in his world.

"I wonder" Seeing as Tomura was busy watching Eraser Head fight and not listening to him he decided to go off on his own and see if Katsuki's amazing quirk could be defeated by his technology. "Kurogiri-san? Could you warp me somewhere?" If he could prove that than quirks weren't as special as every body thinks.

"Shouldn't you stick around to advise Shigaraki that is your job isn't it?" The dark misty bartender said.

"Allmight isn't here yet so he doesn't need me", Izuku said calmly until a dark look came over him. "I just wanted to say hi…to an old friend"

"Very well"


"These guys are weak!" Katsuki Bakugou smirked as he knocked another villain out with a well-placed explosion.

"Yeah! Not very manly to attack a bunch of students in broad daylight!" Eijiro Kirishima said while punching another villain's lights out. That was the last of this wave so far, giving them time to make a plan or regroup with the others.

"Oh I agree entirely" A voice said coming from the shadows. Standing there was the shorter white hooded villain that was with the hand guy. "I thought for sure these guys could at least take down a single class of first years", he sighed in disappointment.

"Who the hell are you?" Katsuki barked.

"I'm with the League of Villains. I'm the strategist, my name is Apotheosis", Izuku introduced himself with a friendly wave. "Nice to meet you", he didn't have to worry about Kacchan recognizing his voice, the device in his mask deepened it a bit.

"And why should I care?" Bakugou sneered at him.

"Normally I wouldn't get involved as I'm just here to advise Tomura, but I kind of want to test something" The honest truth is that Izuku wanted payback against Bakugou, the whole testing out some of his new devices against him to prove his quirk wasn't that great was just a bonus. "I heard you Katsuki Bakugou got the highest score on the entrance exam. I wanted to see for myself how strong you really are"

"Wish granted!" Bakugou came charging at him fist raised to deal out an explosion point blank on the villain. Izuku smirked underneath his mask and pressed a button on his belt activating his portable force field. The blast was repelled having hit the invisible barrier, creating a blue ripple effect over it. "Not bad, thirty percent strength was enough", pressing a few buttons on his scouter to record all the data.

"I'm not done yet!" Bakugou came at him with both hands. Once again the barrier held no matter how many blasts he gave it.

"Is that it", Izuku chuckled seeing his force field stop Kacchan in his tracks. If only he had this years ago, that would have been nice.

"You fucking bastard!"

"Dude calm down!" Kirishima stopped him with a hand on the shoulder. "He's trying to rile you-", something slammed into the red heads chest resembling a thick blue beam cutting him off. The blast sent him straight through the wall and some distance outside.

"Sorry, but you don't interest me at the moment", Izuku apologized, lowering his power glove.

'What was that?' Bakugou wondered, he assumed this villain had some sort of barrier quirk, but that beam of energy came from the device on his left arm.

"Where were we?" The disguised Izuku asked. "Oh yeah! This!" He made a fist with his glove and waved it in a wide arc. The vents on the knuckles spread a large crescent of plasma like energy that tore up the walls of the building. With quick reflexes Katsuki ducked underneath it and fired a blast in response. Izuku was violently knocked back by the explosion, off his feet and onto the floor. "Ow!" His fire proof cloak and carbon fiber armor protected him, but it still hurt when he landed on his back and got the air knocked out of him

"How do you like that scum!?" Katsuki charged him again. Izuku activated the shield in a panic, cranking it up to fifty percent. Once again the explosions were safely repelled.

"You're as rough as ever", the villain whispered to himself. Firing more energy from his power glove he made sure to watch carefully for any more tricky maneuvers. As soon as he spotted one he moved in to attack. This Bakugou leaped over the beam using his explosions to propel himself up and towards the villain who grinned gleefully at his former bully's predictability.

"Got you!" Izuku smirked underneath his mask, activating the shield this time widening the range with a simple dial on his belt. Katsuki was caught by the force field, not expecting it to increase in circumference, and sent hurtling back.

"Dammit" the blonde boy groaned as he hit the floor, it felt like he went chest first into a wall. As soon as he looked up he was blasted by the other's energy beam and sent crashing through the wall just like Kirishima. A power cell was ejected from the glove, but Izuku ignored it. The power glove was designed to detach the cells when they became damaged or empty.

Casually strolling down the steps of the building he headed down the hall and outside to face his former bully. Who knew revenge would feel so great. Katsuki coughed as he struggled to stand. Whatever hit him hurt worse than that force field thing.

"Oh my! Do you need a hand?" Izuku mocked as he skipped over to him.

"Shut up you hooded freak!" Bakugou screamed at him.

"Hmph! Temper problems, that's going in your file" The villain chuckled pointing his glove at the boy.

"Die!" Bakugou leaped at him with renewed strength. Izuku narrowly avoided being hit, having dodged backwards. The hero in training didn't let up having figured out that it took a few seconds for the barrier to activate. It was all the villain could do just to dodge, he couldn't get any distance to use his power glove and couldn't get a moment to switch on his force field.

Izuku gasped in pain as he took several hits to the torso. Bakugou grabbed his wrist and used his explosions to propel himself in a half circle and throw the villain a good distance away. As he tried to stand the hero student followed up his attack by blasting the other in the back. He didn't stop their though. The boy continued to attack the villain over and over again using his fists and explosions. If it wasn't for his armor than Midoriya figured he be a broken mess right now.

Finally after what seemed like forever Izuku managed to see an opening. Grabbing Bakugou's right arm just he as he attacked and flipping him over his body to slam him on the ground. With that he was able to buy himself some time to get a good safe distance away.

"I'm starting to get disappointed mister number one!" Izuku called out in effort to rile the other up, hiding the fact that he was badly bruised and in a quite a bit of pain. "If this is all you can do than this school's standards have really dropped"

"Alright that's it!" Bakugou stood up and pointed one of his grenade gauntlets at his opponent.

"Oh? What's that supposed to do?" Izuku mused while keeping a cautious hand on the button for his shield.

"Eat this!" Pulling the pin out what followed was a massive torrent of an explosion that engulfed everything in its path. In a mad panic Izuku switched on his force field and cranked it up to a hundred percent. When the dust settled the surrounding ruins of the zone were nearly destroyed, but Izuku still stood there perfectly fine.

"W-What was that?" The villain stuttered. He had deduced, based on what he knew about Kacchan's quirk, that those gauntlets must be able to store a large quantity of his sweat to fire off an explosion of that magnitude. To think this school would let him have something like that. Was U.A. run by insane people? The bastard broke his shield too. The blast completely overloaded it and fried the power circuits.

"How are you still alive?" Bakugou looked surprised that the villain was still standing.

"So you were trying to kill me? Not very heroic", Izuku scolded him. Reaching to his belt he grabbed a special device he made for emergences in case he needed to stop a hero or slow down a more powerful one. It looked like a hand sized oval shaped metal capsule with a small button on the top. "Catch!" Pressing the button Izuku tossed it at the volatile teen and waited.

"As if!" Bakugou tried to dodge, but for some reason the capsule went off almost immediately. An explosion of lime green sticky foam followed trapping the blonde and preventing him from using his quirk to escape. The more he struggled the more stuck he became.

"Do you like it?" Izuku asked. "I call it trap foam", he chuckled as he watched Bakugou scream and squirm. "Everyone always assumes a grenade or capsule will go off in three seconds. That's why my trap foam grenade is designed to go off in two seconds. It really catches you off guard doesn't it?"

"Dammit!" Katsuki continued to try and fight his way out of the foam.

"Well it's been fun", Izuku pointed his power glove at the hero trainee's face. "Goodnight", as soon as he fired it someone grabbed his glove and pulled it off course just in the nick of time for the attack to just graze past Bakugou. "Huh!?" Pulling his hand away while another power cell was ejected, he turned to face the other U.A. student he forgot about.

"Attacking someone who's down. That's not cool man" Kirishima stood protectively in front of Bakugou.

"Not a scratch on you, even after a full blast", Izuku said with amazement. "You must have an impressive quirk"

"Thanks. Your pretty tough yourself for a villain", Kirishima complimented while keeping his guard up. Anyone who could keep up with Bakugou wasn't to be trifled with.

"Me? I'm just a strategist and an adviser", Izuku shrugged. "I shouldn't even be here in the battle, but I wanted to test something on mister number one over there"

"Test what?"

"Ah ah! That would be telling", Izuku chastised while shaking his finger at him. "I'm a villain after all and as a villain I don't go spouting my secrets and diabolical plans to the heroes", unless of course he already had the upper hand, or a certain infinity gauntlet. "But I am a nice guy, so I'll just walk away and leave you two alone", he'd already proven himself here anyway.

"You think I'm going to let you leave?" Kirishima stood in an attack stance.

"As the League of Villain's strategist, let me offer you some advice", Izuku pointed his power glove at him. "One blast is all it would take to knock you out of the way and leave your friend open for my follow up attack" the villain's eyes filled with mirth as he watched the red head sweat. "You could dodge it of course, but that would mean your buddy gets hit instead of you"

"Dammit", Kirishima glanced nervously back at the trapped Bakugou.

"Those are your options, attack me or let me go", Izuku turned around and walked away. "It was nice meeting you, but I got to get back to Tomura-san", once he was completely out of sight the red head released the breath he was holding.

"That guy was smart, too smart", he sighed as he turned and attempted to get Bakugou out of the pile of sticky foam.


"I'm back", Izuku made his way towards the center, stepping over the many unconscious villain pawns they brought along. He noticed the pro hero Eraser Head was beaten into a bloody mess with a large hideous muscle bound creature pinning him down. "What I miss?" He asked as he turned off his voice changer.

"Where the hell were you?" Tomura demanded. "I had to bring out Nomu early"

"That's Nomu?" Izuku took a good look at the thing. Working in the underground for various criminals and villains let him see a lot of weird and horrifying things. That Nomu with its large black body, beak face, and exposed brain was definitely going on his top ten.

"Answer the question Strategist!"

"Whoa! Calm down Tomura", Izuku stepped back and held his hands up in non-confrontational gesture. "I just wanted to test my new device", well it was still a half truth. "It took longer than I thought. That Bakugou student was a tough one", having heard the last part of what he said Aizawa opened his eyes.

'This kid looks like a student himself, going by the height and voice', the homeroom teacher wondered what kind of powerful quirk the hooded villain possessed to take down someone of Katsuki Bakugou's level.

"I don't know why you're so angry? Allmight hasn't even shown up yet" Izuku crossed his arms.

"Exactly!" Shigaraki began manically scratching at his neck. "He isn't here! Why isn't he here!? I want him here!"

"J-Just take a deep breath", Izuku backed away nervously.

"Tell me why he isn't here Strategist!" Tomura directed his anger at the one who helped him plan this. "Before I turn you into dust"

"If you just let me…" Izuku paused as his scouter alerted him to something. Someone with a high quirk level was fast approaching the facility. "Wait! There's only one person that could have a quirk level over a hundred", the doors to the U.S.J burst open revealing a tall imposing figure. Allmight had arrived.

"He's here!" Tomura couldn't hide his excitement.

"Indeed he is", Izuku would have licked his lips if he wasn't wearing a mask over his mouth. All the raw data he was about to collect almost had him salivating. 'Great. I'm nearly as obsessive as Tomura'

"You villains made a mistake to attack my students", Allmight spoke getting everyone's full attention. He wasn't even smiling "Why? Because I am here!" With speed faster than any of them could see he knocked out every villain he passed, rescued Aizawa from Nomu's clutches and placed him safely away from the soon to be battle field.

"This is going to be amazing" Izuku was having a huge fan boy moment over this. He may not like Allmight as a hero anymore, but he couldn't deny how much he admired his power. Power that he aspired to surpass when he finished the gauntlet. Pressing a button on his scouter, he ordered the all hover drones to move to his location. Izuku wanted them all to record this fight.

"Nomu! Get him!" On Shigaraki's command the hulking creature charged Allmight.

"You're a big one!" The number one hero blocked Nomu's punch and returned with one of his own, but it seemed ineffective. Every punch caused Nomu's skin to ripple and shake, but not a single scratch or bruise.

"That won't work! He's got a shock absorption quirk!" Tomura said while watching the fight.

"Wow! That's clever", Izuku complimented. "He'll need something else though. Super strength coupled with a shock absorption while effective won't be enough to beat someone like Allmight", he mumbled off while chewing on his glove.

"Shut up and watch!" Tomura smirked as he waited for Kurogiri to make his move. It happened when Allmight tried to suplex Nomu, a portal opened up underneath them. Allmight and Nomu had the upper half of their bodies coming out the other end of the portal. With the beast holding him in place he would be cut in half as soon as Kurogiri closed it. "Game over!" Shigaraki was overjoyed over the death Allmight that he was about to witness. Or he would have if an explosion didn't knock Kurogiri away disrupting his concentration, followed by a trail of ice coming in to freeze Nomu's arm and leg.

'Note to self, increase thickness of the trap foam', Izuku pondered as he watched Kacchan pin Kurogiri down by his metal collar. That red headed boy must have used his hardening quirk to claw through it and free him sooner than Izuku expected.

The young villain's attention was also drawn to where the ice came from and he spotted a student with red and white hair, a scar on the left of his face, and ice covering the left of his body. 'An ice quirk, and a powerful one to boot', While Shigaraki went off on some monologue about how Allmight was just an advocator of violence, Izuku was downloading all the information his drones collected into his scouter and getting everything he could on the ice boy's quirk.

"We might want to start planning a retreat", Izuku walked over and whispered to his leader. Seeing as how Nomu was half frozen and Kurogiri was pinned down.

"Retreat?" Shigaraki hissed at him. "Shock absorption isn't the only thing Nomu possesses", everyone watched as the creature's frozen limbs shattered, then to their horror it completely regenerated them in seconds. "Super regeneration. Didn't I tell you Allmight? Nomu was created specifically to destroy you"

"But still", Izuku said to himself.

"Nomu! Kill them all!" Tomura shouted. The beak faced monster ran forward attempting to crush the first person that it laid eyes on, which just happened to be Bakugou. Luckily Allmight saved him, at the cost of Kurogiri now free to move and fall back next to his comrades.

"I need you all to take Aizawa and leave the area" Allmight said keeping his guard up and eyes on the villains.

"Fuck that!" Bakugou shouted.

"Go now!" Allmight ordered as he dashed at the Nomu with unbelievable speed. The two began trading blows at a rapid pace.

"He's right, were no help here", Todoroki said placing a hand on Bakugou's shoulder. "We need to get Aizawa to safety", begrudgingly excepting the truth Bakugou helped Kirishima pick up their unconscious teacher sending one last murderous look towards the white hooded villain that defeated him.

"Weren't you listening?" Tomura asked as the two continued to pummel one another. "Nomu possesses shock absorption"

"Absorption not nullification!" The hero smiled. That's when Izuku noticed that Allmight's punches were targeting specific areas, repeatedly nailing the creature in those exact spots. Even he knew that the absorption quirk wouldn't keep up for long. In the end Nomu was sent hurtling in the air from one massive punch and right through the dome of the U.S.J much to the villains' shock.

"Uh oh!" Izuku was nervous and scared. Not just because now they were up against Allmight without their muscle, but with how furious he knew Tomura would be.

"He…cheated!" Shigaraki snarled while clawing at his neck. "We were wrong, Sensei was wrong. He's not weakened"

"No look at him, he's definitely gotten weaker", Kurogiri pointed out. Izuku noticed the smoke starting to come off the hero's body, just like when he met him on that roof. That meant he'd soon revert back to his true powerless and emaciated form. "We can still kill him Tomura"

"We can't, the U.A staff will be here soon", Izuku knew they were coming, just a small blip on his scouter a few minutes ago, but rapidly getting closer. "We need to retreat", he advised and was of course ignored.

"Your right Kurogiri, let's end this", Leaving their strategist behind Tomura ran at Allmight who was still standing their unable to move or risk transforming back, and the warp gate bar tender followed to assist.

'This won't go well', Izuku watched anxiously. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy a bullet went right through Tomura's outstretched hand stopping him in his tracks. The teachers had arrived, must likely because one of the students escaped and went to inform them. As the remaining villains were quickly dealt with, Tomura took a few more bullets to the legs and was promptly covered up by Kurogiri.

Allmight, with the last of his strength attempted to blow the mist away with a punch, but Izuku stood in his way. At the same time as his punch Izuku raised his power glove and increased the energy output to one hundred percent. The resulting collision completely destroyed the boy's glove and sent him back, crashing into Shigaraki's hunched over body and through Kurogiri's well placed portal.

"What was that?" Allmight wondered as he returned to his true form. There was a burst of energy from that hooded villain's fist that was able to negate his weakened punch.


"Get the hell off of me!" Tomura violently shoved Apotheosis away from him. Izuku winced as he landed on his injured arm.

"Are you alright?" Kurogiri asked the kid having witnessed him nullify Allmight's punch.

"I'm fine", Izuku gently pulled off what was left of his power glove, pretty much wrecked beyond repair. "Nearly dislocated joints in my arm, a few bruises, but nothing's broken", he said while rubbing his sore arm.

"Him? What about me! I was shot several times", Shigaraki whined. "We lost all our underlings and Allmight is no closer to being dead!" He sounded like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Can I get an ice pack Kurogiri-san?" Izuku asked politely while taking a seat on the couch. Kurogiri nodded and went around the counter to get some first aid supplies for the two of them.

"We even lost Nomu!" Tomura fumed while clutching his hand.

"I said that there were too many unknown variables" Izuku said in a coy 'I told you so' manner. "We didn't know what the student's quirks were and there was a good chance Allmight wouldn't be there immediately causing us to exhaust too many of our forces early on. In the end I was right"

"We lost. I lost", Shigaraki kept repeating that to himself. After Kurogiri handed Izuku the ice pack he then took the bandages and started to tend to Tomura's wounds. "I failed Sensei"

"There's no such thing as failure", Izuku stared at the wall as he placed the ice pack on his forearm. "Keep trying again and again until you succeed, that's my motto", He turned and faced the injured older boy. "With all the data I collected we'll be more prepared next time and if we fail again then we'll learn and try again. Everyone told me that I was weak, useless and couldn't do anything. Look at me now, I ended up taking on the best student in the hero class and I won"

"Well said Apotheosis" The screen came on revealing a static void and Sensei's voice. "I agree completely. Tomura you have to learn and keep going, sooner or later you will succeed and become a symbol of terror to all the world" Tomura shakily nodded in respect. "As for you Apotheosis. I would like to have a word with you about the data you collected and what you plan to do with it concerning the league"

"Oh! Alright, well for starters I was able to compile a-", Izuku was silenced by a light chuckle coming from the screen.

"No, not here. I will speak with you in person" Izuku swallowed the lump in his throat when he heard that order. "Kurogiri" the bartender opened a portal that would lead him to the mysterious leader of the League of Villains. With no choice but to obey Izuku nervously placed the ice pack down and made his way through warp gate.