
Apocalyptic Insanity

In a faraway future where Humanity is colonizing the Galaxy. In a future where robots, clone soldiers and genetically enhanced humans are waging massive wars against alien races for Human Supremacy. In this future, the apocalypse broke out on their old homeworld, which they had long forgotten and abandoned. Countless asteroids of unknown origin crashed down on the terraformed Earth and brought with them an incredibly powerful virus that resurrects the dead. The Undead were born. After the Apocalypse happened, Government, soldiers, security werw suddenly all concepts of the past. In the Apocalypse, only the strong rule and govern! Thus, the ancient law of the jungle was enforced and brought a little more madness to the already insane Earth. Neo Ehrenbach, a 21-year-old student, finds himself in this Apocalypse. His struggle for survival has only just begun, but then he was sacrificed and abandoned by those he accepted as his new family. Bleeding and being infected with the Undead Virus, Neo wondered since when did he become so reckless. How could he begin to open up to other people? How could he be such an idiot for trusting others? In this world, before or after the Apocalypse, he can only trust himself. Well, that seems relatively unimportant now considering that he's dying. But it turned out differently than he expected. Yes, Neo woke up as an Undead, but he retained his memories and mind and gained an infinite potential to get the power he craves so much after. Follow Neo as he evolves and explores the Virus and creates a System of his own. Watch him gain new strength and power and build a Legion of Undead with which he will transform not only Earth but the entire Galaxy into his subjects. Neo will become the embodiment of madness itself, eating and growing as much as he can. Will Neo survive in this madness stricken world? Will he get the answers he's looking for? Will he get the revenge he longs for? ----------------------------------------- Author's notes: Apocalyptic Insanity is my first novel and I've always wanted to write and publish a story like this. Criticism and feedback are welcome! My English isn't the best so feedback on spelling mistakes etc. would be appreciated! I also wanted to say that the Earth in my story is not our Earth. For example, there are entirely different continents and nations they inhabit (they are introduced when Neo's journey goes there). Despite this, the whole scenario plays out in a Sci-Fi version of our future. There are laser weapons, tanks, mechs, spaceships, aliens, galactic wars... I will try to make the world as realistic as possible. So there will be no illogical concepts contradicting each other. I will be releasing about 2 new chapters a day. Have fun.

bleed_tu · Horror
Sin suficientes valoraciones
63 Chs

Grotesque Monster (2/3) (Hi I'm Neo)

[DAY 10]

***POV: Elly and the survivors in the building

Ninette, Donatien and Meram just made it into the apartment behind them the old man with one hand holding the shotgun and with the other the woman who screamed a few seconds ago. After pulling her into the apartment, he closed the door with a loud noise.


After that, the man locked the door, walked back a few steps, took the shotgun in both hands with his finger on the trigger, and aimed at the door.

Ninette quickly looked around the apartment and found her and her friends' weapons on the kitchen table. She tap both of them on the shoulders and then ran towards the kitchen. The two understood what Ninette wanted from them and ran after her.

But before they could get into the kitchen, they heard a loud monstrous noise outside.


A cold shiver ran behind their backs, but no one stopped and they ran towards the kitchen.



A loud noise followed as the monster outside the door poked one of its arms through the door. A large hole is now in the front door and one of the monster's arms is inside the apartment. With a simple downward swing, the door broke in two and the monster entered the apartment with three sword-like arms.

"BANG !"

"BANG !"

"BANG !"

"BANG !"

"BANG !"

"BANG !"


The old man with the shotgun shot the huge monstrous fanged maw a total of 6 times until he ran out of ammo. With trembling hands, he reached into his trouser pockets and looked for the shotgun ammunition that was there.

But the monster gave him no more time for that. Furious, he stabbed the old man's chest with one of his sword-like arms and lifted him up.


"AAH AAAAHH! LET GO DAMN... YOU MONSTER... I WILL..." the old man yelled but the monster wouldn't let him finish his sentence and sliced ​​him open from the top of his chest to his belly button.

"Bruut pah" with some nasty noises, the intestines and organs fell out of his body.

The old man stared at it all with wide open eyes and the last thing he saw was the monster's mouth. His head got minced by the monster's moving sharp teeth. While sounds of crunching could be heard all over the apartment.


5 seconds...that's how long the old man lived after the door was broken open.


With a simple flick of the arm, the monster threw the headless corpse behind itself, ready to attack its next victim.

It spotted a crying woman lying on the ground and staring at the monster with horrified eyes.


But before the monster could eat its next prey, it sensed an intruder entering its territory.

How dare it to annoy her? Does it want to steal her prey? The intruder must die!


The woman on the floor is called Elly and is a former 24-year-old model. She is about 164 cm tall with brunette hair and green eyes. She has wide hips, big boobs and a beautiful face. Many would describe her as a beauty under 1000. Living in the city and following her mother in career, Elly's mother is a well-known model for various major magazines. She has everything Elly wants... fame, money, men and influence.

Elly was mostly raised by her maid after she was born, her mother is a busy woman so of course she can't waste her precious time with a new born child. Elly never hated her mother for it either. Of course, she was sad that her mom didn't have time for her when she drew her first picture or when she had her first boyfriend or when she went to school for the first time. But she never blamed her mother, instead she always thought, 'If only I was special, maybe mom would love me' And after that thought, she kept aiming higher... She changed her friends. Changed what she wears. She started to pay attention to what others say about her and always wanted everyone to think perfectly of her. And everything went great at first, she started working as a model very early on and over time she became better and better. Not long and she was on the same level if not better than her mother. She thought 'Yes … I did it... Mom see where I am now? I'm here... I'm special … now you can love me.'

And in the beginning, it seemed like it has really have worked, her mother contact her more often and they started to talk and have fun together. She thought she had made it and for a short time she was really happy.

But it turned out differently than she expected. Someday her mother invited her to a party, she wanted to introduce her to some friends. She wanted Elly to have more well-known connections in the industry. Elly happily agreed, meeting and having fun with her mother has always been a dream she wanted to fulfill.

But what was an apparent party turned out to be a mere trap. Elly's mother, who grew older and lost her popularity over the years, couldn't watch the half-brat she brought into this world take everything that rightfully belongs to her. So, she invited her naive daughter to what appeared to be a party and gave her some drinks that had sleeping pills in them. Next, she invited the main attraction of the evening. 10 young naked men who raped Elly all evening ...

Her mother recorded it all and gave a copy to every major press. That and her own statements about her daughter being out of control and using drugs from day to night partying with no stop. it really saddens her to watch how her own beloved daughter destroy her body and mind therefore she wants her daughter to pause her carrier and take some time for herself. This statement quickly ensured that her daughter's popularity was ruined. Her fans couldn't believe how their must idolized and loved princess could be a drug addict and stopped supporting her one after another.

When Elly found out what her mother did, her world collapsed. She lost everything she has build herself over the last couple of years. With her carrier being tarnished her chances to redeem herself are extremely low. However for Elly the biggest loss is that of her mother. It turns out it was not because she isn't special enough that her mother doesn't love her. It was because she never had any chance of getting her love.

Desperate and lonely she hid in a rented apartment somewhere unknown in town and hasn't left the house for 2 years. When the apocalypse began, she was still in her apartment and didn't dare to leave. In the beginning why should she even do that? To survive? But is there any purpose to live anymore? Cant she just die just like the world around her? That she thought until one day two little twins, the neighbors' children knocked on her door and asked for help. Their parents had become monsters and needed medicine. First she didn't know how to react. She could just not open the door. The two children outside are not hers so there is no responsibility. However she decided differently. Maybe it is because she knows the feeling of loosing one parent or maybe it is because she wants not to be like her mother who also abandon her.Whatever it was, she decided to open the door and helped the twins survive. Maybe she can not live for herself but for others ...


After a period of time, all the survivors that were left of the house gathered in her apartment and they have survived together ever since. They equipped themselves with different weapons and learned how to survive in this apocalypse over time. However, yesterday something strange happened. Two of the group members, a young man and his father went downstairs to get some food and water as usual. Normally, they would be gone for 2 or 3 hours max. However as they didn't came back after 5 hours something has to be gone wrong. Therefore, Elly and the old man decided to go downstairs and look for them. They aren't so optimistic finding them alive but what if they are and need help. They couldn't abandon them and so they descended downwards trying to locate the two.


It didn't take them long to find the two. Well, what was left of them. The young man had his arms and legs cut off nowhere to be found and his father was pounded against the wall with his arms and legs stretched and different wounds all over his body and his eyes where gone.


Elly immediately threw up when she saw all this and the old man stared at the two with a sad look. After Elly calmed down. Who could do something like that to another human being an undead? No other humans did that. It are 9 to 10 days after the apocalypse, do human just take that long to abandon their humanity? The two couldn't believe it. Aren't undead the monsters in this apocalypse? But how come humanity is even worse?

The two decided to free the to and put there bodies in a room on the first floor.

In their tradition it is usually customary to cremate the corpses, but they cannot afford such a luxury now. The light and sound of the flame may attract the undead or even worse other humans.

While they freed the young man, the old man found a note in his mouth with a symbol and some words on it

The symbol looked like a bunch of arms forming a circle with their respective hands outstretched in a clockwise direction. And the note said: "The One will come! He will redeem us all and we will step into the holy life after! Sacrifice the young and pure souls an join the Sect of the One Savior!"

The didn't know of any sect in there city before the apocalypse. However they knew that this so called Sect of the One Savior are a bunch of monsters even worse than the undead. If they could they would like to kill them all for what they did. But they knew that they could fight them at all as they most likely have guns.


The two then wanted to quickly go back upstairs and tell the others what happened, but before they could do that, they heard the undead outside screaming and then they saw three people entering their building. They sneaked up stairs to their apartment and got ready to fend off the invaders if they dared to attack them.


***Back to Neo

Neo came upstairs and saw the Stage 2 straight into his endlessly large mouth in the long hallway. The beast just made noises like:


Neo can't understand what it's trying to tell him, but he's sure of one thing, the thing wants to kill him. Maybe because it is us and has come into its territory or maybe because it also sees it as prey. But Neo doesn't really care.

The only thing Neo is thinking at this point is, 'How much stronger do you think I'll get if I eat his crystal? Will I also become Stage 2? How does that thing taste?' Neo asked himself with a smile while licking his lips.

Neo can't take it anymore and screams.

"Hmpm... be a nice grotesque monster and come to daddy!"


As if the monster could understand Neo, it responded by moving towards him while his teeth began to rotate.

Neo, who doesn't feel a bit afraid, throws his ax on the ground and pulls the two machetes out of the holsters he has on his back and slowly walks towards the Stage 2 Undead with both arms to the side.


But when the two were only a few meters apart, Neo suddenly ran straight at the undead. The Stage 2 Undead reacted quickly, stopping abruptly and slashing at Neo with two arms, one bladed horizontally and the other vertically. Neo dodged the vertical attack to the side and then he slid down the Stage 2's lower body with his knees on the floor and with great swing cut off the two arms that had been attacking him earlier.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed the Stage 2 Undead

After that, it turned around as fast as it could and moved back a few steps.

Neo used the brief pause to examine his machetes. A machete no longer had a blade, the blade hung in the ceiling. Who knows how it got there and the other machete has its blade completely bent.

'Yes, definitely type: defence but what is the other type? If there's even a second one' Neo thought to himself while throwing both machetes on the ground.

Then he pulls out the loaded IWI Jericho 941.










Neo shoots 9 times and then throws out the magazine and reloads.

Neo is a former soldier who has been on various battlefields and has already gained some experience with weapons. Therefore, he can aim relatively well and evaluate the damage he has done.

He fired the nine shots at different parts of Stage 2's body. Even though it's moving towards Neo, 7 of the 9 shots hit. All but one did no damage. That straight into his mouth made sure that the thing stopped for a moment but then quickly ran towards Neo again.

"Tsh" Neo clicks his tongue as he tries to dodge the Stage 2's attack. He's not so lucky this time and the Stage 2 manages to slash Neo with one of his arms, leaving Neo with a large and long wound on his chest. The bulletproof vest repelled the attack somewhat, but not completely and Neo was thrown backwards by the force and flew into the apartment.


***POV: Elly, Ninette, Donatien and Meram

Elly and the other three looked wide-eyed when suddenly an unknown figure with a black hoodie and different weapons came and fought the monster from their nightmares.

At the beginning none of them had the slightest hope that the man in the hoodie could win the fight against the monster. They readied their guns and Elly took the shotgun from the dead old man and reloaded it.

But when he performed his quick attack and severed two of the thing's arms, everyone had their mouths wide open. Though the odds were still slim, their hearts were filled with hope and courage to fight the thing and defeat it.

But the next thing they saw took away the hope they had just won. The man in the hoodie was hit by an attack from the monster and flew in their direction and past them, only stopping when he slammed into the wall.



The man straightens his body and says with a half-smile on his lips:

"Hi...cough...I'm Neo...cough...cough...nice to meet you."