
Apocalypse I can Synthesis Anything

Destruction and chaos spread on the once-vibrant Green Star, its surroundings plagued by the incessant noise of impending doom. An ominous darkness, akin to locusts, relentlessly devoured the land. "Why is this happening? Why?" A few melting figures glared at the impending doom of darkness above. A colossal shadow cast its veil over the Green Star, declaring an impending cataclysm. Above, a green pillar of light flickered intermittently, each appearance marking the vanishing of another source of life. Silence draped the star as both light and vitality were snuffed out. Everything became devoid of life, light, and silence spreading across the whole star along with darkness. Thousands of light years away, in the vast expanse of deep space, ripples distorted the fabric of the cosmos. A colossal shadow materialized, observing the distant spectacle of a supernova's explosive demise. Amidst cryptic symbols, a message emerged: "~~" "~~~" "~~~~~" Deciphering, "Not Found," "Erasure is Complete," "Proceeding to the next target."

Chaos_Gray · Ciencia y ficción
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141 Chs

Chapter 1 Green Star

Destruction and chaos spread on the once-vibrant Green Star, its surroundings plagued by the incessant noise of impending doom. An ominous darkness, akin to locusts, relentlessly devoured the land.

"Why is this happening? Why?" A few melting figures glared at the impending doom of darkness above.

A colossal shadow cast its veil over the Green Star, declaring an impending cataclysm.

Above, a green pillar of light flickered intermittently, each appearance marking the vanishing of another source of life. Silence draped the star as both light and vitality were snuffed out.

Everything became devoid of life, light, silence spreading across the whole star along with darkness.

Thousands of light years away, in the vast expanse of deep space, ripples distorted the fabric of the cosmos. A colossal shadow materialized, observing the distant spectacle of a supernova's explosive demise.

Amidst cryptic symbols, a message emerged:

"~~" "~~~" "~~~~~"


"Not Found,"

"Erasure is Complete,"

"Proceeding to the next target."

The erasure was complete, and the enigmatic entity proceeded to its next target. As the space wavered, the shadow vanished, leaving a void in its wake.

Suddenly, in the desolation of the destroyed galaxy, a ten-colored light burst forth, freezing the very fabric of the universe. Galaxies, clusters, and superclusters halted in their expansion. Time itself recoiled, rewinding seven years to a point when the galaxy was untouched by the impending darkness.

As the dream unfolded, the intricate dance of destruction and restoration painted a vivid tapestry across the cosmos, leaving echoes of an otherworldly power that defied the laws of existence.

Woodland Galaxy,

Planet: Green Star.

A colossal Planet, approximately 100,000 km in radius, predominantly adorned with dense forests. Humans, ancient inhabitants of this celestial body, trace their origins to a time when this star was believed to be barren until human ancestors settled here.

Technology became mainstream on this planet about a hundred years ago, but despite all efforts, humans couldn't fully control the 40% land and 60% sea area. Ancient viruses and poisonous species inhabited those forbidden zones, with beasts and huge sea monsters ruling many areas. Several forests became prohibited zones for humans.

The land is divided into five human territories, each governed by a major empire: East, West, North, South, and Central Area.

The Central Area, often dubbed as the world's center, stands as the most developed and densely populated region. Aspiring denizens from other territories yearn to inhabit this central battleground of wisdom.

Central Territory, Capital City Apollo, Residential Area,

Ellis Villa,

Early morning,

The resonating alarm pierces the dawn.

A hand quells the alarm clock, momentarily surrendering to slumber. Five minutes later, the phone alarm asserts its presence.

A hand reemerges, silencing the phone on the bedside table. After a brief interlude,

"Oops, I'm 15 minutes late again," a youthful voice murmurs as a figure lethargically rises from bed and moves toward the shower.

Gazing at his reflection in the mirror, messy hairstyle, space-black iris, handsome face, with a shroud of pale white skin, the mood takes a narcissistic turn. "At least, I am very handsome."

"Hi, I'm Jack Ellis. Let me share a secret. Don't tell anyone. I'm a traveler or, you could say, reborn. I rediscovered my true memory a week ago, accompanied by a strange recurring dream since awakening."

"Destruction, chaos, cries, and noises. World's end and ten ominous rings, something like that. I'm not sure of the meaning. Perhaps it's a sequel following my memory awakening."

"Yes, I am from Earth, a wonderful planet, Blue, filled with angry people. Well, it's a movie dialogue from Earth."

Regardless, he possesses something vital in this life that eluded him in his previous one: wealth. A considerable amount of it. Now he can proudly quote, "I'm rich."

In his past life, he was the youngest professor and a space scientist at a space enterprise. He invented a groundbreaking sensor machine capable of detecting asteroid movements through their trajectories.

However, all his achievements were unjustly stripped away and credited to his assistant scientist due to his nobler birth than him.

During the announcement, Jack felt the sky collapse. Despite his protests, he was ousted. Eventually, he discovered that his girlfriend had traded his research to the assistant scientist in exchange for her body and soul as a bonus.

Then, a bullet pierced his temple while he was drinking. This is Jack the Sad's story. Nevertheless,

A week ago, his memories resurfaced here.

This world is truly fascinating, enjoyable. He has everything he desires here, except for the novels, movies, and entertainment of old Earth. He misses them dearly.

Entertainment here is lackluster. Major action scenes involve parched individuals in the desert fighting over a girl.

Jack was baffled in the theater. "Why not find water instead of bickering over a girl?" Observing emotional female creatures in tears around, he was at a loss. How did I end up here?

Jack pushes the movie scene from his mind, appearing in front of the closet while humming a song in an after-shower towel.

Slides his finger on collection, selects one: grey dress pants, light blue shirt, grey casual coat, a grey tie.

Classic, but with this casual suit worth, others can buy a decent car.

Surveying the watches, he picks a classic brand with grey straps, nods approvingly, and wears it. Grabbed his phone and heads out.

"Good morning, sir. You look sharp," the butler greets Jack with a smile. Despite appearing middle-aged, the butler's true age exceeds 50.

"Uncle Charles, drop the 'sir.' You're our longstanding butler. Call me Jack directly. I don't mind."

Charles Carson, the caretaker hired by Jack's grandfather. After his grandfather's death, Jack's parents appointed him as their family butler twenty years ago when Jack was born.

"No, as a butler, it's my duty to address you as Sir," Charles replies with a smile, stepping aside.

Jack shook his head sighed, starts breakfast. After finishing, he goes out to a car resembling a Rolls Royce from his previous life. He smiles and sits in the back seat.

Observing people turning their heads as they move, glancing at his car.

Jack nods, the same turning rate.

Atom Inc, Atom Group, fully owned by the Ellis Family. Now its sole proprietor is Jack Ellis.

His grandfather died when he was born, and his parents died in a plane crash when he turned 18 two years ago.

As the sole child in both the mother and father's families, he inherited everything, becoming the head of the empty Ellis and Brian House. His father was Raymond Ellis. His mother's name was Isla Brian.

Atom is a leading company globally, engaged in Energy, Mechanical Technology, Bio-Technology, and Arms.

Jack plans to expand it into aerospace and telecommunication technology.

Jack sighs. Two years ago, the company teetered on bankruptcy. Shareholders sold their shares, and investors withdrew their money.

Hi, Author here, It's late to write my thoughts now.

But, It's important.

I am a novice writer, if there are any type of mistakes in writing. You can point it out, in the comment section of each chapter.

If you have any questions related to the chapter and plot, Write them in the comment section, and they will be answered.

Thank you for your support.

Chaos_Graycreators' thoughts