
Anti-NTR Man: Kokujin No Tenkousei NTR Ru VERSUS

Yuuto Sakurai, the Anti-NTR Man, was transmigrated into the body of the 16 year-old Hiroki Morii, an NTR Protagonist. To most, it would be the most terrible nightmare come true... But Yuuto always dreamed about swatting an ugly bastard in another world...

Hazy_0832 · Cómic
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43 Chs

36 - Switch

Some time before Yuuto started 'interrogating' Gyarune...

"Alright," Yuuto nodded as he sat down with the mad scientist inside the abandoned building. "So, it's because I'm in someone else's body?"

"That is the only logical conclusion," the scientist replied. "The TimeStop™ Watch emits a wave that affects the brain. It works on everyone. That's why I'm confident in this theory about you." Gyouma's eyes shone with intrigue as he looked at Yuuto.

"...And you just accept that I'm from another world?"

"As a Mad Scientist, I have to consider all possible reasons, including the impossible ones, until I'm certain of what is and isn't true. You being insane or simply possessing a gene that resists it doesn't make sense, as I've accounted for those. What more or less confirmed my theory is how you said you felt relaxed and that Hiroki's presence within you vanished for the entire duration the clock was activated."

Gyouma adjusted his robe and looked intently into Yuuto's eyes.

"Essentially, Hiroki's consciousness took the brunt of the watch's effects, keeping yours intact. This confirms your worries; it isn't just a feeling—Hiroki's presence and consciousness coexist with yours within your body. The reason you are the one controlling his body is still unclear, but one could say it is due to how your mind is slightly more developed; as you've said, in your own world, you were about 19 years old, three years older than Hiroki."

"And what about how I progressively look like my body from my world?"

"That... is still an anomaly to me. There are too many factors to form a coherent theory yet," Gyouma replied, dragging his chair nearer to Yuuto. "You need to prepare yourself that you might not get answers to some of your questions."


'I had to ask him that. I had to reveal my circumstances after that Gyaru guy thought he stopped everyone with that watch, including me. As careful as I'd like to be, I'm still curious... And his answers were pretty solid,' Yuuto reasoned.

Yuuto continued to think about what Gyouma had said as the train ride continued. He leaned against the window, looking out at the ever-changing scenery.

'I wonder... What happens in the real world? My world? Am I dead? Or does a copy of my consciousness continue operating my original body as usual?' Yuuto pondered.

'Or... Maybe, since it was only me who transferred, that could've happened...?'

"I might not get answers to that, huh...?" Yuuto whispered to himself.

"Yuuto-kun? You said something?" Saki asked.

'She's so attentive... Even to a whisper. She must be nervous,' Yuuto thought.

"Just mumbling to myself," he replied, turning to her.

"Oh... I see..." she muttered, glancing down at Yuuto's palm.

Yuuto noticed her gaze.

'She can't stop thinking about it since that night, huh? I suppose that makes sense. In the manga, even when she was disrespected and humiliated, she liked getting caressed and patted on her head... Even during her circumstances. That alone tells you all you need to know about her parents. Both of them. She's hungry for that kind of affection more than sex.'

"Saki," Yuuto said, causing her head to tilt upwards, her eyes meeting his.

"Y-yeah?" she replied.

"You want to hold hands this badly?" he asked calmly.

'Honestly, humans you learn about through books and manga are so simple. You learn all about their buttons and how to press them... If only things were this easy in my world,' Yuuto mused to himself.

"N-No... I just..." she stammered, looking away bashfully. "Well... I don't hate it... But it doesn't mean I want it... I'm sorry for staring—"

He gently placed his arm on her shoulder, guiding her to rest on his side.

Her eyes widened as she gasped, her heartbeat skyrocketing as she felt the warmth of his body spreading throughout hers.

'...If things were that easy, I'd... Well, I'd be more efficient, that's for certain,' Yuuto thought.

"Y-Yuuto-kun... This..." she mumbled, her face reddening.

"Oh, this bothers you? I suppose I'll let go..." he said, his voice trailing off as he began to loosen his grip.

She immediately jumped. "No... No..! It's... It's okay... It was just sudden... I... I like being... Close... Like this... To you..." she replied.

He raised his palm as she rested on him and patted her head.

"Ah..." she softly gasped.

'He... Pats my head... It feels... So nice... I hope he never stops...' she thought as Yuuto gently brushed her head.

As he patted her head, Yuuto looked at her, feeling her body gradually loosening up. 'Honestly, looking at her from this angle while doing this... Reminds me of a certain brat in my original world. Just how many times that girl woke me up whenever she had a nightmare, forcing me to do something like this?'

Yuuto sighed, his body slightly loosening up as well. He looked back out the window, continuing to pat Saki's head with practiced ease and comfort.

'...What a bother, that sister of mine was.'

His gaze turned slightly solemn. 'Good riddance that I won't see her again, I suppose...'

There was one hour left of the train ride. During that time, Saki peacefully fell asleep, resting on Yuuto's body.

Before long, they arrived at the juvenile center. Yuuto assured Saki she could wait outside and entered the private visitation room. He spotted Nao sitting alone in the middle of the room, leaning on a desk.

'Usually, getting permission to call someone from a juvie requires a lot of hassle. Someone like Nao, a hedonist, wouldn't bother with it. I suppose she felt that depraved... or...'


"And the first thing he did was use the drug on that girlfriend of yours when she didn't respond to his advances," Gyarune continued. "Next thing you know... she was all over the big guy."


'...Alright, let's get this over with,' Yuuto resolved as he walked over to her, a female guard standing by near the door.

Nao looked up at him, her expression blank and emotionless. She seemed to have lost weight, her hair roughly cut, and there were bruises hidden beneath her orange jumpsuit.

Without a word, he sat in front of her.

'So... now what? What do I even ask? Should I start with the classic; "Do you still wanna suck some muscleman's dick now that you're off your aphrodisiacs"? Does she even know that she was drugged? Where do I start...'

"What do you want?" Yuuto asked firmly. "And make it quick. I have things planned for today."

'Seems like as good a start as any.'

"Sorry," Nao began, her voice a little raspy. "But could you... somehow... call Hiroki, Mr. Sakurai?" Nao muttered.

Yuuto flinched slightly.

"What is it that you're asking, I wonder? It's me. I just got a new hairdo."

"Please... just... I'm already in this... place. Just get him to talk to me," she replied, her voice slightly shivering.

'Hah. I did call myself Yuuto Sakurai like an idiot in front of her and was about to put a bullet in her. It'd be weird if she just brushed it off. Still, I'm not going to let that impulsive kid take over,' Yuuto resolved.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about... But assume I did. Why do you think you deserve any kind of effort from my end?" Yuuto replied.

She tightened her palms as she looked at him.

"I'll... After talking to Hiroki, I'll tell you everything about that guy and Satoshi," she said, determined.

'He's more practical and pragmatic than Hiroki. Something like this... is sure to get his attention,' she resolved.

"I already know all about your two side boyfriends. Including what they did. Heck, I even know things you probably don't. Is that all?" he replied calmly as he slowly got up from the chair and turned to walk away.

"Please...!" she pleaded from her seat as Yuuto continued to walk away.

"I'll... I'll tell you why I did it, then! It must be worth something...! Please!" she begged, trying her hardest not to raise her voice as she occasionally glanced at the female guard who stood at the ready.

'It doesn't worth a damn thing' Yuuto replied internally, but his body betrayed him as he stopped in place.

He gripped his chest, feeling Hiroki's anger and sadness.

'But to you, it does, I suppose... Well. Like I said, we're going to be living together, that means we'll have to compromise on stuff. Fine. I'll entertain you. But only if you don't get in my way afterwards. I'm not against suicide if you start to torment me with your childish outbursts all the time,' Yuuto thought, feeling the tightness in his chest dissipate as he turned back to Nao, whose face loosened in relief.

"Alright," Yuuto replied. "Give me a second. I'll bring him out."

Nao sat in anticipation, her eyes almost glowing as she intently stared at Yuuto, who closed his eyes.


"Essentially, Hiroki's consciousness took the brunt of the watch's effects, keeping yours intact. This confirms your worries; it isn't just a feeling—Hiroki's presence and consciousness coexist with yours within your body."


'So that means that I can, somehow, switch to his consciousness... Right?'

'Then again, I have no idea how to switch my consciousness with his... It's not like I have a switch... Hmm... Think. When did I feel him the most...?'

It was when Yuuto said those two keywords—Think and Feel—that he noticed something.

Thinking and feeling were much like how Yuuto and Hiroki seemed to operate.

Yuuto was a pragmatic thinker, while Hiroki operated almost entirely on his feelings and emotions, without ever using his brain. Not even to process his emotions.

It was then that Yuuto realized.

This is how they coexist in one body. And why Yuuto felt relaxed when the TimeStop watch was activated.

Feelings. Emotions. That's where Hiroki exists, he deduced.

It wasn't as if Yuuto didn't have feelings of his own, but it appeared that in the entire time he spent in this world, this was the area Hiroki's presence seemed to dwell.

'So, this anger... Maybe I'll just talk without thinking. Let the anger take control. Be the impulsive nitwit that you are.'

Yuuto then opened his eyes, looking at the female guard, as he tore down the barriers he had placed on Hiroki's emotions.

'Honestly; I have a good idea of how this is gonna go. And while I don't agree with it, it's your decision... And our agreement.'

"I'm going to perform a part of a play. It's our thing. Don't be startled by anything I do from now on," he alerted as he felt a tidal wave of rage suddenly erupt.

"And you... Don't come crying to me afterward," Yuuto warned Nao as he gradually lost control.

He clenched his teeth and slammed both fists onto the table. A loud thud echoed through the room, startling Nao.

"NAOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Hiroki bellowed.

Nao smiled weakly at Hiroki. "Hi... How've you been, Hiroki?" she gently prodded, her eyes weary.

"DON'T FUCKING 'HOW YOU'VE BEEN' WITH ME!! EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT NOW, OR I'LL BEAT YOU THE FUCK UP AGAIN!!!" he screamed as he leaned forward, clenching his fists on the table.


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