
Another group chat. {dropped}

This is the story all about how a guys life got turned upside down. He woke up as a chubby Korean by the powers of a higher being. He turned his life around and made some cash when all of a sudden his phone crashed It displayed a new app with an inter dimensional group chat, it asked if he wanted to join and that was that

Smithsonian86_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

The superman

Another sound night of sleep, the only downside was that Logan's shirt was ruined with bullet holes and cuts. Logan feels like Luke cage was not joking about the cost of clothing. He stands in front of his suitcase deciding what to wear.

"Hmm blue shorts and black sliders or black shorts and blue sliders?" On the bed was 8 pairs of sliders and 8 pairs of shorts with five Hawaiian shirts. Robin came behind him and grabbed the grey shorts and black sliders for him. "I think these would look best but remind me to pick out a new wardrobe for you when you return". "Kay".

He went to canteen of the hotel and ordered a lot of eggs and bacon. He needs the protein, after that he went for a jog along the beach and gazed at the women playing in the water. Then he did some light shadow fighting, yes fighting not boxing. He imagines an opponent and uses all of his arsenal not just punches. After that he did some sit-ups off a tree branch followed by chin ups.

Then another jog back so he can hydrate, he goes back to his room to find Kokomi and Togo curled up on the bed drooling a little. Robin was on the balcony reading a book and enjoying her morning tea. "Welcome back Logan, I really enjoy the tea in other worlds. So much more refined than on Gaia"

"Is that what you call your planet, I know it's bigger than mine by about 12 times" "yes, I also find it intriguing why most civilisations name the planet after earth related titles". She stated while using another arm to take a sip.

Logan plopped down on the chair beside her "how goes your own training Robin?" "Swimmingly, after reading the manga I've been able to replicate that alternate me's moves and replicate some of them with rokushiki. I also took the idea of clones from teuchi's worlds and produced other bodies to work out."

Logan clapped "it's cause they all share the same burden right. So ten working out is ten times the workout for you. What do you have them doing". "Saitama routine, yoga, swimming, martial arts training. I'm currently at six clones before I feel strained". "Be careful not to go bald" he chuckled "Fufufu I will have to watch out for that,I'm also making sure to maintain my current physique though I would mind the added assets of my alternate" "agreed" he said which made an arm appear and punch him.

Friendly banter continued until the other women awoke and robin made her arms vanish. Logan chose to tell them before they leave which she respected. Other than training Robin has been following Logan's advice and started making plans into what worlds the group may be taken to. The one called Akame ga kill and rwby seem similar to hers in terms of threat level and governmental authority so she would like to avoid them. The so called "harem" worlds annoy her with how weak willed the protagonists often are though heavens lost property interests her regarding the angels origins.

Dragon ball was one robin had been warned about by mogana along with the gamer, GOH, HXH, parasyte and Tokyo ghoul. After researching these series she can see why based on the high mortality rate. These worlds are the reason that robin is fixated on growing unalike the original. She knows that depending on where she ends up they might not be able to protect her.

Slowly feelings of care were sprouting for the group within her heart. Robin finished her tea and decided to accompany Logan to his fight.

3 hours later the arena was filled to determine the quarter and semi finals. The duo watched the epic battle between Tokita Ohma and Kure Raian as they used their enhancement ability to beat into each other.

Robin turned to Logan "can you copy that?" "No I cannot, those abilities are developed through a specific conditioning or through a bloodline. I could try to mimic Ohma but that technique is self harming so I'd rather avoid it. Though as I am currently I could face both of them as they are and win with my current body".

"Oh? Finally came to grips with the current you" "nearly, my new physiology gave me aspects of the original but they are at the point that they were the same age as I am. Therefore they aren't the peak abilities, so I need to adjust myself to use them and then begin training them. It's why I've been training lightly so I can adjust to what I can do."

"That's understandable but what about the martial arts?" "That's actually not an issue for me as I could already automatically adjust to new styles so the added experience only made it easier". Robin turned away and muttered "monster" under her breath but he easily picked it up and laughed.

"Although I don't think the physiology issue would affect you much" "why do you think that Logan?"

"It's because the system gives rewards that suit us, you are a devil fruit user so your an entirely different species which means you won't attain someone else's, you'd most likely merge."

"Can you give an example?" She asked back as she was quite worried about this now that he pointed it out. "Hmm well your body is a flower human so you may get a plant like physiology or someone who can manipulate plants. Maybe a senju or poison Ivy would be given however I have a feeling you might receive a one piece physiology like big moms iron ballon physiology or a fishman hybrid so you could breath underwater."

She pondered that and found that having big moms physiology where she would be impervious to most attacks would be wonderful. Although she had a dark thought about big moms body before Logan cut her off. "No you wouldn't get fat, she was quite beautiful as a young woman its just her diet and lack of exercise made her like that. Take garp for example, he's incredibly strong and snacks regularly while sleeping constantly yet he trains. The others on his level spend most of their time drinking and eating". Robin then pictured a drunk kaido and whitebeard as well as a stuffed big mom so she agreed with his logic.

The fight ended between Ohma and Raian so Logan went for his turn. As he walked into the arena that was cleaned due to the mess the others made he looked at his stern faces opponent.

"I've seen how you fight, your holding back considerably which I will not tolerate. I'll beat you with everything I have and proceed to face Kuroki or Agito." He then went on a long winded speech that was interrupted by Logan.

"Jeez condescending much, your speaking like your actually gonna best me. Give your balls a tug"

This made wakatsuki frown as he got into his stance and dash at Logan. They ignored the ref who started the fight and went at it. Wakatsuki threw a hook which Logan avoided by twisting slightly. He reached out to grab the arm so wakatsuki decided to knee Logan in the stomach.

Logan used his other hand to soften the blow and grip into the quadriceps which made wakatsuki retreat. He noticed the bruises formed in the shape of Logan's fingers on his leg that stung. He looked at Logan who had a face that displayed boredom.

So wakatsuki decided to hit him hard, he used his blast core to compress the muscles in his legs and spring towards Logan and then drove his superman straight punch straight into Logan's gut. The blow hammered into Logan which made him shake a little.

Wakatsuki looked up expecting Logan to scream in pain or cough blood but all he got was a cocky grin as Logan gripped the arm still in his gut and tugged it gently making pain ring through wakatsuki. He dislocated his shoulder.

Wakatsuki has extraordinary muscles and used them to refine his bones but they aren't as strong as his 52 times denser muscles yet. With Logan's skills and the shibukawa arts he can dismantle a body easily.

Wakatsuki was more alarmed at the fact that Logan simply didn't take damage. He felt like he struck a gelatinous wall that ripples the damage away. This is what the original Logan could do but the current one can take it further thanks to having a better body by reducing his flab and building stronger muscles. The kami-e also helps him to relax his body to better absorb impacts meaning unless the hit is packing a tonne behind it, Logan won't be damaged.

Thoughts raced through wakatsuki's head about what Logan has shown in the fights. He's a grappler who has immense strength and stamina. Now he's confirmed that he doesn't take damage from blows so stabs would be the logical option. It's why he grapples, its hard to hit an opponent rapped around your body with a blade. He doesn't know Logan's striking capability but based on sekibayashi's testimony it's assumed he strikes hard.

Wakatsuki again tried to retreat but Logan was ready for him this time. He followed him close and acted like he was about to deliver a blow only to do something unexpected. Before he could hit his opponent he clapped his hands together generating a noice that made wakatsuki dizzy.

Up in the owners box and old man and several other people stood up exaggeratedly. The old man said "that was the stun clap" "the stun clap?" A young woman who can be identified as Karla Kure. The entire room was filled with Kure clan members. Even raian was there and he was frowning.

The old man elaborated "that is an assassination technique designed to be used on fighters to distract, disorient or even paralyse so that a fatal strike can be delivered." The other Kure clan members looked towards him. The other owners were also stunned to learn that the young man knew an assassination technique. Katahara Metsudo chimed in with his two bits "erioh, that boy doesn't look the killer type".

The old man now identified as erioh Kure who is known as the mighty demon and first fang of metsudo agreed with him. "Yes, from what I've been able to determine that boy can learn martial arts used on him or those that's he has seen in person. It's a talent that's one in a billion but it exists. He most likely fought or saw an assassin use it". Metsudo strokes his lengthy beard "quite a man little tomari chan picked up. I wonder if he'd work for me?" He said chuckling.

The others in the room couldn't imagine Logan as a fang of metsudo though, they've seen his quirkiness. While the old men continued chatting Logan continued on his attack. While the stun he copied from watching ass class worked he used a straight punch right to wakatsuki's solar plexus making his spit out saliva and blood.

While he bended over to recover from the blow Logan began delivering a rush of punches into him. Straights, Jabs, hooks, uppercuts, palm strikers, elbows, knees and finally a head butt that knocked the super man off his feet. Logan delivered a rush of the lookism moves he had copied over the years. Daniel Park, Zach Lee, Vin Jin, Jake Kim, Vasco, Jay Hong, John Gun, Johan seong, joon Goo, Jerry kwon and Samuel seo to name a few of the men he's fought and copied from. All of them are monsters and the kengan verse just experienced what they are capable off through Logan.

Wakatsuki lay there in the sand reeling from the damage he'd taken from the blows. He struggled to stand up as his vision was blacking out and he lost balance. Every inch of his torso hurt, his ears were ringing, his nose was blocked and his arm was still dislocated. He knows he was overconfident and his muscles couldn't have helped him if he underestimated his opponent. The match was called and Logan won.

Logan himself was happy now that he got a grip over his changed body and could exert himself properly. In the stands four fighters stood watching the slaughter and were baffled by what they saw. Behind Logan as he fought they saw numerous other people they didn't recognise but they all seemed powerful.

Gaolang Wongsawat who is a master in boxing a muai Thai recognised those movements and couldn't help but be joyful that there were people out there who mastered those arts to the same degree as him. In another place Kanoh Agito processed Logan's movements and though about using boxing in his next match agains Gaolang now that he had another sample to mimic.

Mikazuchi Rei stood beside his woman who was holding his hand gently. He declared he would crush Logan to her but after watching him demolish a top contender like that he wasn't sure anymore. He felt that he needed to train so he could handle people like that after the tournament as he went to face kuroki Gensai.

The man himself was watching the fight alongside his sponsor in a cowboy hat. He could tell what those phantoms behind Logan where, they were his past opponents. Logan is the type of fighter who carries his battles with him to the next so he can improve further. His mastery in his craft is noteworthy and makes Kuroki excited to face him though his face doesn't show it.

Lastly there was Ohma who watched the live feed from his hospital bed at who he had to face soon as the doctor and nurses patched him up. Yamashita was there encouraging him as were his other friends but he feels that to fight Logan he'd have to use the advance again, maybe even further than Raian just to stand a chance. The ghost of Niko was whispering in his ear about real martial arts slowly guiding him back on the right path.

Logan walked out calmly and rubbed his stomach as it aches a little from Wakatsuki's blast core. It feels like he just did a thousand sit-ups and his muscles have torn a little so he needed to go eat something. He walked towards Togo who was still slack jawed at his performance and Robin who was smiling about how he's grown stronger.