
Strained Remnant

Ruby woke up to an alarm sound she was not familiar with and rubbed her eyes as she tried to feel out the source of the noise. After fumbling a bit, she got her hands on a Scroll and opened one of her silver eyes to turn off the alarm. As her mind started to catch up with the waking world, she felt something... Soft against her waist, and looked to see a familiar fur-covered arm wrapped around her.

The little cookie monster then recalled that she spent the night with Silva... In his bed. Heat rushed to her face, and she tried to leave, but she heard a bestial growl as the snow leopard man's paws pulled her in closer to his embrace. She then heard him mutter in his sleep.

" No... Piss off... Drop dead... B*tch... Delusional brat..."

Ruby continued to hear Silva talk in his sleep and growling. She wandered out loud.

" What's he dreaming about?"


" I lied to get rid of you!"

I bellowed with fury as I was seriously starting to consider killing Haruhi Suzumiya as she was working on my last nerve.

" I don't care! If you lied, then you owe me, so take me away!"

The selfish girl shouted back in the dreamless black void I usually use when I am sleeping or meditating. I thought the situation last time was unique because the Nightmare's dream-weaving ability blurred the lines of, well, dreams. But low and behold, Haruhi has appeared once more. Seriously, the girl has a healthy amount of skepticism like a normal modern high school girl on the supernatural... Crud, she saw me appear through a portal when I first appeared in her world. Of course, she is not as skeptical with me on supernatural matters.

I groaned at not realizing that sooner and handling things better. The selfish girl then demanded again.

" Come on; it should be nothing for you to take me away from my universe!"

" And you base that off of what, you foolish little girl?"

I retorted venomously, as it may be prudent to visit the girl to erase her memories to end this whole situation. However, the problem with that is, will her reality-warping desire for something more than the mundane stop me from doing just that? Killing is also an option, but that is probably more troublesome as she obviously does not want to die, and every force in her universe will do everything it can to stop me. I am at my wits end with her as I can't take her away... As she currently is...

Hmm... If I could maybe separate her from her universe and just make her into just a delusion powerless girl, then that would solve all my problems. I am not sure where to even begin on that front, but it can at least be something to work toward. First, however, I need a more immediate solution to my problem.

" Hey, are you listening to me?"

Haruhi demanded, and I replied coldly.

" No."

I drew out Rua Scáth, the spear Scáthach gave me and my usual preferred weapon of choice. Let's take a literal stab at Miss Universe. She looked at me and asked.

" Is that spear for me?"

I did not bother answering as I thrust it at her heart and used a bit of magic to ensure she felt pain. Haruhi's eyes widened as she looked at her pierced chest and finally cried out in pain. I pulled out my spear and told her as she cried out.

" I may not be able to kill you, but inflicting pain is another matter."

" Why?"

She asked but got smacked in the head instead of getting an answer, and I was just getting started. I will make this girl realize that I am not her friend in any capacity to buy time until I come up with a more permanent solution.


Haruhi Suzumiya woke up in a cold sweat. She checked her body; she still had phantom pains from being tortured by Silva in her dream but had no visible injury. The selfish girl lets out a sigh of relief as she lays back down on her bed, uncaring about what time it is. She muttered to herself.

" Jerk! Why can't you just take me away from my boring life?"

Haruhi was more than a little upset with Silva, but she was more excited than anything. This is what she wanted, to experience something extraordinary and fantastical! Even if she got tormented, it was still something she could not experience in an ordinary life. She got out of her bed and turned on her computer to use a search engine online.

" How to get guys to do what you want?"

Was what she typed down and started to make notes as she was bound and determined to get what she wanted.


I woke up after finally getting rid of the universe-size nuisance in my dream and felt like I could still sleep the rest of the day away. I found Ruby still in my embrace and asked.

" How did you enjoy sleeping with me, Ruby?"

" Ah, well, you see..."

The little cookie monster avoided direct eye contact as she blushed, trying to form a proper sentence. I offered to her.

" Wanna skip classes with me today?"

" What!?"

Ruby looked at me with shock at suggesting such a thing, and I reassured her.

" You can just tell the professors that I dragged you along, and I'll take the blame for being a bad influence on you. Think about it, a whole day to do what you want, anywhere in the world."

" Anywhere?"

The little cookie monster asked as she gulped, looking tempted. This was more to assure her that I was fine than anything and let her relax, not that I wouldn't enjoy being on a date with her. Ruby asked hesitantly.

" Even to the Museum of War at Mistral?"

I understood why she was interested in that, as they had a whole exhibit on the history of weapons from all four kingdoms, which was available daily compared to conventions on next-gen weaponry that only happen once or twice a year. I then told her with a grin.

" Sounds good, you get ready after leaving my room, and we will go all the way to Mistral to skip classes but do keep quiet about it, as Yang would not let you go anywhere with me alone, and Weiss is a stick in the mud."

" Okay then!"

Ruby was all for it; I was such a bad influence. I then gave her a quick plan to help her slip away later. Well, I never thought my first date with Ruby would be skipping classes. Go figure. Summer, Taiyang, Yang, and Qrow are probably going to kill me for convincing the little cookie monster to skip classes with me. Oh, and Glynda is probably going to be pissed too. Hmm... Still going to do it. I need to destress from my Haruhi problem.