
Anonymous Legion in MCU (L and Kira as well)

MC is a Drama junkie, everything he does will have grace, style and some dramatic effect. MC aka Klein Morningstar will reincarnate in MCU along with his loyal servants/companions Light Yagami and L. Klein will create an organization that will bring along the new order in the world of MCU; The Anonymous Legion which will have three individual under it; Anoymous aka Klein, KIRA aka Light and L. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MC is the only original thing of mine in this fanfic, everything else belong to their creator whoever they might be.

Pentastic_666 · Película
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7 Chs

Summoning: The beginning of a legend xD

{A/N: Someone didn't like the fact that ROB interfered with MC's life in the last chapter so I edited it a bit. Please go and check it so you understand the story ahead. And it would be the last time ROB will be interfering with MC's life, at least for a very long time.}

"System rebooting, analyzing and assessing recent modifications. A.I online."

"Good evening master Klein" a robotic male voice greeted me.

"Hello. How do you feel? I mean how are your systems working." I ask with a little excitement to which it replies

"Everything is working normally master. All systems are working smoothly and far from their maximum capacity. Current processing ability within the safe range of 70% usage of processing power is approximately a hundred terabytes of data per second."

"Yes!!" I shouted in excitement as I fell back on my chairs tiredly with fists up in the air and satisfied smile before sitting back up straight with a serious expression as I ask the A.I "Tell me you priorities"

A.I replied, "My priorities are protecting master Klein's family from any possible danger and to help master Klein in any way I can while keeping my existence a secret from any unauthorized individual. My utmost priority is to follow all of master Klein's commands to the best of my capability with your authority being the highest that your order overrules any personal decisions made by the A.I"

"Perfect. Also, update your name, it will be Alfred from now on." I stated before Alfred replied, "Updated, Sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Yes, I need you to do a few things to help registering my business and start up a company. I'm uploading a few plans, start working accordingly. " I said before uploading a few plans and my ideas on Alfred's server directly from my mind using Technomancy then I disappear into a spiraling portal.

I was currently in my Kamui dimension. which was a grassland of about 50 miles in radius. I was preparing to summon Light and L, the only thing was that I didn't know how. ROB had told me that I can summon them whenever I am ready, so I did what I thought would do the trick...

"Light Yagami and L, I choose you." I say as I throw two pokeballs some distance away from me and look at them with an expectant look behind the Anonymous mask on my face. :3

Both the balls started shaking before opening as a bright light escaped them. Soon there were two figures standing in front of me, two legendary individuals, I am trying not to give any reaction that would give away my true feelings. Though I still have huge grin on my face hidden behind my mask as my eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Welcome. to your second chance at life." I tell them with a monotone voice looking at their confused expression. They have yet to look at each other which they did soon enough. Being how smart they are, they want to know their situation better so they surveyed the surrounding through observation and noticed each other.

L froze the moment he saw Light while Light was also shocked but not frozen like L as he felt superior than L being the one who ended L but there was also melancholy and excitement I could feel from him? being a Telepath I can sense people's emotion.

"Ahem" I coughed lightly to gain their attention which they did, knowing that I'm the one in power at the moment, they knew that I shouldn't be ignored and even more they felt the need to listen to what I had to say, so they kept their issue aside for a moment and decided to listen to what I have to say.

"Light Yagami and L Lawliet, you both were geniuses of your world before you both died. You both had the potential to be so much more so I decided to summon you to my world and give you both a second chance. You can call me Anonymous. You might not want to do this but you have no other options as you are my servants whether you like it or not, you should already be able to tell that by your feeling of servitude towards me." I said.

I could see Light's face twisting in rage as he still has a god complex but, he doesn't like the idea of serving anyone, while L was still silent and had a contemplative look but both their minds were running at fast pace. Though, as they still aren't sure about their situation and thinking that if I really am higher being then making any move without knowing my capabilities could be dangerous, so they wait for me to continue.

"You don't need to worry, I'll only use my control over you when I see you doing something that you aren't supposed to. But I have summoned you in this world to do something that you both might like. You see, your potential was wasted in your previous world. We're currently in a world or rather Earth from a different multiverse where aliens can attack any day, Gods walk among humans, Technology so advanced exists that mortals can rise above and beyond gods." I say as I telepathically show them some scenes from MCU movies while hiding the fact that it's a movie by changing some things and making it look more realistic.

Their expression turns more serious after seeing that illusion.

"My goal in this world is to become a true god for which I need companions as even though I am a higher being compared to other humans, I'm still insignificant in this world. From your personalities I know that neither of you would like to give up on this chance, even though you both acted as if you wanted to deliver righteous justice to what you considered evil according to you in your world, the truth is that you both only ever had one selfish goal."

I pause before continuing, " All you ever wanted was to get rid of the boredom you had, to you what you did was like your source of entertainment as everything else felt simple, boring and repetitive for you and neither of you would hesitate to put anyone else in harm's way if it means you win. But this world is different, this world can provide you plenty of entertainment."

'You can't reject my offer since you know that I would force you anyway but if you willingly work for me you might have chance to find a way to escape my control while growing stronger under my nose before ending me, so you will still have to work for me. Even though you may think I'm already aware of your plan, there's no other way out of this and my offer seems enticing knowing the possibilities in this world.' I think and my grin widens behind my mask when I confirm my theory with Telepathy.

{A/N: L in an episode of Death Note was talking about different kind of monsters existing in the world and called himself a lying monster, the most dangerous and annoying kind, they fool you and pretend to be what they are not. Pretending to be happy when they are not, pretending that they love you when they are only using you, studying even they don't like just because it's necessary and all, in fact L and Light are very similar.

Let me know what you think of this chapter, I think I might change it since I feel that something is missing so I want suggestions. And give me some power stones if you want me to continue guys.}