

Do you know how it feels when you are prohibited to explore the known? I am such an inquisitive person. I just can't stay read my research books and seeing other people's discoveries, when I can definitely discover mine and I know one day, I will have my findings on books too. But my nemesis won't allow me; I'm talking about my parents. They want the best for me but they don't just know me. Okay they do, but they don't understand my reasons. Wait… they do too. They know how much I love exploring but they don't want me getting arrested or even taken away by some C.I.A agent or something like that. Well I'm just 15 and honestly, anything can happen in this conventional world. Most times, me and my group―my best friends―go out to explore at night and day. Most times, I'm caught by my parents especially my mum or snitched on by my annoying brothers; James and Milles. Apparently, I get grounded and I think my highest time being grounded is five months or six. But this time, I have it all planned out by me and my two besties. I forgot to say this; I'm pretty much of a talkative and I'm Annalise.

Addiethemask · Adolescente
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3 Chs


Delilah's P.O.V:

Of all things in this world, we forgot Anna's yoga lessons. This is just messed up. I take my walkie-talkie (WT) and punch the button.

"Anna, Char, over," I say to the WT. I am super annoyed. If Annalise gets grounded, I'm surely…

"Delilah over,' Anna and Charlotte chorus.

"We have a big problem. An enormous problem a gigantic problem a…" I say but Charlotte cuts in sharp.

"Just go straight to the point," Charlotte says through the WT.

"Okay, let me guess, our plan is a fail and my mother is on her way home?" Anna says to the WT.

"Yes we forgot your yoga lessons with her." I say and throw my hands in the air.

"Let's do more of the walking than more of the talking. Shall we?" Charlotte says rudely through the WT.

"Delilah, stall her big time and give it your best shot," Anna says through the WT. Stalling is not my thing it is Dylan's.

"Se ya'll in the house," I say and cut the liaison. Stalling is Dylan's middle name, well, he isn't he is just good at what he does. What a cliché. It takes exactly 15mins to get to Anna's house. And my legs are crying. They aren't good for walking. Think Deli, think. Light bulb! Well, Anna's mum doesn't run she jogs. So that is an advantage for me. I run back to the restaurant I bought my smoothie, and I spot Austin. I run to him and obviously he sees worry in my eyes.

"What's up with you don't look good nor act good," he says cocking his eyebrow.

"I need to bike badly; I'll pay you whatever you need. I just need that bike." I say hastily.

"Sure," he begins and I run spontaneously to his bike and hop on it.

"What happened?" he asks.

"I'll explain later," I clamor as o ride off. I ride as fast as I can and then I check my stopwatch, Anna's mum should be heading to a restaurant to buy healthy things before arriving home. This has never happened before like this. Oh crap! I gently take my WT and click the button as I put it in my breast pocket. This is pretty dangerous though.

"Dylan over," I say as I put my hand on the handle of the bike.

"Hey Delilah what do you need?" he says in a childish, sweet caring voice. His boy is an adorable nerd.

"Dylan your mum is on her way to the supermarket to buy healthy things. After that, she'll go home. Can you stall her?" I say and increase my speed a little.

"Oh snap! Leave the stalling to me just keep me updated." He says through the WT.

"Oh good. I knew I could count on you,"

Annalise's P.O.V:

"Come on charlotte be quick I do not want to get grounded," I say and in a hurry and waiting for her to finish packing her things and lacing her shoes.

"Yeah I'm done now," she says and smiles at me. We start running and I'm not a good runner at all. She is like lightning.

"Anna you're slow, keep up the pace," she clamors from the front. As I try to run faster, I fall flat and my legs hurt so badly. And I sprung my ankle. Why now? I shout for her help she doesn't hear. In fact, I can't see her anymore.

"Char, over" I say to the WT as I am on the floor breathing intensely.

"Anna, where are you?" she asks worriedly.

"Don't, worry just stay where we kept our bikes, I'll be there." I say and massage my ankles. It hurts.

"Anna," she says worriedly.

"Trust me," I say and go off. As I try to stand something catches my eye. Oh my Jeez! It is a pink foot print that glows and it looks exactly like the blue one. But the foot print look feminine not masculine. I hope I'm right I think there are two creatures maybe even more. I kneel close to eat and I feel the urge to touch it and suddenly I do not feel pain anymore. It doesn't spark like the blue one, this one just healed me. I take a picture of it and shove my phone back into my pocket. This creature is in the forest and it is s different specie of the blue foot print.

"Anna, are you moving at all?!" she shouts and I'm startled. I completely forgot. I run as fast as I can come to think of it, I'm running way too fast. Too fast. I have never been this fast in my life. Hmm… the foot prints definitely have something to do with this. I finally spot Charlotte, she looks, annoyed, relived at the same time, surprised.

"Where did you get that speed from?" she asks and we hop on our bikes and start riding.

"I will tell you later," I say and smile. I ride my legs become faster and faster I do not understand.

"Anna really, your speed is unbelievable. What's going on?" She asks.

"Can we go home first? I promise to tell you everything," I say.

"Okay, if you say so," she says and shakes her head looking at my legs' paddling speed. I must say, I'm scared a little scared.

"We are almost home," I say.

Dylan's P.O.V:

"Activate Stall Mum," I say to my computer," and it pops up the CCTV camera of this city; Meaithon. Since I put a GPS tracker on mum's hair, I know exactly where she is. She is six minutes away from the house and I'm affirmative I can stop her. In my CCTV footage she enters a shop that sells fruits, veggies and smoothies; just like Delilah said. She finishes buying all that she needs and gets ready to pay. The person scanning the price serial number begins to scan. This is exactly when I start stalling. I hack into their computer and they seem to have problem with the prices. He keeps trying and trying it doesn't work; mum looks infuriated. This is exactly why she doesn't like technology. Well, she can't deprive from what I love like Annalise's. She constantly checks her stopwatch and she looks intolerant. She does something that surprises me; she leaves the shop without collecting her groceries. Why and what! This is all messed up where is she jogging to? Oh no!

Hey.. Dear readers...

Thank you for the reads but please rate them and do follow me.

I'll be posting every weekends because of school..

I'm just 15 in the 11th grade.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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