

Do you know how it feels when you are prohibited to explore the known? I am such an inquisitive person. I just can't stay read my research books and seeing other people's discoveries, when I can definitely discover mine and I know one day, I will have my findings on books too. But my nemesis won't allow me; I'm talking about my parents. They want the best for me but they don't just know me. Okay they do, but they don't understand my reasons. Wait… they do too. They know how much I love exploring but they don't want me getting arrested or even taken away by some C.I.A agent or something like that. Well I'm just 15 and honestly, anything can happen in this conventional world. Most times, me and my group―my best friends―go out to explore at night and day. Most times, I'm caught by my parents especially my mum or snitched on by my annoying brothers; James and Milles. Apparently, I get grounded and I think my highest time being grounded is five months or six. But this time, I have it all planned out by me and my two besties. I forgot to say this; I'm pretty much of a talkative and I'm Annalise.

Addiethemask · Teen
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3 Chs


Annalise P.O.V:

We stride through the bushes for a while and we enter a small forest. I follow the marks I made the last time I came here. I have always come here since I was in the 9th Grade. My class back then, came to a forest near this place for camping, while they were camping, Delilah, Charlotte and I walked to this forest and saw this.

"Charlotte, the microscope," I utter and bend down close to it. It is a foot print of a tiny animal that glows sky blue, it is so mesmerizing and it night it glows a very bright blue. I'm positive this specie isn't on earth. Well I do believe in aliens out of space but I'm not so sure if it is from there either. We have tested it we found out, when placed in water, it still glows. Today I brought a microscope to see these particles of sand.

"Here," she gives me from her back-pack. P.s we stole it from school. I put the sand particles and I watch the sand. It shows a lot a lot of electricity parks like before I checked; nothing much from this thing. I need more answers. There is a creature in this forest and I l now it is hiding. I just know it. I sigh and lean my head on a tree.

"Anna, don't tell me you're giving up already," Charlotte says and stands in front of me.

"Well, it seems so. I so much know this creature or whatever it is here in this forest but where?" I say and hold my brown hair in frustration.

"Come on let's search, we might find something this night, our ultimate plan for you to escape cannot be in vain," she says and pulls me up.

"Sure, let's go then…" I say and hold my torch.

"We walked to this direction the last time, so let's go north-west," she says and gives me the map.


"So, what do you think the creature looks like? Or what do you think about it?" she asks and hops over a branch.

"Well, it should be a shy small creature, that's all," I say and bend over a branch.

"Well, Dylan said he is still working on it… ah…! Spider! Spider!" She clamors and I stay quiet about to laugh.

"Charlotte, really? You aren't scared of bears, foxes, dogs, and other huge animals but a little spider, you are scared?" I say in astonishment.

"Well it is creepy. It has 8 legs and creepy eyes," she says inaudibly and I hear a ruffling noise.

"Charlotte, You heard what I heard right?" I say.

"Yeah, but honestly girl, what was that?" She says and points her torch to the direction of the noise.

"Charlotte, it sounded like a rat," I say and drop my bag on the ground cautiously.

"Anna if it is giant spider I'm going home," she says and retrogrades.

"Chill, I'm going to check it out, stay here if you are going to chicken out," I say and walk to towards the noise. I bend down and open the bushes… it's a rat as I suspected. I hold it and put off my torch.

"Anna what is it?" She asks in horror.

"It…is…a…huge…SPIDER!" I shout at her.

"Very funny, Anna, very funny," she says sarcastically.

"Charlotte, it is a rat," I say and let it down and it races away.

"But it really, don't scare me like that," she says.

"Whatever, talk to Delilah now," I instruct.

Delilah's P.O.V:

"Umm… I didn't know… you…jog this much," I say as I jog sluggishly out of breath.

"Come on! Anna will be very proud of you… you know what? Let's have a break. You are sure a novice at this," She stops and takes a look at me.

"Well, I'm not good at this at all. Is exercise really that important?" I ask and I sit on a bench drinking water.

"Definitely yes! Your body needs to be fit so you won't be like that lady," she points at a probably 40 years old woman who looks like she just cracked a spinal cord.

"Oooh… sorry ma'am!" I shout to the lady.

"It's okay dear," the lady says.

"You see," Anna's mum says smiling.

"I guess you are right," I say and I hear Charlotte's voice through my walkie-talkie.

"Who is that?" Anna's mum asks.

"Umm… Charlotte… umm… excuse me; I will buy a smoothie drink while I talk to her. I've got to be healthy!" I say and jog off to a drinks shop. I sit and take my walkie-talkie.

"Delilah over," I say to the walkie-talkie.

"Finally! How are you guys doing over there?" Charlotte asks through the walkie-talkie.

"We're cool but my legs hurt so badly," I say.

"Well, it's my mum you were jogging with what did you expect?' Annalise says through the walkie-talkie.

"Hey Delilah, what brings you here?" Austin ―a friend of mine who works here―asks me.

"Hey, Umm…I want any smoothie drink that can boost my energy, I was just jogging," I say to him and he looks out the window and sees Jasmine, (Anna's mum) skipping rope.

"You were jogging with Annalise's mother?!" He asks in astonishment.

"That sounds like Austin, Delilah where are you?" Annalise asks through the walkie-talkie.

"I'm in Healthy & Fit. I need a break from jogging," I say to the walkie-talkie.

"Austin. Yeah I was," I say in annoyance.

"Tell Austin I said hi," Charlotte says through the walkie-talkie.

"Is that Charlotte?" Austin asks and gives me a smoothie.

"Yea… she said I should tell you hi…" I say and he smiles.

"Tell him I said so too," Annalise says through the walkie-talkie.

"So as Annalise," I say and hop down from the chair. He smiles. I take money from my purse to pay him. He shakes his head, "no, no worries… continue your jogging." I wave him goodbye.

"I'm going off," I say through the walkie-talkie.

"Finally, you're back! We are going home now," Anna's mum says.

"What?!" I clamor and she looks confused.

"Umm… I mean why so sudden? I am ready to continue our jogging thingy… I think it's becoming my thing," I say and smile. Jogging is definitely not my thing!

"Well, my alarm went off and I'm meant to give Annalise yoga lessons in 3 minutes from now," she says. Oh no how did we forget that?

"Race you to the house…" she says and jogs off… Annalise is in big trouble.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

For now just two chapters... see ya later....! Xoxo

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