

A What if for the series we love and request that can be taken and evolved into stories...

Katho_Mim · Cómic
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1 Chs

What If Tanjiro Had Fullbring Part 1

(Background Information)

Alright so if this gonna work out I gotta explain a few things. Number 1 would be that the item that will be the representation of his powers would be his hanafuda earrings. What would be the power? Well of course it would be fire related but you'll see more of what I'm talking about along the way. Lastly, other than this fact, Tanjiro's life up to the start of the story would not be the same so let's get into the Full course before us.


While growing up, Tanjiro and his family lived in the big city as their father was known as a great magician that could summon flames from thin air. What they didn't know was that this was due to a certain family heirloom. This heirlume was the Hanafuda earrings that he had on which allowed him to channel his spiritual energy and execute its powers that allowed him to bring forward miniscule to large fire from thin air. But this happiness wouldn't last forever as Tanjiro's father caught an Illness that wasn't able to be cured and eventually caused his passing. Having no fears as long before his death he taught Tanjiro has to wield the earrings but this also means Tanjiro can't have a normal life as he must provide for his family. Now you must be thinking, then why would Tanjiro become a demon Slayer and all that stuff. Well let's cut to the current moment in Tanjiro's life.

(Present Moment)

Tanjiro had just finished another successful show but he noticed something… Someone in the show smelled strongly of human blood and this put him on edge. "Tanjiro are you ok? Your face seems a bit pale" said a worried Nezuko. Tanjiro just smiles and replies saying "I'm okay Nezuko, Please don't worry about me. Don't you have school tomorrow so let's go eat before we go home." Nezuko beams at this and cheerfully agrees as she skips along the road, Tanjiro smiles at his sister's happiness but he then remembers earlier about the man. You see in this version of events after Tanjiro's father died his mother and other siblings also died as they were killed while coming back from grocery store, Nezuko was at school and Tanjiro was hosting a show. So, Tanjiro is very paranoid in this version of events and so he decided to find and report the man he smelled earlier.

After eating Tanjiro walked Nezuko home as he needed to go back to the office and fill out some more paperwork before he goes to sleep. Once Tanjiro leaves he was halfway there until he smelt it, a large sum of human blood. He caught a glimpse of the man as he made a walked to Tanjiro's home. Tanjiro's eyes widened and he made a beeline for the man but he was held back by the crowd. After getting past many people and reaching his house Tanjiro smelt it…. Blood… Fresh Blood…. Tanjiro ran to Nezuko's room but once he reached it, he felt like vomiting at the horrific sight. Muzan was right there at the window and Nezuko's body was there with blood seeping out. Tanjiro lost his shit and launched a flame blast at Muzan, but he dodged and escaped. Tanjiro ran to the window and yelled out for all to hear "WHEN I FIND YOU I WILL KILL YOU BASTARD!" He ran to help Nezuko up as the building is now on fire, he made a dash for the exit and jumped out of a window and into the water….

*The Next Day*

Under a bridge Tanjiro woke up to water tapping his face, when he opened his eyes there was Nezuko all healed up but something was different but Tanjiro didn't care as he embraced his little sister. But Nezuko had now become a demon and was irrational so she bit into Tanjiro's shoulder and though Tanjiro didn't care as he only cared his sister was alive, a different power took action. It was that day for the very first time that the earrings master took action, he kicked Nezuko away and binded her down with flame restraints that sucked her reiatsu making her exhausted. Tanjiro looked past his tears and looked up at a man he thought looked familiar. This person was Yoriichi, the First Sun Breather. "Tanjiro my descendant, you cannot be weak in the face of danger, you must survive if you want to help your sister" Yoriichi said this to the shocked Tanjiro but right then someone had just arrived on the battlefield. "For the Fiery Spirit of youth I shall vanguesh you!" Rengoku had exclaimed this as he charged at Nezuko. Tanjiro is horrified at the sight and Yoriichi decides to help Tanjiro by possessing Tanjiro's body and charging at Rengoku. "Stop right there, You will not hurt my Sister you stranger!" Says Tanjiro, Rengoku replies saying "Sorry Boy but your sister is long gone so please eliminate the demon in front of me" Tanjiro launches a barrage of fire balls at Rengoku, who was shocked at this attack. "Is This a Demon Blood Art" Rengoku thinks questionly. Right then Rengoku focuses on Tanjiro and like it was instinct, Nezuko had broken out of the flame bindings and grabbed Tanjiro as they nearly avoided an attack from Rengoku. "Now that's surprising to see, a demon protecting a human?" Rengoku remarks.

Tanjiro and Nezuko look at each other and without a word it was almost a telepathic connection as they both charged at Rengoku. Nezuko to the left and Tanjro to the right. Tanjiro launched fireballs at Rengoku which was easily blocked but then he had to dodge a devastating kick from Nezuko. But before he can cut her to pieces Tanjiro had almost hit him with a flame blast and it happened again, before he can attack the other sibling one step in the way and attacks him as Nezuko had tried to Axe kick him. This made no sense to Rengoku as he can tell the Boy was human as the Girl was clearly a demon but not only did she not eat her own kin but she is working in perfect synergy with one another. Rengoku is excited at this prospect but he focuses more to defeat them both and take them to the master. He places away his blade as he moves at speeds Tanjiro can barely see as he knocks out Nezuko and within a blink of an eye he knocks out Tanjiro.

*Later that day*

As sunset comes upon the world Tanjiro wakes up to Nezuko laying right next to him but calmer this time. He smiles while shedding a tear of joy but then he remembers the events that transpired earlier in the day and he immediately rises and scans his surroundings and to his believed terror the man from earlier was sitting right next to them. But Tanjrio smelled no hostility this time around and so decided to approach carefully. "Sir?" Tanjro calls out. Rengoku opens his eyes and stands up as he speaks up "Young Man From This Day Forward You shall be My Student! Hahaha '' Tanjiro's eyes widened as questions Rengoku "What do you mean Student? Why would I do that? Even if I become your Student will my little sisters security be guaranteed?" Rengoku just keeps laughing as he responds "Young Man I promise you this, I will not be the only one that tries to kill your little sister as she is a demon, BUT if you come along with me you and your sister shall be tested by my master depending on his answer your life will be end or improve." Tanjiro felt like crying cause if he doesn't go along, he will be on the run for life and he know he's not strong enough to survive out in the world, and he doesn't know what will happen if he goes with Rengoku as there is a chance that they will just die there. Suddenly a voice starts speaking to him and he glances behind himself and sees Yoriichi talking to him. "Young Tanjiro, go along with Rengoku'' Tanjiro talks aloud saying "But what if it's a trap we just end up dying anyway?" Rengoku and Nezuko are confused about who he is talking to but Rengoku just sums it to him having a temporary concussion. "Listen my Descendant, trust me as I say that you will not only live but become stronger"

Tanjiro nods his head as he realizes Rengoku looking at him strangely and that's when it clicks (Ohhhh They can't see Sensei oh how embarrassing) btw yes thats how he refers to Yoriichi. Rengoku asks "So kid what will it be?" and Tanjiro replies, saying "I will go with you, so show me the way…"

We switch perspectives to the demon king of pop Muzan himself. "DAMMIT HOW COULD THAT LITTLE SHIT GET AWAY!" Muzan is currently throwing a tantrum to be burned by Tanjiro and though it may have been by a little it still pissed him off. Susa and Yaha, the two demons appear; hearing they're master's call. "Yes Master". "I want you to kill the brat with the Hanafuda earrings that can summon flames' ' Muzan commands, and so the two vanish as they leave immediately.

What Will Happen Next In This Action Packed Story Of Ours?

How Will Tanjiro Survive His Encounters at the Demon Corps?

How will Yoriichi's involvement change the story?

We'll see in the next part of What If Tanjiro Had a FullBring!

INSTAGRAM: @legendary_leader257

YouTube: Kato Namikaze

IRL Name: Gerardo Dones Jr

Also if anyone wants to contact me outside of webnovel, then text me on Instagram.